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Voted Off The Island (Kung Ejected From Hillside)


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This is all so surreal and, while I do get a kick out of it in some perverse way, you know it's a major bummer. It was a fascinating vignette is all. As to what the tofu nuzzler's on about you know she's right in her way. I mean she's right because it was her experience. Truly I think you'll find more people's perceptions were like AD's though. I mean this whole dialogue totally negates the fact that I was omnipresent at all of the stages, listening incredibly attentively, dissolving my physical body at times into the music, interacting with the artist's on topics of interests.

Do you want to know Travis Good's thoughts on Garth Hudson?

Do you want to know what Final Fantasy and Cadence Weapon spoke about when I introduced them?

Do you want to know how Amy Millan and her producer Ian Blurton (C'Mon) are together?

Do you want to know what the guys in Matt Mays band are like?

Seriously right now I feel like fuck off. Read the twinkie's fucking review. "I mourned for the dearth of biodiversity and Monsanto's killer grip while Sarah Harmer twanged a Uniform Grey". I mean of course I'll write it up and the parallel to GS's piece would be amusing to say the least but I'm just saying it comes at a cost and in this case it's shame. Could I have got the story differently, sober or soberer, even keeled, diplomatic, professional- unfortunately I sense not. The bulk of music journalism is just so repetitive and ill conceived, based on cursory reads of bios and stilted email interviews. It's a fucking crock and Exclaim! as great as it's getting just doesn't have balls. Forget about Chartattack. Pitchfork is for intellectual tyrants and I should know. Hence this media our media makes me proud at times at least for the intense engagement we have with one another and the musical community.

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It's funny because going into the festival I found myself saying "buy the ticket take the ride" and "when the going gets weird the weird turn pro". I must have known how this would play out.

I've learned two morals from this whole affair:

Do not play cowboys and indians on mushrooms at hippy festivals.

The gonzo dagger is mighty sharp and will slice your thigh even in its sheath

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The bulk of music journalism is just so repetitive and ill conceived, based on cursory reads of bios and stilted email interviews. It's a fucking crock and Exclaim! as great as it's getting just doesn't have balls. Forget about Chartattack. Pitchfork is for intellectual tyrants and I should know. Hence this media our media makes me proud at times at least for the intense engagement we have with one another and the musical community.

please tell me then your review(s) aren't destined for Echo's stagnant pages.....

there was a certain point I was hazily pondering which musicians bi-pedal ornament would meet your solar plexus this year and mentally voted Ian Blurton so it must've been after or during C'mon's set...funny as I had the conversation with a couple people who were pondering vaguely the same thing. Is getting booted out worse than getting booted? Less physical than philisophical I guess.

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Sorry to hear about your luck that's really a shame.

I do take issue with Holy Fuck putting the New Deal or anyone else in the scene to shame.

While they are good at what they do, that's a mighty big call and highly debatable. Can't sign off on that one.

Since 9/11 I think it's bad form to cruise around with replica guns. Leave the fake guns at home.

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Sorry to hear about your luck that's really a shame.

Yes a real fucking shame a fucknut with a weapon, ruining everone's good time gets thrown out. Zero lay off the drugs you ignorant fuck! Jesus you are a pathetic fuck! The drugs made me do it!!HAHA

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Wasn't Sybil an abused child who was full time psychotic? The details of Sybil's stor might prevent you from just throwing around her name as an adjective if you thought it through.

Kid, your name says it all. GuelphStudent.

I was a Guelph Student too and could see your overzealous judgment coming from the opposite end of wineguard back in 2001.

We should meet up and I'll introduce you to the people like you from 5 years ago. You may not recognize them as you now though because they've since stopped with the judgement fest and cease to identify themselves soley by their perceived politics.

It took you 2 posts to expose your sexual orientation....find a personality to identify with outside of where you choose to park your libedo.

I fuck green peppers for the record.


Deeps, that was fantastic!!!! I just grew a whole new admiration for a stranger.

Luke, have fun, I have to admit, that gun freaked me out on a mushroom trip a few years back, but, no harm, no foul.

the moment has passed...

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1) Kung is my shepherd I shall not want.

2) What's zero's current GPA as a student of human nature?

3) If someone with a multiple personality disorder is offended by the Sybil reference, I'm sure the rest of them don't mind.

4) zero is neither Hunter S. nor Manson, and it obviously troubles him.

5) I sincerely hope this doesn't go where it's gone before.

Points 1-4 can freely be deleted.

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Look guys like Gentlemonkey, Velvet, Deeps, Booche and a handful of others can say whatever the fuck they want about me because it's true likely and they have a basis for the judgment. They also on some level, though some more than others, respect me. Someone like Velvet I actually sort of fear his judgment but then again in 8 years when I'm his age I'd expect to have mellowed a great deal be in a position to make such prognostications and moreover be a slaughterhouse of a writer. Then again he's a killer guitar player.

