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Ottawa became a MUCH brighter city once you relocated here. Heck, we even like Jordan now!

You've got a smile so bright

You know, you could've been a candle

I'm holding you so tight

You know, you could've been a handle

The way you swept me off my feet

You know, you could've been a broom

The way you smell so sweet

You know, you could've been some perfume

Well, you could've been anything

That you wanted to and I can tell

The way you do the things you do


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Thank you all for the birthday wishes!!!

28 doesn't feel sooo bad!

Damn Rubberdinghy....how'd you know that was my birthday wish!!!

My life wouldn't be as great with out all my wonderful friends & family.

I hope to celebrate some birthday cheer tonight and this weekend with the Ottawa crew!

love ya's all!! And hugs right back to each and everyone of you!

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