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What the fu©k is this place all about


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alexis, getting evil, i love it! woohoo sarcasm. dutchtreat, the url of this site might be able to give you a hint as to what we're "all about". and you should never let us all know that you haven't at least been lurking for a while, now you're easy to pick on.

oh yeah, here's a few things you might find useful

-don't argue with StoneMtn, he's a professional. :D

-i will point out your spelling mistakes

-you might get offered to become a heady wife, no one's exactly sure what that entails. ::

-learn to laugh at or ignore lazlo

-being called a band whore is not an insult

-yes, george w. bush and dick cheney are members here

-if you need to know something, ask bradm

-we've recently had an infestation of mice, and we're very happy about this

-booche, bouche and bouchawan are three very different people

-esau bites, don't feed the animals :)

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I just learnt what the purple font is all about. Note: all of my posts to date should have been in purple font. (also discovered italics, can you tell?)

RE: learnt/learned ... favourite quote: 'They are all irregular verbs, and this is a part of their irregularity'

[edited to remove grammar cop-ishness. This post is now entirely irrelevant. Welcome, DutchTreat]

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oh yeah, here's a few things you might find useful

-don't argue with StoneMtn, he's a professional. :D

-i will point out your spelling mistakes

-you might get offered to become a heady wife, no one's exactly sure what that entails. ::

-learn to laugh at or ignore lazlo

-being called a band whore is not an insult

-yes, george w. bush and dick cheney are members here

-if you need to know something, ask bradm

-we've recently had an infestation of mice, and we're very happy about this

-booche, bouche and bouchawan are three very different people

-esau bites, don't feed the animals :)

Bokonon, I've been missing your posts. Thanks for this one! :: looking forward to seeing ya in person again soon and (please correct my spelling) boogeying/boogieing (???) down!

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not Canada.

Really? With the deep American penetration, er, that's integration practices continuing the way they are, we're already being manipulated way beyond an acceptable level of control. Check it out...

Deep Penetration - 10 ways Canada takes it from behind

Canadians need to start taking an active approach now, rather than complacently allowing Bush and Co. to reign over our Dominion in these subversive and destructive ways.

At the last Council of Canadians meeting, someone suggested a huge reenactment of the Battle at Queenston Heights... what an awesome awareness raising scene that would be!!! ::

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