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Greatest GD song ever?


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Ok, I'll get two birds stoned at once with this one, best Shakedown ever and best Donna Jean Godchaux vocal moment of all time, check out the yelp at approx. 2:40, and tell me it's not KILLER!!!! KILLER!!! TELL ME Booche...TELL ME!!!!!!!


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Ship of Fools

Went to see the captain, strangest I could find,

Laid my proposition down, laid it on the line.

I won't slave for beggar's pay, likewise gold and jewels,

But I would slave to learn the way to sink your ship of fools.

Ship of fools on a cruel sea, ship of fools sail away from me.

It was later than I thought when I first believed you,

Now I cannot share your laughter, ship of fools.

Saw your first ship sink and drown, from rockin' of the boat,

And all that could not sink or swim was just left there to float.

I won't leave you drifting down, but woh it makes me wild,

With thirty years upon my head to have you call me child.

Ship of fools on a cruel sea, ship of fools sail away from me.

It was later than I thought when I first believed you,

Now I cannot share your laughter, ship of fools.

The bottles stand as empty, as they were filled before.

Time there was and plenty, but from that cup no more.

Though I could not caution all, I still might warn a few:

Don't lend your hand to raise no flag atop no ship of fools.

Ship of fools on a cruel sea, ship of fools sail away from me.

It was later than I thought, when I first believed you,

Now I cannot share your laughter, ship of fools.

It was later than I thought when I first believed you,

Now I cannot share your laughter, ship of fools.

One of many favorites.

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I think I may be biased, because this is the song that first got me into the Dead back in the late-'80s, but I am still partial to Scarlet Begonias.

As I write this, though, a list of innumerable Dead songs seems to be running through my head that are equally viable candidates. (In fact, one is even a Phil-song; sorry Del!) But, for the sake of simplicity, I'm just going to leave it with Scarlet.

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Let me preface this by saying that the following question is not meant to be facetious in any way--I'm genuinely interested in the answer...

Can someone please explain to me how Bobby is a "genius" (other than how he looks in a pair of short shorts and a tank top)? I don't hate him, and do enjoy some Bobby (songs and performances), but genius I do not see--cheese-ius, yes. Genius, no. Please enlighten me.

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Can someone please explain to me how Bobby is a "genius" (other than how he looks in a pair of short shorts and a tank top)?

The reasons for your lack of understanding are evident in your judgement of him by the clothes he wore for a few years in the 80's. That's to be expected among the "unknowing class", perhaps someday I'll explain it to you, but until then, it is kind of a "if you don't get it - you're not invited" type of thing (right Del?), I'm not gonna waste the time time of my fellow Weir-Army lieutenants by taking up bandwidth to explain the painfully obvious (yet again)


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