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In Need of Some Good Vibes...


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Hey Ya'll.

I'm feeling really shitty today (and lately) because of strings of bad news and situations that have been plaguing me. Firstly, I lost an extremely important job here in Hamilton that I really thought I had in the bag. Secondly, I'm at odds with this fantastic girl here because I simply don't know what the hell is going with us and it's eating me up from the inside. Thirdly, I have exams coming up and I have to ace them to survive here at Mac and finally, some people close to me just don't seem to be getting any better, health wise lately.

I'm just down today and I've come to you guys because I consider you phamily. Hope everyone has a great day and I'll see or speak to you soon-

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I'd check bouche's 'happy nero day' post for a lift...

you should come by sanzwill band at polo's tonight and hang out for a bit... hard to get much good done when you're a stress ball... come out take a load off and shake your feet

there's a job around every corner, if its meant to be with a girl it'll be, best thing you can do for other people is be the best you that you can... if you're in good shape it lifts other people, and their health

exams are best written when not stressed... don't give yourself the internal dialogue of "if I don't ace this everything is going to suck".... relax and you'll do fine if you know your stuff... and its a lot easier to know your stuff if you're relaxed...

get out of your turmoil bubble and stop by polo's for an hour or two tonight... kick back with some good folk who'd appreciate the company

peace bro


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Hey Shaine, sorry to hear about your string of bad and hard luck. I've had plenty of horrible things happen to me and my families over the years, and every bad situation has only made me stronger and a better person. If I can give you some, hopefully, good advice, make school first priority. School seems to be the most immediate of your problems. Study hard and don't get too distracted. People who care about you should support you in your studies. If they don't, then...

Second, you can't really do much with other peoples' health problems, other than be emotionally supportive. Just be there when they need you.

Lastly, with the girl thing. You should keep clear of each other until you ace your exams. Step back and think things through alone when you aren't so stressed about school and exams. Exams only last a week or two, too. If things are meant to be between the two of you, an exam week lay-off is no time at all to sit back and reflect apart.

I hope this helps. I'm glad you're reaching out for support.

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From day to day just letting it ride.

You get so far away from how it feels inside.

You can't let go cause you're afraid to fall,

But the day may come when you can't feel at all.

Comes a time when the blind-man takes your hand, And says "Don't you see?

Gotta make it somehow on the dreams you still believe." Don't give it up, you got an empty cup

Only love can fill...............

Keep your head up with the good vibes dude~

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Hey dude,

Just keep in mind that things always seem to have a way of working themselves out, and though it may be hard to understand and feel now, you'll just look back one day and laugh......

This one always seems to get me through the tough times:

I hear some people been talkin' me down,

Bring up my name, pass it 'round.

They don't mention happy times

They do their thing, I'll do mine.

Ooh baby, that's hard to change

I can't tell them how to feel.

Some get stoned, some get strange,

But sooner or later it all gets real.

Walk on, walk on,

Walk on, walk on.

I remember the good old days,

Stayed up all night gettin' crazed.

Then the money was not so good,

But we still did the best we could.

Ooh baby, that's hard to change

I can't tell them how to feel.

Some get stoned, some get strange,

But sooner or later it all gets real.

Walk on, walk on,

Walk on, walk on.

{{{{{{{{{GOOD VIBES}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

Peace and love,


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Shain - don't get too down, man. You're a real nice, ambitious young dude with all sorts of wonderful things awaiting you in your career and love life. Channel your energies into school because that's what's important in the short term, and soon it's Summer and you'll be a brand new man again. Dry hump an inanimate object from time to time, or a friend, and don't forget recreational drugs. Gyros are good too.

Keep your head up, chum! [Wink]

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hey shain...

sorry to hear U are feeling down. One thing I always think of when life sucks is don't worry, it won't last forever. Write it all down, and then rip it all up or something... go for a nice walk and bring a joint and just relax and think for abit... U need to relax too.... [smile]

HUGS, Butterflies and rainbows for U...




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hey shain- sorry to hear life aint so fab right now. head in the books, and concentrate, and you'll be ok. you're a smart fellow.

you sent me a phone message a couple weeks ago, which cut off mid word, asking how the discs sounded.

i cant find yer # around, but suffice it to say that it all sounds grrrrreat.

stay strong, rock those exams, and we'll get together when yer done.

dave os [Razz]

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Thanx again everyone for the kind vibes. I've just been hit w/even more shit lately, as I found out someone in residence found my stash and has seemed to be helping his/herself out to it and I'm out of about $40 worth of the good stuff.

aw well, another material item that doesn't really matter.

Thanks everyone. great friends, you all are.

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