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BSS and NYC cop BS


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This is exactly the thing that bothers me when in the states. We can very well take for granted our lax marijuana enforcement. Well, lax compared with what can happen in the US. Last time we were in Vermont, I couldn't help but realize that looking for weed in the States could potentially cause you a whole lot of trouble.

Dave Newfeld tells about what really went down and the article does show that the Broken Social Scene will be launching a lawsuit.

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How pathetic.

Even if the US could justify their draconian drug laws (which any logician will agree can't be done) there isn't a shred of logic to beating up an alleged offender, when it would arguably be easier to just arrest him without incident.

Clearly a case of a Napoleonic-Complex-leading-to-police-academy-rather-than-seeing-psychologist-to-deal-with-own-inadequacies.

Reminds me of some legal actions we currently have ongoing out of this office against bar bouncers...

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This is sad this is bullshit this is so fucking America...I hope Newfield gets some justice out of this, thank god his celebrity gives him a voice. I hope those cops are freaking out now that they've realized this isn't like every other no name they've beaten down, can't sweep this one under the rug.

One thing that this story illustrates is that you NEVER BUY POT IN WASHINGTON PARK!! It's always shit, its always a hassle and its always a huge risk to your personal safety. He should have just went to the show and people would have showered him in pot for being in BSS.

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Yeah, trying to score in a park (not to mention Washington Park) is just crazy. Not only are you asking to get a shitty count for an inflated price, but you're also running the HUGE risk of being busted. I'm really puzzled as to why this was the source of choice.

BSS should take a page out of JFJO's book and kindly ask for "flowers" from concert goers where border crossings are necessary. ;)

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total bunch of BS but i can totally believe it, it is good that this guy has an outlet where alot of ppl will listen, not like me or you saying how the cops beat us up, ppl would brush us off as raving ranters, but this guy has some cred at least. man oh man how i wish they would switch the laws so they work, i have alot of fam in the US as im a dual citizen myself, and they cant believe what a sad state of affairs theyre in down there. not just lately, its been getting worse and worse every damn day, they all want to move up here once they visit.

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In a situation like this it is always difficult to determine what exactly happened.

Dave Newfeld himself states:

As Newf tells it: "We walk around the corner, and all the sudden I'm tackled in a football style attack, like a mugger would do, you know? You grab the person and catch them by surprise and they ambush in a football tackle. And then they're like, 'Police, police, police! Fucking put your hands behind you!'" Due to the lax drug laws in Canada, Newfeld says he didn't connect what he assumed to be a mugging with his schwag score, assuming the "police" claim was a ploy by thugs to keep their victims passive for an easy stick-up.

"They started punching me in the face and beating the shit out of me and throwing me on the ground, so I'm trying to get away-- not fight them back, because I'm not capable of that, but just to escape. And then they threatened to break my hand and I'm like, "No, don't break my hand! I'm a musician. I gotta fuckin' play tomorrow! And so I'm really freaking out, and at that point I thought, 'Just take my wallet, whatever. Don't break my hand. My wallet's not worth it.'" By now, Newfeld's pal was cuffed on the ground, and finally decided it was time to break the news: "They're cops! Submit!" Oh, and P.S., whoops!

I do not know what Dave means by "just to escape" but if he hit a cop after they have already said to him "Police" three times, then he is going to be in big trouble and will likely lose his case against the New York City Police.

New York City is a crazy place and the police there put their lives at risk everyday. Now I'm not saying that what the police did to Dave Newfeld was necessarily justifiable, but only those cops and Dave know what he tried to do to get away from them. Even if you hit a cop once, you shouldn't expect to come out unscathed. And in NYC if you hit a cop you should be thankful that you can even walk away from the incident.

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You are right that no one knows what happened apart from those present, however, if Newfeld is not fabricating events, he was only trying to escape rather than fight back; and the police threatened to break his hand. If that's true, then he did not assault a single officer, and the police used undue force to try to restrain him. (Breaking a hand is very dissimilar to restraining a person.)


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They started punching me in the face and beating the sh!t out of me and throwing me on the ground, so I'm trying to get away-- not fight them back, because I'm not capable of that, but just to escape

That's all he seems to have meant. He was trying to get away to escape. The sentance doesn't make alot of sense the way it is written but I can see he's just saying that he was just trying to escape...get away after being assaulted and pointing out that he isn't capable of fighting back.

Fight or Flight ---- he tried the flight, but it got treated as fight.

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That comment about lawyers and relatives of lawyers may have been the stupidest thing I have ever heard someone say. I mean I have heard people say some pretty random and insulting things, but what the hell was that all about?

Poor guy was beat up by some over-zealous cops and this guy starts off on some personal rant about lawyers? Yeah . . . too bad he got beat up he wasn't even a fag or a nigger.

You moron.

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