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Okay, so I'm inquisitive....


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I know, I know.... so I ask a lot of questions. [Razz]

Here's one for y'all:

If you could have one book instantly memorized, cover to cover, what book would you want it to be?

I'm going with either the Bible or The Celestine Prophecy.

Knowing the Bible cover to cover would certainly help me articulate my side of the religious debates I seem to get into sometimes.

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There was a story on CBC Radio last night about some guy who is reading the whole Encyclopaedia Britannica (at least I think it was Britannica). It's gonna take him just over a year going a 100 pages a day. It would be cool to just have all that stuff instantly in your head - and think of the fun you could have Cliff Clavin'ing your friends! [Wink]


Mr. M.

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People people people the Celestine Prophecy is about one step away from L. Ron Hubbard. Likewise with Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, they're all fine and good if you're a seventeen year old boy or girl experimenting with marihuana for the first time but then they have got to go. Next thing you're going to be adding Sophie's World to the list. Sorry I just hate those survey type books for their simplification of complex themese and drifts in western culture, they're a good entree to the ideas but then you've got to go to the source.

Not sure what I'd say, I've got all these little pithy bits and pieces committed to memory. Probably my two favourite novels Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky) and the Red and the Black (Stendhal) came to mind first if only for their depth of insight into the human condition.

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i have to side with booche on this one with The Tao of Pooh and The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran and The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav...(Ms. Hux if you like the celestine prophecy you should check this one out by Gary Zukav...its great)

cheers, nellie

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no worries ms. hux, your questions are great! the more the merrier. :D

all of you have supplied excellent answers, i'd pick any of 'em. but to avoid repeating anything, i would say.... either a really huge, giantic french and italian (all smushed into one!) dictionary/textbook so i could speak both, OR, a giant book with the score of the entire beatles catalogue so i could sit down at a piano or pick up a guitar and instantly be able to play any beatles song, at any given time. that'd be fun for sure! go campfires!

mr. musicface, now if that isn't a number one choice for a who wants to be a millionaire phone-a-friend, i don't know what is.

ms. zimmy, heehee, i think i've read that book enough times to have it almost memorized! hahaha

and ahess.... that my friend, was fricken gold... hahahahahahahaha :D

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The Koran (Quaran), just so I could understand the other side of the coin. Obviously, the Arab world is entirely different than the one we live in over here and I figure that a little understanding couldn't hurt.

Yup, great idea, just make sure to realise that there's more than two sides to the religion coin... And it's not entirely different, all major religions share the same themes, just written in different prose with different characters. The Quran is a beautiful book, I've gotten through it twice (raised Anglican and have never read the Bible even, go figure)

My picks for the original questions are Hitchhiker's Guide and Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test. I've yet to find a really good biography of Mozart... Can anyone help with that?



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"The Complete Works of William Shakespeare," just cuz it would make me look, y'know, smart, rattling off all those quotations, even though I'd have no real understanding of the text.

(Of course, it would have to be in its original Klingon.)

Or I could memorize "Alice in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass," preferably in German. Jabberywocky sounds so much cooler in German.

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OR, a giant book with the score of the entire beatles catalogue so i could sit down at a piano or pick up a guitar and instantly be able to play any beatles song, at any given time. that'd be fun for sure! go campfires!

Princess, Bouche actually has the book with the scores of every Beatles' song. It's incredible to watch him and Hux flip through it with their guitars.

You're welcome over any time you want to get busy with the memorizing of it. ;)

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I'm not sure really what book I would love to know cover to cover in my head....

So many books I love reading,but I'm not sure if I would want them to be completely memerized,part of reading my favourites is not just the story itself,but the solitude,quiet and mental images I create while reading them.

If I had to pick one,I guess The Dali Lama's Book of Wisdom

I borrowed it from a friend and wish I had retained more then I did,great words to live by in my opinion (wish I could dedicate myself I bit better to it)

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