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Bradm appreciation thread!


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Brad - I remember meeting you when you weren't a regular showgoer and then I wound up seeing you get happily addicted to this scene. I knew you'd never need an intervention. If it weren't for your stability and incrediblibly helpful personable nature, we'd have a totally different spin on this awesome little thing we've got going on. I have seen you calm down an angry mob with a level head and sly joke on a few occasions. You're one of the best people to be stuck in a car or at the customs office with...i always chuckle when i think of how those guards looked when they were processing us and you said 'you've gotta watch out for my needles' (don't worry everybody...Brad's on the up and up)...little miracles like that make my world go round.

keep me spinnin' sir!

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not only does BradM tape for the happiness of anyone wanting a show...he keeps it personal too. If you happen to miss a show, he puts a little check mark beside your name (in his memory) and tries super hard to get the cd to you before it's available for download, just so that you can feel as special as those who attended the show.

Brad - not only are you appreciated for recording some of the greatest moments of our lives, but also for being such a thoughtful and giving person.

I am proud to know that I can reach my arms in your direction and be welcomed with a heartfelt hug.

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Yeah, BradM, you surely rock. You transform this place into a heady ask jeeves type place on a daily basis with all of your wisdom that you so liberally share with us all... also, you tape a lot of shows which takes a lot of dedication - getting there on time, setting sh!t up, minding it over the night, taking stuff down and toting it all around... That last time I recorded a show I forget all my recording gear at the bar and didn't remember it until the next day! n I've never heard one of your recordings but probably will some day!

well, take it easy then, BradM. Keep up the good work!

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