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so what do you all do for a living????

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can sign up for psychadelaerobics classes. I'm looking to drop a few pounds for summer or maybe i'm looking to pick up a pound or 2???

yeah, i'm interested in that too babsy! I think you should talk to Mark about holding some psychadelaerobics classes in the morning at CTMF.

I think it's a great idea but the other co-creator (backbacon) isn't going to be there unfortunately and well, a lot of the stuff just wouldn't work without him :(

Example - if anyone's seen the "hog-tie", it'd look really silly with just me performing!

We'll see though....maybe I can figure something out?!?!

I really don't think I could go on living if I heard that you had replaced me with a different calf boy. We really aught to get on putting that psychedelaerobic series out! We are sitting on a gold mine! I don't know about you, but I sure could handle living off royalty cheques the rest of my life! Honestly, if you want to lose a quick 50 pounds over a couple weeks, start every day with a 30 minute psychadelaerobic workout. Just be sure to adhere to the guidelines. There will be many guest appearance spots available... just have to apply.

Here's a picture of Babsy "Handsome Johnny Luckowich" Mudcock (green shirt) during a goalie race...


best hit ever!

ANother part of Babsy's Maple Leaf job is where he randomly selects someone walking through the door to participate in an on-ice promotion during the second intemission for a chance to shoot for $1000!! I knew we should have went to that outdoor rink that afternoon so I could practise my shot. Grr, I don't even want to think of that catastrophy!

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How many commercials are actually filmed underwater, though?

Nice one Brad. I'll whip you up some Choco-chip pancakes next time we "moe" together.

Time for some shameless promotion.

We have just launched our own audio/video editing company in Toronto for Animation, Film & TV, calling ourselves "Renegade Audio". Any animators out there who need post services, check us out. We've done everything from "Medabots" to "Franklin The Turtle".



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Actually we only do TV-type underwater commercials for upcoming porno films.

And I can teach students how to dive hungover, hell of a treat that is, but it's the best place in the world to puke. You don't get any on ya!

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I have a B.A. Geography from the University of Windsor

I have a Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology (Mechatronics)

I work in a factory at the end of a tube mill deburring stainless steel tubing :(

I also work at The Beer Store, my first love :o distributing beer to all the thirsty 'hard working' bums in downtown KW.


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well right now i work at a company that takes oil pipeline data from big oil companies in the states and i convert that data using autocad and another program. It is totally against what i believe...helping these companies make more money but it is a job for now. Contract is up in July...here's hoping they don't renew until october so i can have some time off!!

And once a week i clean an office and get paid really well for it. Takes about 2 hours tops.

Other than that, my real passion that I rarely get paid for (but should be gettin paid for) is doing nutritional consultations and Iridology. I have finished my first year of my Clinical Herbalist diploma but have put that on hold for a bit till i know where i want to finish it. Soon enough, that will be how i make my livin'..... :: :: ::

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I work at the Art Bank, which is part of the Canada Council for the Arts. The Art Bank has a huge collection of contemporary Canadian artworks. We rent those out to private and public organizations. And we purchase artworks from artists once a year. I do administrative work there. It's a pretty cool place.

Bouche, you work at Transport Canada. They rent a few works from us, in Minister and Deputy Minister's area, and other sections too. Seen any?

Art Bank

Canada Council for the Arts

Ollie worked on the programming for above web sites, by the way. Bouche, can you get Ollie a job? He wants to try the government for a while.

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