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"Free" T-minus 5 days


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Well as some of ya might recall,I had some legal troubles last year and today it was 95% finalized (last 5% occuring next tuesday).This time next week I begin my holiday in ye ol' thug jug for 30 days.Gonna attempt to quit smoking,since I can't inside anyway and work on my bitterness,in which direction I dunno,probally on the "more bitter" side of it all....

Gonna have to do it up right this weekend thats for sure.

nero - thursday in Guelph I figure....

T minus 7 days and dreading... doh.gif

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Well, I know Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles are happy in jail: good dope, lots of booze, nifty "spaceman" suits, and, if you tell the right story, they'll let you have a kitty...

If you're thinking of quitting smoking while inside (good idea, IMO), you might try it a bit on the outside first (or at least cut back a bunch), so as not to have it be too big a shock to your system.

Good luck, man.



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Thanks guys,

Yeah if I play nice I was told 20 if I get 30,so I talked to the crown today and attempted to get myself outta it with the offer a large fine,generous donation to some charity and community services.The crown wasn't against it but said the judge wouldn't go for it no matter what,so he's gonna reccomend 20-30 days tops with the hopes myself and duty consel (I'm fucked) can work it out to less then 30,but the odds of being in less then 20 are very slim.

Good idea on the smoking Brad,might just have to give it a try.

I hear a pouch of tobacco can bring in $250 these days with the smoking ban....

ps.Don't mind me,everything just hit the surface a couple minutes ago...reality sunk in hard.

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yeah, I'll second write a book... you have a talent for the prose... think of it as a monestary or a retreat... avoid most of the regulars and do your own time... you'll come out healthier than you go in, just keeping your mind out of the black... write man... even if its just about jail

we party hard this weekend

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All good I guess and thanks.

Gonna just go head on and not look back.Hopefully it moves quick.Doubt 20 days is any adequate time for a book (LOL),shit I can't even write a whole email in a day half the time.

I think I just got a bit freaked out when I made this thread,thinking on it now it seems rather silly to come across soliciting vibes,although appreciated greatly.I was hoping for one interaction today with someone but as per usual latley it just didnt work out...story of my year so far.

Anyway,its gotta be done so it shall,so I best make this week a good one.

Thanks again folks,whose got my heady pills to sell in the stoney lonesome...LOL ::

Gotta brush up on my shank making skills and pratice not whistling.

Mama tried to raise me better, but her pleadin' I denied

That leaves no one but me to blame cause mama tried.

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You know what would be a great book for you to read in the 'joint' would be Jackrabbit Parole by Stephen Reid. He is a really impressive man and I guess a bit of a hard case, he's married to the poet and sometimes Vice writer from BC Susan Musgrave:

He first gained notoriety as a member of Canada's notorious Stop Watch Gang, a team of daredevil bank robbers who pulled off a string of heists from Miami to Montreal, and ended up on the FBI's Most Wanted list. While serving time for those crimes, Reid wrote his first novel, Jackrabbit Parole (1986), a fictional account of a bank robber who escapers from prison and goes on a robbery spree. It proved to be quite a success, both critically and commercially. He received parole in 1987, and lived quietly on Vancouver Island with his wife, Susan Musgrave, a well-respected writer herself, who had served as his editor for Jackrabbit Parole. They had kids, and tried to get on with their lives. But their life took another turn in 1999 when Reid was involved in a failed bank job and ensuing shootout with the cops in Victoria, and charged with 10 counts, including attempted murder and armed robbery. He's currently serving time an 18-year sentence. The good news is, he's writing again. He's regular contributor to The Globe and Mail book section. Maybe he'll even find the time to write another story with MacCauley.

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I'm going be looking into what I can and can't bring with me,I know nothing for the first day or so due to processing but after I'm situated I guess I could probally have a book brought to me.If I get acess to a computer (highly unlikely though) I'll be popping in to tell ya any bad jokes I hear.

Guess it could be worse,20-30 can't be that hard...I hope

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Shit man... :(

Well at least it's not very long. That time will go buy pretty fast. Maybe they can lock you up, but they can't keep you from escaping to your mind. It'll all be behind you soon, and you won't have to stress about thinking about it. I'd imagine the weeks leading up to it, are just as bad.

I've got a bowl packed for the next time I see ya.

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Definitley be thinking about you brother, and hopefully we can party on thursday. It will hopefully just be a good chance to think and feel good about yourself, and what you bring to this community and the world in general, you good.

Steve Reid is a cool cat. Great writer, check out the 'Stop Watch Gang' book too, He didnt write it, but i think he wrote the preface or something. awesome- even moreso if you're from Ottawa, they are all local lovable legends. My dad used to party with Paddy Mitchell.:: He was well known at the 'Chaud'.. anyway, i think he and musgrave have divorced since his last robbery attempt/ jailing. I can see how that may have frustrated her a bit.

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