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Anyone remember the Pop Shoppe?


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did every town have a bottling factory? There was one in Kingston, and while you chose your assortment, you could watch the production line through a glass window. I always loved watching automated machine thingies.

as great as it was, they were still hocking liquid sugar.

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Pop Shoppe chips, 3 bags to a red and white box... can still taste the flavor of their salt and vinegar as I type this... how the hell does a place like that go out of business, someone must've got awful busy powdering their nose or something... they produced all their own product and were the first pop brand to encourage bottle recycling, if I remember correctly

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Yeah, bottom line, people didn't want to be bothered returning the bottles anymore. It was easier to buy coke and throw the packaging away... Ain't progress grand ;)

So what the hell is pop shoppe pop doing in the hastey market in Burlington. Is someone making it again?

Oh yeah, I have an autographed picture of Eddy Shack that I got at the pop shoppe one time. Crazy...

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The Pop Shoppe was awesome(if you were lucky enough to get some) Not like now, pop is like a daily staple for some people...it's not a treat anymore.

You're right - it was a big deal to go to the Pop Shoppe! Maybe that's why I remember it so vividly - 'cause it was special event.

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once when i was in edmonton i came across HAPPY POP which was a pop shoppe copy, western style. great bottle design. big 'ol round happy face with the words happy pop around it. the letter 'O' was the perfect place for a bong slider. happy pop made a great little bong. any westerners come across happy pop?

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