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Lost Guitar at Come Together Music Festival


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Hey there, this is Stephen Franke. We had a great time at the festival, especially meeting so many new faces, and big shout outs to Mark Wilson for GREAT sound and all the hard work...

We unfortunately lost a guitar on the weekend, a classical guitar, with the name Steven Mock attached to it in small writing. The last place we saw it was on the grass near the main beach, where we spent the day playing guitar. It's not the best guitar, but has sentimental value for our Bassist, Dan Mock, so if anyone has seen it or has it, can they get it to PepperJack's in Hamilton for this Saturday's show, or respond to this message?

Thanks, Stephen


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Come on everyone! Let's pull together here! This guitar isn't worth anything except sentimental value. Let's help a friend out. Someone had to have seen something. Was anyone there while they were playing on the beach?

Stephen: Did you try asking Mark Wilson or contacting Izzy (Gary)?

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Good luck in finding Dan's lost guitar.

Stephen, it was great seeing your band last Wednesday at the Scherzo in Kingston. I'm sorry I couldn't stick around to talk to you after the gig, but I stayed until the end of " Wonderin' Where The Lions Are ". I really enjoyed the concert and thanks for the CD. I'm in the process of writing a review for it and I think I'll be able to finish and submit it to Bouche by Friday morning.

Thanks again and good luck in your guitar search.

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Hey Stephen.. Mark from Caution Jam here.. I saw your guitar in the hands of Mike F from BNB when i drove him home from CTMF sunday afternoon.. Its probably at his house right now..but he's on tour out west... i'll make some calls.. meanwhile get my phone ## from Jay Cleary and we'll try to hook up... I'm playing at the elmo this sat..

Later Daze my man...

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Hey Stephen.. Mark from Caution Jam here.. I saw your guitar in the hands of Mike F from BNB when i drove him home from CTMF sunday afternoon.. Its probably at his house right now.

Now theres some good news.


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Hello... I got shakey's (safety 4ths) message this morning and I looked and your guitar is in fact in our house!!! I see it everyday but I just assumed it belonged to one of my roommates (they are both musicians in BNB so we have many instruments kicking around the place).

Not sure why Mike didn't get in touch... I can't speak for him but he was back from CTMF late Sunday and then left for tour for a month early the next morning. My guess is that he must have overlooked this somehow in the craziness of coming off of a party weekend and getting ready for tour. I'll try and get a hold of him today regardless via phone and update him on all this (as I doubt he's been on the internet since they left).

Anyway, they are away out west right now but I am around in Toronto (not sure where you are located?). I'll email you personally to give you my contact info so I can help in getting this guitar safe and sound back to you.

Take care,



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