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I get caught having these insane conversations with myself which probably sound more like I am talking to two people.

At my old building, I was in the vestibule, and having a grand ole time of it. Well, to my horror and humour, I realized about 4 minutes later that I was sharing this space with someone. I swear, they were probably scared for their life.

If only I could remember what we were talking about.......

Yeah, you people are idiots.

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all i can say is this: you didnt dump a pumpkin full of piss on your head. ::


god that kid's gotta be scarred... pretty close to the top of the list of the most fu©ked up things I've seen...

soooo much pee ::

fear not Megs, you're not even in the competition... in fact I heard the other day that talking to yourself leads to a higher I.Q.

get better soon and don't knock yourself for being human (and Pann's right, buddy who didn't help you is the defective unit)

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oh i feel your pain (not literally right now, but often i do) i am a huge klutz. i never am bruise free. i have little depth perception because i am cross-eyed (which is not a product of inbreeding, i swear!) so i am always walking in to doors, walls, people, cupboards, bookshelves etc. i fall off the curb all the time, usually it happens at major intersections so i can be certain that at least a dozen people saw my pathetic attempt at being a normal human. once i went to give the finger to a guy who cut us off on the highway and i cracked the car window with the cast that was on my arm, which was another product of my klutziness. the cast was on my arm for four months because i kept hitting it on stuff and my wrist wouldn't heal. i've had stitches four times and none of them were cool sports injuries, just me walking in to stuff or playing with sharp cutlery or formerly docile animals. i walked in to a tree at izzy's this year, and i wasn't even drunk yet. i am dangerous to hang around with too. i have broken my mom's nose, my sister's teeth, my best friend's brother's toe, sprained my sister in several places, my cousin travis still has a nasty scar from skateboarding with me thirteen years ago. i know how you feel. i just can't believe the guy just stood there watching you. whenever i have "an episode", people usually end up doubled over laughing and pointing. this doesn't really help me any, but at least someone's having fun. obviously this guy has some inward personality defect.

i hope you heal well, you might need your strength for the next time you "have and episode". ::

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Either way, anyone who voted for GWB is way ahead of either of you for the Idiot of the Year award.


I once was riding my bike and in deep thought. Biked straight into a manhole ahead sign. I just kind of rolled into a ditch and lied there until I thought all witnesses were gone.

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i don't know if this qualifies me for the competition, but today it was super windy and i was riding my bike home, but i forgot my mittens so my hands were cold. so i was riding without hands (as i usually do) so i could keep them warm in my pouch even though it was tricky to balance with the gusts of wind.... dontcha know a big ol gust slammed me outta nowhere and took me out. i've now got a bleeding swollen bruised knee and a big toe i wish i could amputate. probably woulda been good for a laugh, but no one was around to see it.

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fear not Megs, you're not even in the competition... in fact I heard the other day that talking to yourself leads to a higher I.Q.

What? I was not talking to myself.... ::

well you had something on your mind... its not like you thought "oh look, a ditch" then bailed into it ::

as I say, fear not... put ice on that ankle, catch up on some writing, get crutches and let guys at the bar buy you sympathy drinks... we all get broken somehow at some point

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hah i like falling stories. i mean i do feel sorry for you megs, that's not what i mean, but it's just so damn funny to see people fall when they aren't too injured. once i was coming down the stairs of a parking garage in victoria, it was a little bit rainy [go figure] and when i got to the last step, i fell right on my ass onto a main street. another time i was running down the ramp into a separate parking garage in chatham, in fact the one for city hall, and i fell and even rolled down it a bit. it hurt and i was bloodied a bit but falling is just so damn funny i had to laugh both times [but check to see if anyone saw me, first!].

also, just today i was rummaging for my keys and i put my binder and notebook on the roof of my car... it's super windy today, so of course my notebook flew off my car, and papers went flying all over the parking lot... adding to my embarrassment but saving my ass at the same time, there was another teacher and a couple kids who chased around and got all my papers for me! i'm going to feel kinda bad handing back a few of my kids' assignments with mud on them. ::

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hehehehehehe... sorry Sugar Megs, but I was just capturing it in my mind!!! It must have been hilarious, although, the guy should have helped you out, especially if you were hurt...

I once whiped out at a football assembly in front of 1200 students----ya--that was quite embarrassing, especially when it was video taped and it was on display in the main hallway for the entire day the following day---great, just in case they missed how stupid I looked... anyhow, hope your ankle gets better soon---Nero next weekend??? you'll need to fit into those dancing shoes! ::

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this one time... at band camp....


megs, i am very sorry to hear about your fall. but think of it this way, if it didn't happen, you wouldn't have this funny experience to look back and laugh on. and what up with idiot boy, he must have some issues with pretty women not to react!

and don't feel dumb. everyone has made a classic slapstick fall/crash/maneuver before. take me for example. heehee. once upon a drive thru, i happened to be quite involved in the conversation i was having with my passenger when we pulled up to the window. upon seeing the nice drive thru lady peering at me, i smiled at her and quickly turned to thrust my money into her hands at lightning speed, with considerable force. well, my thrusting was quite rudely interrupted with the CLOSED window of my car that i banged directly into... yeah. drive thru girl actually did the "clutch the stomach" she was laughing so hard.

oh, blush!!!!

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