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QOTD - Any successful detox strategies out there?


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Starting June 1st my lovely assistant and I decided to take a 30 day hiatur from alcohol. As with many things the first 3 days were brutal but it's a bit better now.

So for any non-drinkers, reformed drinkers or hiatus -takers out there (alochol or any other drug) I have to ask: What has helped you with the toxin purging? Any substitute drinks, or activities on a hot day that keep your mind off of the sauce?

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Guest Low Roller

Mind over matter. If you really want to stop, then stop. Otherwise why torture yourself? That's what it basically came down to for me, and it's amazing how well it works.

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I'm thinking of doing the same ahess - after this summer, detox is definitely in order.

I totally agree with LowRoller. I'm also stubborn as hell and winning a battle with myself is always a fantastic achievement. Then I can say to myself, "I told me so"

Good luck!

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its funny.

i'm not sure if i'd WANT to go a day w/out smoking nugs, but i could EASILY go a month, or much more, w/out touching alcohol.

actually, i NEVER drink outside of a bar, unless i'm camping...

i think i could go the entire summer, minus ctmf, w/out drinking..... but why?

does the body really crave alcohol? and if so, how much do u have to drink, and how often, before your body starts craving?

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It varies so much from person to person it's really hard to say. I don't crave pot as much as I used to, and whatever craving I might have is pretty much nixed by the fact that I don't have any. As for beer it's summertime and I most enjoy it now.

The 30 day thing has more to do with a personal test than health or drinking problem...I'd call myself a moderate drinker but I'm probably a textbook "drunk" (more than 8-12 drinks a week)which is essentially meaningless.

As for my Katie..she was salivating when we walked past the liquor store, and she's a Nova Scotian so she's almost battling her biological makeup if you ask me.

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wow 8-12 a week...that is a lot in my eyes. Not esau or paisley a lot, but enough.

i drink 3-5 drinks a week, and thats only if i go to the bar...

but for nugs, i smoke three - four bowls a day, consistently... so i guess thats 21 to 28 bowls a week ...

uh oh...thats sounds like a lot...oh well...its summer.


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i understand the personal test thing, i can dig it, but if its not a hinderence to your lifestyle, and its not a hinderence to other peoples lifestyle, then i wouldnt worry about it, just go as far as you can, or as far as you want, and call it quits when the time is right... and you'll know when that is... could be this afternoon, could be in a month, either way, you wouldnt have won or lost, because its not a problem in the first place.

a while back i thought i would detox myself off the weed... and when i was talking to my roommate at the time about the situation, i realized that it made no sense for me. it wasnt a problem, i wasnt hurting myself, i wasnt hurting anyone else.. the only thing i would be achieving would be the denial of something i enjoy, a state i enjoy being in, something that "makes me tick", so to say... i enjoy the creativity and the headspace when im on the weed, i think its almost a part of my personality.. the way i think and such...

i dunno, i guess, why deny yourself something that brings you joy, in a sense, just for the sake of taking joy away from yourself?

im not sure any of that is much of anything, but clearly, its something...

good luck.

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a while back i thought i would detox myself off the weed... and when i was talking to my roommate at the time about the situation, i realized that it made no sense for me. it wasnt a problem, i wasnt hurting myself, i wasnt hurting anyone else.. the only thing i would be achieving would be the denial of something i enjoy, a state i enjoy being in, something that "makes me tick", so to say... i enjoy the creativity and the headspace when im on the weed, i think its almost a part of my personality.. the way i think and such...

I totally agree with that, I feel the same way. Some people would see smoking regularly as being a problem, trying to escape reality, running away from problems. But I definitely see it as a consciousness expander.

Myself, I'm not really interested in drinking. I mean yeah, I like a beer sometimes. But I can't stand hangovers, and would much rather smoke a bowl than drink a six pack.

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hands down....exercise is great for quiting anything....lots of water too....as for a substitute....carbonated drinks are not good for ya but they are a nice alternative....club soda with juice or lemonade etc...and throw a real slice of lemon in cause lemons are a great cleanser with lots of vit.C. Try to create a diet rich in vit A,Zinc,all Bs,E....I would suggest a multi vit for those(the lady may need a B complex seperate) and wonderfull,wonderfull vit C....take it seperately and take alot, C may improve the bodys ability to detoxify and "clear" alcohol from you system as well as prevent some of the liver damage brought on by alcohol abuse. Chronic use of alcohol can also lead to low levels of Zinc,Selenium,Magnesium(which the lady needs to absorb her calcium).

I have read that the amino acid (protein building block) Glutamine appears to blunt the craving for alcohol in human research studies. Recommendation: Take 200mg in tablet or capsule 5 times daily for 6 weeks. If effective,your response should be improvement of sleep, lessened anxiety,and a reduced desire to drink. Once you have achieved a good response, you may reduce dosage to 2-3 times daily or discontinue completely. Also Essential fatty acids may lessen the physical pain of alcohol withdrawal as well as helping to prevent liver damage from the abuse. Stay away from a diet high in sugar and refined starch.

Basicly I guess I would say go get your vit levels tested at the docs office and eat your veggies.Perhaps speak with a nutritionalalist. From what I can see drinking leads to all kinds of vit deficiencies which lead to all kinds of problems....hope this is helpfull..... ::

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I'd have to agree with howler on her recommendations. Then there's the ever famous Master Cleanse and internal salt water bath- Yeahhhh! I really think intuitively that one makes sense to me. I don't do it often though nor the so-called 'dry out' but I should. I take a product that has creatine and a sugar ribose in it called Creabose- I mention it cause you could take it and then when you act like a pretentious dink and people mistake me for you you'd have gained a few pounds and we could you know run with the joke. No but I've heard some of the pot detoxs which I guess are for passing piss tests have creatine but probably cause it's a diuretic now that I think about it so dumb idea. There must be immune enhancers like echinacea or goldenseal you might want to take.

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Well if that wasn't a Percocet-induced run-on sentence to remember I don't know what is.

I will NOT be trying the master cleanse again. I attempted it last year and the results and my state of my mind were not pretty.

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I think that by the written standards, most college age men and women would fit the classification of "drunk." Most people I know don't stop after three because they're getting "tipsy." That's the whole point! That's when you order up a double, light yet another cigarette, and let the ride begin. Maybe it's just my social peer group, but no one I know has less than 5 drinks on a night out, and probably average 8. So if you drink twice a week, that's 16! (Jesus, I just did the math for my own past week---52! Can anyone top this?)

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