I don't want to be Hunter and I don't want to be Manson. Maybe Baudelaire. All these guys public bravado was counterpointed by their inward insecurities and most often grovelling for money. Compare Hunter's and Baudelaire's correspondence and besides a common predeliction for hash and syphilitic women they share a constant brokeness and begging for the mercy of editors and patrons.

Just wait til you see the write up. And for the record it was during Lubo Alexandrov's Kaba Horo set and I spoke to him for an hour in Montreal today, about music and a bit about the incident and he was truly dismayed and said I was 'super harmless' and that he really dug having me in the audience. Sorry to burst your bubbles.

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Ahh... the annual love/hate zero thread.

Guelphstudent, why do we defend zero?

Because we know him and have grown to love him. Trust me, and Luke knows this, the first time I met him he was a real prick to me and I would have agreed with every word you said. I don’t know how I got to know him, I think I stupidly tried be so nice that he couldn't be a jerk. You see I'm on of those writers drawing unicorns in my hemp notebook ;) Instead of winning him over, he won me over with his intelligence, his honesty and his pretty open moments of self-loathing, which are so fucking human.

Do you wish everyone followed social etiquette in every given situation? You dont! I would have thought you'd appreciate Luke's originality (obviously something you have in common). IMO Thank God for Luke and all those people who push the boundaries and bring colour to our existence.

Apologies to those who had to throw up at the sweetness of my words, but they're true.

We know Luke, some love him, many don’t. We dont know you. We're a willing community, and we'll give you a chance... but trashing a well known member of this community is not the best way to make friends. But I guess you only came here to share your review with a group of people you don’t know?

Luke - just recently I got in trouble with the cops for doing a really stupid thing (in their eyes). Some of us are too laidback and not walking around thinking worse case scenario. What happened at Hillside is quite simply, bad luck and a great story.

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Comes down to this GS - Dont get me wrong, we dont condone asshole behavior when it happens. But I dont think we should take ourselves too seriously either. I'm in the 'shake my head and laugh' group. Trashing people online is cowardly.
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Lubo Alexandrov - Kaba Horo

...But you're super harmless. It seems so ridiculous for a toy gun . They should not have harassed you they should have been keeping their eyes on other people. It's not correct to treat you like you're some strange person, I don't see why they would especially since the festival's so much about peace, love and happiness. Everyone parties and become silly. But we're still right in the middle of Ontario, I don't think this would have happened out west.

We've played places where people actually have guns. The reality in gypsy villages at the weddings is that the guys who run the show are often criminals. These are three day drunk standing weddings where if people don't like the music they might really shoot you. For sure they wave guns and shoot them in the air. These three day weddings are run by rich gypsy familias and they are sometimes in illegal businesses. I mean my dad has a machine gun- a Kalishnakov. I hate guns I think they should all be gathered up and thrown out.... Some of these places the bodyguards will beat you up or protect you. I know a mafia guy in Bulgaria who had a gypsy orchestra on call 24/7 and they'd have to come by car travelling fast because if they were slow they'd be hurt and if fast they'd be paid well. So they're making music as they're coming out of the cars and this guy like shoots the contrabass, I saw the bullet holes in it. But they give them lots of money so they're willing to put up with this monkey business. People shoot each other where I fucking live...

The thing is we don't want people to be appropriate to our music. We want expression, anything this isn't sit down and meditate stuff this is get up and dance your ass off. Lie on the ground and shake if you want. In London at the Sun Festival there was this asian guy at the front of the stage almost having an epileptic fit and the crowd was so uptight and seated. I went up to him afterward and gave him a CD because I was so happy he was that into it. We're playing the gypsy funk.

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I had an AWESOME chat with Lubo today and I HIGHLY recommend everyone listen to samples of his music here. Basically they play tradition Gypsy (properly called Roma music) but with modern jazz and groove flourishes. Any booker or club promoter (Jaydawg, kc, whiteymuseum) should seriously seriously consider booking these guys. Some of the most authentic and exciting music I've heard in years. The Barr brothers would really dig this guy and they're both in Montreal I hope I can put them together. Anyways that snippet of my interview was most relevant, although other parts pertaining to the music at Hillside will be in my review (I think it will be so massive I'll have to run it here- I'd like to).

And yes. This is sort of tragic I did lose some really good material and totally unretrievable, at one point my papers were blowing around and they wouldn't even let me out of my seat to gather them. It was really humiliating and so unnerving. I can't imagine they took anything, I seriously hope not cause I just can't get my head around why, I'm presuming the pertinent passages blew off.

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Funny, I saw Kaba Horo at Sunfest in London and remember the Chinese guy too. The people I was with were like, "get a load of this freak!" Everyone was enjoying him though, like he was a part of the show. A good part. Mind you, his man-boobs weren't jiggling and he wasn't waving a gun.


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I would have liked to go out on that note but Rollie just sent me an email after I sort of offered an apology in case I'd been a dink.

Cadence Weapon (Rollie Pemberton)

Well, you were a lot of fun, overall. I found your dancing fairly amusing, as I've always appreciated people who aren't afraid to dance,

no matter how ridiculous they may appear. I find you to be a fairly original dude and didn't mind having you around at all.

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