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To all my friends


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I leave for my big bike ride on Wednesday - three weeks bicycling around Newfoundland. It'll be just me and the Alphasmart, so expect plenty of logs.

Anywho, I'm having a few friends over Tuesday night to bid me off, so if you know where I live, feel free to drop by around 9pm give or take.

Bring drinks and smiles.

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Guest Low Roller

Sounds like a great adventure Velvet. Take care of yourself!

Some advice: A friend of mine did the whole biking for weeks on end thing, and he was slowed down by horrible tendonitis, so if I were you I'd take some sort of anti-inflammatory with you in case you start getting some aches and pains.

Good luck!

Edited by Low Roller
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I'll be there. I'd hate to miss a chance to commemorate/celebrate you leaving town for any significant period of time. }:|

(I'm aiming for 9pm, but it might be a bit earlier, as I want to get to the Beer Store on Bank St. before it closes at 9pm.)



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hey todd, all the best on this trip, man... i guess no burning man this year, eh? another time... hehe... enjoy, my friend... you do some really cool shit, and i love the stories that come with it... looking forward to seeing/reading all about this one!

bon voyage!

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