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Good bye ladies and gentlemen


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Today has made it evident that I don't think this is a place for me. When Zero was making inappropriate comments, it brought out an ugly face to this community in all of us. Alot of people were saying things that were way out of line.. especially when someone is talking trash about sticking someone with a blade,--sorry, I consider that to be an extremely serious fu©king issue... And when someone has the audacity to start insulting my family, I don't need that sh!t.. Now I am getting warnings from my favourite jamband bar, because of my inappropriate remarks, which I understand, maybe they were out of line.. But, maybe I am not that nice of a person like the rest of you... If someone talks that kind of sh!t to me, we are going to have a conversation--face to face... I don't put up with that kind of crap... That does not mean I am going to start trouble, I mean, is there any reason for anyone to think that?? (I freely admit I wouldn't shy away) Anyhow, I have a good group of friends here in St.Kitts, who don't bring that sort of sh!t to my life... And there are many people I have met on or through this board that I would hold the same respect for... I hope we can remain in contact... my email addy is ulsterfry@hotmail.com... but, I don't think I will be lurking around here any longer, and I won't be lurking around a bar where I don't feel wanted... I hope that the vibe changes here soon.... I don't think I am alone in this sentiment... and please, please, think before you speak. adios mi amigas/amigos.

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dude i have no ill wishes to you or your family, and no coments i made in my origonal pst were dirscted to you,

if you want to go out of you way to start with me ( which you know you did) then don't expect me to back down because i'm not the type of person that will shy away!

like i said i have no idea who you are and don't really care, if you want to come up to me a a bar and try and start a confrentation, then that is fine by me, but keep in mind that its going to be YOU startin it because i have no intention of haveing anytihing to do with you!

so do what you want, but stay away from me, becuase i don't talk to people i don't like, and even thought i don't know you, you have give me a clear reason not to like you!

sorry if you fell the need to leave the board, but don't do it because of me

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come on people now, smile on your braaaah-ther, ev-ery BODY get to-gether & try to LOVE one a-nother riiiiiight nowwwwww




like my territorial pissings? pretty good stuff, huh?

number 2. :( please don't go. i will be very sad if i don't get to run into you anymore.... here or in real life. who am in going to fight about kevin bacon's sexual orientation with? :: please, reconsider. things have definitely been crazy around here lately, but don't let that wreck this whole community for you. there's more good people in it than not. and i'm SURE that jared didn't really mean any harm to you or your family. c'mon, jared says dumb things all the time ;) don't let one comment with the value of a "yo mama's so fat..." remark make you go away.

like sugarmegs said, take a break if you feel you need to, but don't leave for good. you are by far one of my favourite people on this board, and definitely one of my favourite people in real life that i've met from this board. and this place would really suffer a loss if you didn't frequent it anymore. so please stick around. we need you here. you rock, mang! plain & simple.

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hey wait a minute - what ever happened to that positive Number2 we all knew?

You have always been able to find the positive out of every negative situation - but since there's so much negative smoke blowing around in these parts, let me remind you of some things.

For example... there are always going to be people you don't get along with, but what about all the amazing people you've met on this board... like ME! :)

And how about all the shows you've been to because of the info you've read on this board!

Honestly Marc, take a little breather and come back when you're feeling happy again. I do it all the time! Everyone needs a little time away...

mmmmmmmuoi! Kisses and hugs to you, my friend. And I hope to see you at the show Saturday night.

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you had better come on saturday night or i will fly my peter pan ass to st. catherines and publicly embarass you wherever you are! this would be even more sh!tty than how you stopped rhyming :: .and on the jared front, he never means or even remembers anything he says, just ask him!

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People have said many things that I agree with in this thread, a few of which are:

"Yes NumberTwo - don't quit - just give this place a break. You are wanted here."

"Both you and Jared have a place here."

"Hope to see you at the DD/Fatties show brother!"

"number_2 I have not known you for long, but I will miss you if you go. As SugarMegs said, in all likelihood you and Jared would get along in real life."

"Honestly Marc, take a little breather and come back when you're feeling happy again. I do it all the time! Everyone needs a little time away..."


Well number 2, I hope you get the point. Hopefully you've stuck around long enough to read this thread.

Peace, Mark

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i dont get these posts. To me, (and i dont know you number 2); posting this kind of thing is more annoying/boring than any of the ranting (dillusional or not) that zero has done on here. If you have an issue with someone, talk to them. If you need a break from this forum, then look at something else for a while, or dont turn on your computer for a week- the landscape changes pretty quick. It doesnt always have to be a big song and dance departure from the 'scene', as you know you'll be looking at this next week, and you'll be seeing diesel dog on saturday and whoever you enjoy the next time they are near you.. If you like the music, go see the show. If you want to chat with the people you see there, come here and log on, or lurk. I stay away from this board for good chunks of time, usually at random, and sometimes cause i just dont feel like delving into it. I dont know if its me, but i dont think it requires an announcement on my part. Even if Ive been offended- which happens, but is pretty rare in my nihilstic universe. If you have issue with someone, speak with them, but try and be a little stronger than lumping the music scene/community together and blowing it all off because you dont like what (two? three?) people wrote. Sorry if this seems harsh number2, but its how i feel. and if you really want to help things continue to grow, you need to fix your issues with whomever they are with, and push on through; because you seem like a good person, and a valued member of the community. peace.

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Well said gentlemonkey ... I agree with (most of) your post ... most likely the parts that I'm not sure I agree with are just language issues ... you chose "harsher" words and said things more bluntly than I would have. Thanks for "delving into it" this time ... I've taken many breaks from this forum for many reasons ... it can be a very healthy thing to do.

Peace, Mark

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I get road rage pretty bad, and usually road ragers are pretty gentle people in real life (though I may be an exception). I've often wondered why I act so harshly to people that don't use signal lights or whatever, and I heard a thing on the radio that said it's because our cars are our personal domain, not public, and though we drive in public areas we sometimes take any little indiscretion as an affront to our personal being. I think the internet works similarly. My posts are mine, gawdammit, and though their in a public forum, any intrusion will often be taken personally. It's silly, worry pas.

And for the record, I can't imagine why someone would announce the fact that they were leaving a message board, I agree that that is just weird.

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everybody everybody I'm leaving! please tell me not to go!

H-bomb: I know we've had our troubles in the past and Im not going to mention them here because, well, talking publicly about someones gas huffing problem is just not cool. I know we can work this out....oh oh oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhh, you don't have to goo, oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhh.......please baby, don't go.

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heh. solargarlic thanks man. think i'll stay now. shouldn't you be yelling at kids right now?

oh and i'm sorry for anything i've ever said to you on my delusional gas high's. i just hope you can forgive me but it was the drug talking. not me.

actually I should be in lecture right now...

I can forgive you though...just found an old can of lead paint under the stairs. You bring the bag.

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thank you, gentlemonkey, for clearly stating what needed to be said. i am particularly glad that these young children are here today to hear that speech. not only was it authentic frontier jibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age. what are we made of?? our fore fathers came across these great plains, fought drought, fought indians, FOUGHT DICKS!! REMEMBER WHEN RICHARD DICKS CAME IN HERE AND TRIED TO TAKE OVER THIS TOWN???? well, we didnt give up then, and by gum, we're not gonna give up now!!

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