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How can I get rid of a headache without taking any aspirin or Tylenol? My doctor said Tylenol is safe and won’t harm the baby, but I really don’t feel right taking it as frequently as I get headaches (which is every other day it seems)

If anyone has any natural cures, please enlighten me!!! At this point, I’m ready to try anything!

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what kind of headache?

if its sinus a trick that works really well is to soak a face cloth under pouring hot water as hot as you can stand it... squeeze out the excess then hold the heated cloth firmly over your sinuses (between your eyes at the top of your nose)

repeat that a few times and you'll hear funny little "Ssteeeewww" noises of your sinuses draining and will be amazed at how quickly the pain subsides

(had a bad sinus headache once and happened to run into a buddy's brother who had chronic sinus problems who turned me onto that one... works like a charm)

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Hey LMP. When I got severe headaches after an injury a couple years ago someone taught me this:

In between your pointer (index?) finger and your thumb is that web-like piece of skin. Okay so I'm not a doctor. Locate that on one hand and with the other thumb and index finger, pinch around in there really hard until you know you've hit a pressure point (it's pretty much where the two connect, but reach down a bit towards the palm with your pinchy pointer). There will be no mistaking it when you've hit it, it surges through you and you can almost feel in your face. Pinch on the nerve for as long as you need to until the headache is relieved (it's between 1-4 minutes for me).

It really works, albiet briefly. But hey, it's simple enough to do several times a day, it's natural and it's free. I swear by it.

Feel better.

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You could try something as simple as a bath, maybe a little lavender oil in the water, a massage, and even shoulder circling - anything that reduces tension. If you can manage it get yourself in for a really good massage, always works for a friend of mine. Also, apply a hot or cold pack(whichever you find more relief from) on the back of your neck or your shoulders. Sometimes a cold compress on the forehead will help. Will look into some other remedies in the morning, I'm a student midwife so I can ask the crew! Hope this helps.

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...as frequently as I get headaches (which is every other day it seems)...

Under normal circumstances, this should be enough to warrant a trip to your family doctor. Seeing as you're pregnant, I strongly urge you to go. At the very least, you might get some other options for pain relief.



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actually pink, rayray & brad m. could be right, i think i've even read somewhere that pregnant women are susceptible to high blood pressure, so you may want to tell your doctor about it.

another thing you may want to do is look at the ingredients in what you are eating. try cutting out msg (monosodium glutamate), and see if that makes any difference. i know there is msg in doritos, soups and a lot of those instant side dishes (rice, noodles, etc.), and msg gives some people headaches. it doesn't even matter if it didn't bother your system before you were pregnant, your whole body goes whacko when you are carrying a baby! when my mom was pregnant with my brother, all of a sudden she could completely taste any artificial sweeteners for the first time in her life, and she couldn't stand the taste. that's another thing you may want to cut out of your diet, any artificial sweeteners that contain aspartame (even in chewing gum).

maggie taught me that pressure point thing ms. hux is talking about, and it really does work, but it's a temporary relief thing. the warm (or cool!) washcloth thing, a quiet room and a nice little nap could help as well. as will drinking lots of water. use your heart shaped massage pad on your temples and neck. and i hope you feel better! :)

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The condition that you are thinking of Princess is called PIH (pregnancy-induced hypertension) and chronic headaches are a common symptom. I think that food additives can be a cause as well as sodium intake. To be on the safe side get your doctor to check your blood pressure and check your urine for protien (another symptom of PIH).

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There are pressure points in the back of the neck, start rubbing the back of your neck and you will definately know if you hit one. It's almost instant relief. Also, a hot water bottle on the part of your head that is in pain works and you can put the water bottle on the back of your neck too. I use the water bottle all the time(not just when I was pregnant) because my headaches really make my stomache upset and I can't take pills when that happens.

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You need potassium sister! Try eating more bananas, papaya, broccoli, potato, tomatoes and peanuts. There are a bunch listed at http://www.essense-of-life.com/info/potassiumfoods.htm A potassium deficiency is a common cause of "regular headaches" in a lot of people. Because you're carrying a little one, your potassium may be getting depleted. If the foods don't work, check with your doc to see if you can take a supplement. Natural Factors makes a 99mg tablet that's good quality.

I also heard that lavender oil helps, but it just makes me nauseous. Ick! Good way to relax though. Also, ginger's really good if you are feeling sick to your stomach.

Also pay attention to when this happens...take note of what you eat. My Mom could not stand the smell of eggs when she was pregnant with me (even though she loves them). I've never been able to stand eggs myself. The same thing happened with my sister and the smell of melted butter. Babies sure know when they don't like something. I hope you're feeling better soon.

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