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i miss nero......

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out at an local indie rock show the other night

\/\/illy pointed out some kid I didn't recognize proudly sportin his nero shirt

though it sounds impractical for them to get back together for any duration at this point in time, it'd be cool if they at least did a once yearly run for all us chronics (wink wink nudge nudge)

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Yep, once a year would be a sweet treat for sure...I certainly wasn't suggesting a "Reunion Tour"...sweet jebus...but an annual Nero event would frickin' fun...say, somewhere on the shores of PEI during the summer...or on a lake in Ontario...just make sure that everyone is wearing waterwings and the kids'll be fine...

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Anyone want to put together a nero tribute act? We could call it "401 Orchestra" or somesuch. Either it would play really well, and make people happy, or it would infuriate/shame the boyz into getting back on stage together (or both)...



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isn't that burning software??

nero who?

seriously. sooooooo close. if they ever decide to rock it again it's gotta be for real. hit it up and actually utilize the golden handshake if it's still got its sheen.

it's guys like jay dave and chris (well...them specifically, not just guys LIKE them) that deserve to be making a living playing music. families need to be able to eat well and not worry about the reality of a western economy.

I'm just glad the circumstances around this band brought at least one beautiful child into the world. there'll be music as long as people live on.

I'm glad I was able to make it out to so many shows with so many great people and actually be so close to those moments in person.

playing dave's asat...(the solidbody one)...the practice in bobby jones' house...the 'nice amp' comment from buote...the 40 shows(real statistics are for nerds)...seeing that flame in giggles' eyes light back up again...comfort in a new experience every time i hear/heard their songs again...

i look forward to the future of music. I'm grateful for its past.

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I too miss the juggernaut that was nero. I was thinking about a show I saw in lindsey last fall. no PA just amps and drums. Fucking amazing. I fell in love with the tune medicated that night.

I really hope that the disbanding of nero doesn't spell the end of what is a really great catalog of songs. I was looking forward to seeing how medicated and other new tunes were going to evolve.

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