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Horrifying Experience...


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That's horrible...and horrific that you had to witness that. Jesus man, what IS this world coming to? Even regular ol' fist fights are turning deadly nowadays. Why would someone bring a knife to a bar anyhow? I just don't get it. Did they get the guy that stabbed him?

That poor family. And the friends he was with that night. Not to mention all the other people at the bar...yikes.

You ok Brad? We're in Toronto right now, but you can call us here. I understand the impact of violent situations and how much they can scar you. Surround yourself with warmness.

Much love your way.


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OHMYGAWD Badams!!!! Thats CRAZY!!!!

I hope you're okay???!!! What a horrendous thing to see!!!

I don't think we've met but feel free to e-mail me if you need to talk about it...I may not have the right words but I can listen to allmost anything. Gees I'm not sure what the world is coming to.

be well




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There is no way to know how I would feel if I witnessed such a thing and there is no way for me to express how badly I feel for you to have been around that event.

Hey...Don't forget we have a date tomorrow in Kingston at Myrna's. I'm really looking forward to hanging with you.

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Holy sh!t, hope ur ok man, thats a very disturbing thing to have witnessed!!

I dont understand that kind of stuff, How can someone just hate someone soo much to take their life!!

Hope you just chill and have a good easter weekend and forget all about that!!

Take Care


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Thanks Everyone. I didn't know the guy too well but it was still terrible to see. He was a door man in the Hub, he was off last night and out with friends. There are conflicting stories as to what happened but needless to say it all happended extremely fast. I really feel sorry for his family and close friends. No one expects to go out with their buddies and be murdered.

The individual who committed the act actually walked out of the bar during all the commotion. They do know who he is and a search is on. I'm sure they will catch up with him in due time.

Bouche I got your message, I will give you a call later. I just have to step out for a bit.

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Here's the story. Very sad.

Queen's football player murdered

TSN.ca Staff


A Queen's University football player was murdered inside a crowded downtown Kingston bar Friday, according to the Kingston Whig Standard.

Justin Schwieg, 23, a physical education major, was stabbed in the throat at AJ's Hangar. He was rushed to hospital was succumbed to his injuries. Police said it was an unprovoked attack.

Police are looking for a suspect, Bruce Keno Elijah McKenzie, 26, of Brampton, Ontario. He's wanted for first-degree murder.

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This is very scary... I believe that I just missed seeing this as well as I walked right by there @ around 1:30 am Thursday night. I hope you are doing ok badams.

A friend who was working emergency told me about it the next day. He said the halls of the hospital was lined with students and police. A very scary and sobering scene for anyone to handle.

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Just read my Whig Standard...boy something like this really rattles the bones. Hope you're doing OK Badams. My sympathy goes out to the lad's family & friends. About the only comforting thing (if there is any), in a situation like this, is that we in this country are still able to be shocked and horrified by such a senseless waste of human life.

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wow that was a serious article make you think twice about where you hang out

if they're charged with first degree murder then the guy probalby went out looking for the guy he stabbed... doesn't sound like it was a random occurance at all

sh!tty thing to see... saw a guy lose half a tooth on Thurs night over nothing at all except some other guy felt like unloading on someone, the guy who lost half a tooth didn't even see it coming

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the story so far (keep in mind this is completely hearsay) is that some girl threw a piece of ice at her friend and accidentally hit the suspect, who in turn freaked out on her, and was interrupted by the girls boyfriend, who said that it was an accident, she apologized and everyone should move on. That's when he got stabbed.

Rumour also has it the suspect turned himself in today ... AJ's and The Brass, where the victim worked, are still closed as of right now, and most local bars have tightened security ...

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