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McCartney in Ottawa rumour!!!


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So I was in the barber's chair the other day (same barber shop where our Charter equality rights defending Prime Minister gets his hair cut by the way ;)) and the barber mentions he's heard McCartney will play in Ottawa on his next tour!

Wow, I think I would bite the bullet and pay many hundreds to catch Macca in my backyard....Bouche, you in?

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Hux: A friend of mine who would easily lay down his life for Neil Young or any member of the Dead described his experience at a McCartney show as the greatest concert he has ever seen by far. Those are no small words from this particular guy.

If you get the chance, spend the hundreds. I would.

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I caught him during the "Flowers in the Dirt" tour. It was a great experience. However, I don't think I'd pay huge bucks for any concert at the Corel Center or any other stadium/arena.

I'd pay 300 bucks for a Macartney show at a more intimate venue like the NAC, but that'll never happen.

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Ringo has a solo band?!?!?!

Jesus - what's next!?!? lemme guess....Phil Lesh will front a band and do the vocals on Garcia tunes!!!!

...hehaha...haha...as if...that..would...ever....happen... ;)

Yeah, and Phil would refuse to do Bobby tunes...at all...because Bobby would have...his own band...that people would pay...money...to see...

You're right, Hux, let's get back to reality.



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If I've heard correctly, Phil & Friends (and/or the Phil Lesh Quintet, which is the name I saw them under) won't do tunes that are closely associated with Bobby because Bobby's out doing them with RatDog. Booche may be able to give more info (I checked, and couldn't find any statement from Phil about this).



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I've only seen Paul McCartney once live (his "Back in the U.S. tour in 2002 at the ACC) and it was one of the greatest concerts I have seen ever.

And since that show I have only had regrets not going to the Concert for New York City in 2001, and I also regret not making greater efforts to see the Concert for George in London in 2002 or the Bridge School Concerts near San Francisco in 2004.

Whether it is in Toronto or Ottawa or New York City I will be making sure I pay whatever it takes to see Sir Paul McCartney again this fall.

Minus certain reunion concerts, Paul McCartney is one of the only artists on the planet that I would miss Neil Young and/or Bob Dylan for if they were performing on the same night. And for those who know me, know I don't miss either of those two very often (I've seen Young 33 times and Dylan 22 times).

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He's done a few, I would say there is no rigid rule in place.

It's a lax rule but 95% of the time you're not gonna hear a Bobby song at a Phil and Friends show.

But I thought Brad was taking a shot at Bobby for also having to rely on Jerry tunes to pad the set. ;)

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