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Everything posted by DevO

  1. Is that Westdale High School in Hamilton in the background of that picture? (ps - that lineup still sucks!)
  2. The only one I might go to is Blue Rodeo.. If they have that $10.70 ticket promotion that is!
  3. BRUTAL. You know that when Whitesnake and Def Leppard are among the most exciting acts of the Summer, you've got a fairly shit summer lineup.
  4. DevO

    10 Minute Mail

    I have an old email address that I now only use for making purchases, signing up for things, mailing lists, etc - not for personal mail. I guess this serves the same function as 10 Minute Mail eh?
  5. Wish I didn't have to miss this one.
  6. Happy bday! Good to see ya last night.
  7. Beers before AD? Or anybody? Foosball at the billiards hall above Babylon perhaps?
  8. Happy belated Huxter!
  9. Does anyone have any info on this Rogers Spring Festival in Hamilton on May 9? All I know is The Spades and Grady are playing at it.
  10. Yes I am Bouche! Sidenote: You're in Gatineau right? Why not swing by this free show at 4pm on Sunday at the Museum of Civilization? James Hill - "the Wayne Gretzky of the ukulele".
  11. This Sunday! See you there?
  12. Maybe BSS under the guise of Charlie Spearin's new project. I seem to recall hearing that Apostle of Hustle are working on a new album too, though that might've been a dream. Seems that crew is there every single year. The Acorn. Did they play last year? The Arkells seem to be hitting it big this Summer. Not sure who else.. I'm out of the loop!
  13. I've actually been planning a Band pilgrimage tour with a few friends this summer and it was originally inspired by your post Prost. I reallllly want to line it up with the Phish Darien show this August if possible. Unfortunately Levon doesn't have any dates listed past June 18. Anyways, tix for the Ramble aren't cheap ($125 each) but I'm sure its worth every penny.
  14. From today's Globe: Ontario to introduce legislation today on ticket sales KEITH LESLIE Canadian Press April 29, 2009 at 7:44 AM EDT TORONTO — Ontario will take on U.S. entertainment giant Ticketmaster today by introducing legislation to stop companies from reselling concert tickets at inflated prices on resale site that they own, the Canadian Press has learned. Attorney General Chris Bentley will introduce amendments to Ontario's Ticket Speculation Act that the government believes will help ensure consumers have fair access to tickets for concerts, sporting events and the theatre, sources said. “This is about fairness,†Mr. Bentley is quoted as saying in a release. “Ontarians have spoken out clearly, resoundingly and unequivocally against companies benefiting from the primary and secondary markets.†The legislation would prohibit related primary and secondary ticket sellers from selling tickets to the same event. Ticketmaster owns the resale site TicketsNow, but has always maintained it does not own tickets offered on TicketsNow, which it says is open to anyone reselling tickets. Ticketmaster also says it does not give TicketsNow preferred or exclusive access to any tickets. Individuals could be fined up to $5,000 and corporations up to $50,000 for violating Ontario's proposed new rules. The legislation responds to public concern that companies may make tickets available for sale on the primary market and then again on the secondary market, at a much higher price, said the release. Last month, Industry Minister Tony Clement asked the federal Competition Bureau to investigate Ticketmaster, but internal documents obtained by the Canadian Press show the federal government has limited options for dealing with allegations of inflated ticket prices. “The legislative consumer protection instruments and powers in regard to this matter rest largely at the provincial level,†said the censored document, obtained under the Access to Information Act. Ticketmaster purchased TicketsNow last year for $265 million (U.S.), and takes a cut of every ticket resold through TicketsNow in addition to the original service charges it levies when tickets are first sold. Four class-action lawsuits have been filed against the company in Ontario, Manitoba and Alberta, provinces that have anti-scalping legislation on the books. Artists from Bruce Springsteen to Charlie Pride have lashed out at TicketsNow and other on-line resale sites for charging fans hugely inflated prices for concert tickets. In February, Ticketmaster agreed to a voluntary deal with the New Jersey attorney general — a deal that applies throughout the United States — to prevent sales on TicketsNow until the initial sale has begun on the main Web site. The settlement, which included a payment of $350,000 to the state, followed a public outcry over sales of tickets to a Feb. 2 concert by Mr. Springsteen. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20090429.wtickets0429/BNStory/National/home
  15. Hey Brad, my Mother is a travel agent and I'd be glad to put you in touch if you're interested..
  16. Looks like a lot of good events! I'd love to go to the Thursday show but instead I'm going to a free show that's part of BC Scene -- broke and unemployed, gotta watch the spending. Looking forward to the Acorn at WestFest. I'll hopefully make it out to either the Elmdale show or the pulled pork sandwiches though. The Sadies are this Sunday too!
  17. I will be attempting an internet purchase, calendar marked!
  18. Great review, thanks! Making me really want to catch this band once again.
  19. Damn I'm outta the loop.. What went down?
  20. Got mine too; for this one and the Sea to Sky one. I live on Cooper about a 20 second walk from the church that this Hard Rubber show is at. You guys should stop by beforehand on Saturday V.
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