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mark tonin's 40th birthday celebration

mark tonin

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Mark Tonin's 40th Birthday Celebration

Friday July 9th

starting at 10:00 p.m.

upstairs at the Lanc

574 Lancaster St. West, Kitchener

with live music from Harvard Mouse and Diesel Dog

bring your smiles and dance moves

no admission charge

I hope to see a bunch of your smiling faces and dancing bodies at the party!

Peace, Mark

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right on mark! meggo will definitely be in the house - i would never pass up a b-day party for such a wicked person ;)

and a landmark birthday at that!! but i don't think we should call it 'over the hill'... how about, 'dancing on the hill'??

hope to see you this weekend in the c-dot!! ::

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Lordy Lordy look whose fourty. Seriously I think the best thing I could give you for your birthday besides a good ribbing would be to teach you the basics at least. I'm talk the Uprock the Lowrock, the easy skank, the Dave Byrne, the Prince and the Master Usher and his Jedi Lord the Michael Jackson. If we started there and then maybe I taught you how to drop a Qi Bomb we'd be off to a good start. Don't get me wrong you can drop a Qi Bomb but I'm talking the real fajing.

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Lordy Lordy look whose fourty

Here here!

Hey Mark, it's too bad we didn't know you were planning something on that date. We could have tried to get you to Ottawa for a big night.

I wish we could make it, but the 9th is setup for something here too.

I'm sure the Lanc will be an amazing blast!

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Well Happy birthday fellow cancer! (My bday is July 3)

I can't believe you're going to be 40! is it all the groove-a-liciousness that is Mark Tonin dancing that keeps you looking so young? whatever it is you should try to bottle it. You'd make a killing.

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Thanks for the kind words everybody ... it warms my heart!

The actual date of my birthday is July 13th, but I thought a Friday night party sounded more appealing than a Tuesday night one. Plus my son Nyell was also born on July 13th, so that day will be a family-oriented day. He turns 7 ... wow ... it's through him and my daughter that the reality of getting older sets in. But I'll keep on dancing for as long as my body lets me, and hopefully with some care and lots of good luck I'll be able to dance at some more "milestone" birthdays. I love dancing ... when I do it I find I can often get into a meditative state of bliss where my mind and body and spirit make connections on so many levels. I used to run cross-country when I was younger and I'd get to a similar state when doing so, but I find with dancing it is even more intense and delightful ... I think because dancing is the connection of art and sport. I also think that some of the joy of dancing comes from the fact I'm a lucky man to be able to dance ... my Mom has muscular dystrophy and has been in a wheel chair because of it for much of her adult life ... she is a remarkably positive woman, even with her disability, and she inspires me to make the most of something that is very easy to take for granted ... good physical health.

Looking forward to celebrating with those of you that can make it on July 9th. Heck, I'm sure I'll be celebrating with many of you well before then ... at Blair & Mud's stag and doe on Friday, at the Little Feat show, the Kimock show, the Adirondack Music Fest, the Come Together Fest ... I still get blown away at how fortunate I am to be a part of this community!

Peace, Mark

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meh, if the 40's are anything like the 30's then it only gets better.I know (aside from my legal crap) my 30's are better then my 20's.Tenfold.I almost look forward to each new year now,funny how that works,eh? I can only imagine its about the same for you Mark.

Dang nabbit! this will be one fun night my friend,I am looking forward to getting down and slamming some cold beers with ya.

Mark just keep on keeping on and doing what you do brother,not sure I know a kinder/life loving soul around.

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Esau ... I agree with you my friend ... I wouldn't trade where I am in life right now with any other time in my life ... I'm in a good place, a really good place. It's ironic because when I was a teenager I thought 30 was old and that I'd be dead by 40. So glad that I was wrong. Yes, I'd trade in my 40-year-old body for my 18-year-old one, but my mind and spirit and inner self are so much healthier now, it more than makes up for the body.

Peace, Mark

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Oh, I can't wait for this!! Celebrating with one of the most kind, genuine, caring and all encompassing individuals I know.........can't wait to party with you too Mark ;)

Love seeing that dancin' in action - it's inspiring and brings with it smiles a million miles wide :: ::

(Careful though - I hear 40 is the most common age for adult diapers :(:P)

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Oh, I can't wait for this!! Celebrating with one of the most kind, genuine, caring and all encompassing individuals I know.........can't wait to party with you too Mark ;)

Agreed. Wish I could be there...we'll make up for it sometime soon.


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