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albums that got you as a kid


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So I wake up at 3:00am, 'cause the music is playing too loud and there is lots of laughter coming from downstairs.

Accepted a glass of wine, started digging the tunes (why fight it?), and somehow Johnny Cash came up for the second time that day/night.

I remember finding a cassette of "At Folsom Prison (live)" when I was a young'un, and it catching me right of guard. I fell in love with that album fast. We were all mutually surprised here to find out that it meant something special to each of us.

So what album kicked your ass as a kid? What's the one that made you realize that music was more than you had thought it could be before you heard it?

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I used to go on a lot of weekend roadtrips with my parents as a kid, to local skiing spots like Collingwood and Ellicottville. Sitting in the back of the car listening to my parents' tunes were probably some of my first musical moments. My parents listened to their fair share of cheese (i mean pretty bad music) --- lots of Pointer Sisters, Lionel Richie, Anne Murray, Linda Ronstadt (sp?), etc.. But I remember albums like Don Henley "The End of an Innocence" and songs like Paul Simon's "Under African Skies" (off Graceland) strking a strong emotional chord in young kevo.

On the other hand, my older brother's 80's metal influence exposed me to HELIX and the beautiful world of the power balad. Songs like "Deep Cuts The Knife" and "Without You" would make me well up like the little skidly that I really was. You can add to this songs like "When The Children Cry" by Great White (i believe). There, I said it! :P

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I never heard much music in my house growing up that was written much after 1650, at least on my parents' end; my sister, though, fed me a steady diet of Beatles, Queen, and Supertramp, until I discovered the Who, which took me on that bit of a different arc.

I think the first 45 I ever owned was Gordon Lightfoot's "Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald", which sounds fine and well, until weighed off against the first lp I ever owned, which was something by the Bay City Rollers. Mea culpa. Some things in your past you can never bury.

No wait, there was also a Beach Boys best-of album around that time that I do remember playing an awful lot too. Whew.

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My Dad's Moody Blues tapes, Graceland, Joe Cocker and occasionally the Baby Beluga street mix. My dad was quite the music fan but at some point switched gears into Ottmar Liebert, John Tesh and that whore Sarah Brightman.

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All the kids in my neighbourhood were about five to eight years older than me. They were all hitting thier teens when KISS was raging. They were the coolest people in the world so I had to love KISS too.

So, for my sixth birthday I got...

KISS - Destroyer

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the house across the street from me, circa 1984/85, had a big 'KISS' logo painted on the side of their house!!

jumping up and down on my parents bed to springsteen's born in the usa album is my earliest musical memory... i also remember hearing Thriller at the kid down the streets house and being ultra scared. not as scared though, as when i saw weird al's eat it video and at the end he turns the camera and he's got these weird ass yellowish eyes. i also remember johnny cash being a big favourite in our house, although i remember no album specifically, just that something by johnny always seemed to be on. my grandmother was a huge fan, and my mom stormed the stage and kissed him once at hamilton place. and i remember david allen coe, too.. my dad had a tape with the asshole song and the rodeo song on it.

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It was a single:

Rick Dees and His Cast of Idiots - "Disco Duck".

Ya, that's right; I said it. Now who wants to make fun of me?

I also really dug Blondie at that same time, which was when I was about 6.

I probably didn't appreciate real music until I was about 12 and heard "Under a Blood Red Sky" by U2; but I always knew I was a music lover.

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All the kids in my neighbourhood were about five to eight years older than me. They were all hitting thier teens when KISS was raging. They were the coolest people in the world so I had to love KISS too.

So, for my sixth birthday I got...

KISS - Destroyer

I may have mentioned this here before?

I love being reminded of Connecticut as a kid..I think we were 8 or 9.. me and my buddy Alisa would hold fake KISS concerts at our tottally rad tree fort in the woods! She had these fake guitars and we would (gasp) lip sync and pretend it was us playing the DYNASTY album...dressed up, makeup the works....we'd charge the locals kids. It was a great party untill we got busted as frauds!haha...Chugging coke and pounding sugar before our 'shows' getting tottally high on sugar and stardom!

ahh memories....golden.

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That is hilarious.

That just triggered a memory of my eight yr old hallowe'en costume - Peter Chris' KISS make-up and outfit (somewhat less leathery albeit) from the Destroyer album cover. The make up design was done with the Dynasty album cover for the model, though.

I think Dynasty was the second album I got - that or Rock & Roll All Over.

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I started getting albums as gifts from my parents at a really young age. When I was around 5 years old back in 1973, my mom bought me Meet The Beatles and High Tides And Green Grass by The Stones. I listened to them a lot, even though I didn't know how to use a proper turn-table. My Mickey Mouse turn-table was more my style back then.

I got the Red Album from The Beatles a few years later and I remember asking for the first Boston album when it was first released in 1976.

I had a lot of older friends and they influenced me at a young age. The only album of my early youth that I can't stand is the Boston LP. Hey, after almost 30 years, Boston starts getting a little boring.

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When I was like five My Song was Johnny B. Goode. I vividly remember sitting at the dining room table and writing a fan letter to Johnny. When I finished my mom 'splained to me that Johnny B. Goode wasn't a real person, it was a song made up by this Chuck Berry dude. Wow. What a disappointment. My only other fan letter came two years later, to Henry Winkler. Another disappointment, but this time I deserve it.

However, for some reason when I was about ten I got access to some real cool music - and I flipped out over Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show. I know that album backwards and forwards. I still think it has a big influence over my songwriting and shit.

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I was shut right out of most music that was happening as a kid, pop 1950s singles around the house, CKOC AM radio Top 40 and whatever I picked up at classical piano lessons

my first single of my own I loved was Prism "Armeggedon" (loved the explosion part of the song)... first albums of my own were Boston's "Boston"(on picture disc no less), Rod Stewart's Blondes Have More Fun and AC/DC's Back In Black... Pink Floyd was the first music I became obsessive about and began collecting, around 13

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the first fan letter i wrote was to george michael when i was about 8.


hahaha...wake me up before you go,go!

The Beatles and Simon & Garfunkle were the everyone can agree music in our home growing up...I think beyond that my first albums were Drums and Tuba...not the band we now hear of...and The Chipmonks....Urban Chipmunk...lol...

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CKOC AM radio Top 40

Thats funny you mention that man,I used to listen to that station alot,I remember when they shut down for a week to switch from broadcasting in mono to AM stereo,thats how & when I discovered (searching the dial for anything)Q107 and the Rock & Roll Doctor and another station I believe was 104.5 FM,used to tune in for "Theater Of The Mind" on sunday nights.

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Theater of the Mind, nice... seem to remember catching that sometimes (think you're right, CHUM FM 104.5)

also, Daley's Night on CKOC... Album Rock... where I first heard a pre-release albumside of The Wall that turned me into a Pink Floyd freak for years to come

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CKOC AM radio Top 40

Thats funny you mention that man' date='I used to listen to that station alot,I remember when they shut down for a week to switch from broadcasting in mono to AM stereo,thats how & when I discovered (searching the dial for anything)Q107 and the [i']Rock & Roll Doctor and another station I believe was 104.5 FM,used to tune in for "Theater Of The Mind" on sunday nights.

Me three.

One word: Spin-o-rama!! I never got on the air.

I believe that I made the jump from CKOC to CFNY though - I was in high school (probably grade 11 or so) before I really got into any classic rock other than the Beatles.

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