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Everything posted by DevO

  1. DevO

    Hey KevO

    Nope... And I'm afraid to look!
  2. You'd have to have Inspector Gadget arms to even touch the bottom two.
  3. Hope to see you there BB! I think my group is going to camp out at Boiler Rat's friend's place, just a few short kms from the venue.
  4. Terence Blanchard 9pm tonight Confederation Park FREE Awesome!
  5. DevO

    Hey KevO

  6. An easy consolation is that instead you can come to the Hammer to see the Ti Cats pummel the Argos once and for all. Its a one of a kind experience seeing the Argos play in Hamilton meggo!
  7. They played in Ottawa a month or two ago... BUt it was like $50. WOuld love to see them sometime though.
  8. This Saturday! ANyone getting excited for some Canadian Rock?
  9. Well I for one am very excited by what's going on, and will probably catch a lot of the free stuff in the free tent as it looks like the headliners will be strong. Hope to catch some of the club shows too if they aren't too pricey. A little freaked out by how few band names I actually recognize on there, and even fewer whose music I've actually heard! I'd like to see: George Clinton & the P-Funk Allstars United Steelworkers of Montreal Lee Scratch Perry Kid Koala Serena Ryder a DJ set by Speech of Arrested Development Matt Mays Wintersleep Thunderheist Elliot Brood RJD2 Great Lake Swimmers Gift of Gab I'm sure there tons of other good ones that I don't know about.
  10. Awesome, thanks for sharing! Sounds like the trip of a lifetime.
  11. My friend Mark Baker is set to arrive and set up shop in Halifax in mid-August. He's a singer-guitarist-songwriter from Dublin who has spent the past several years heading his band Saint John The Gambler in Seoul, Korea. He needs a bassist for his band. They are a mix of folk and rock and roll. His influences include: Tom Waits, Bob Dylan, Bonnie Prince Billy, The Band, The Byrds, Waylon Jennings, Bruce Springsteen, Van Morrison.... Click here to check out his band's MySpace: LINK And Mark Baker's own MySpace: LINK Not sure exactly what he's going to be 'going for' on the next project.. But anyhoo that's gives you some idea of what he's got going on. Let me know if you know of any bassists who might like to contact him and help him out. Cheers!
  12. Add 10 cents per word for bold and italics.
  13. And definitely NO COMMAS or words like IT'S, SHE'S, etc. Stretch those words out..
  14. This fest is starting to look GOOD!
  15. QUICK! What's the cheapest/best patio in Sandy Hill and/or The Market? Damnit I am still clueless when it comes to this town!
  16. Anyone know the schedule for tonight? And cost?
  17. DevO

    Ryan Adams

    What is the go-to Whiskeytown album? I will giver a go.
  18. DevO

    Ryan Adams

    Holy jesus! It took a long time to go through all that.. I grabbed: - Fucker - 48 Hours - Destroyer - Jacksonville City Nights Bonus tracks - 06-29-2007 Somerville Thanks Kev!!
  19. I fixed up the subject title.. Woops!
  20. http://www.jambands.ca/sanctuary/showtopic.php?tid/252154/ FYI
  21. DevO

    darien tix?

    Got mine (through Ticketmaster) 2 or 3 months ago.
  22. Anyone else catch this last night? I thought it was a pretty damn good show. It was my first time seeing The Acorn, a band I've been looking forward to seeing for a year and a half or so. Some really amazing moments, I think they're great songwriters, though I do find some of their songs a bit repetitive at times. I found the stange banter quite awkward about half the time. Pretty funny to see the keyboardist/moog (?) guy and the lead guitarist smokin the devil's lettuce openly on stage. My girlfriend seemed particularly enchanted with the lead singer and the drummer on the left.
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