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Black people loot.. but white people find

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yeah.. it's crazy eh

one thing though.. in defence of someone I guess.. the clippings are from two different sources... so it's kinda unfair to really say much I suppose..

but that's not nearly as fun


In defense of the caption writers, it's entirely possible that the person who took the picture (or pictures; we don't know what else was shot), or a reporter who was with the photographer(s), saw the people captioned as looters actually looting stores.

However, it's also interesting to note the phrasing of the last picture:

Two residents wade through chest-deep water after finding bread and soda from a local grocery store in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Did you catch that? "...finding bread from..." That phrase, as written, is grammatically wrong, but if you replace "finding" with "looting", it makes sense. It almost seems as if it was submitted as "looting...from" and got changed to "finding...from" by an editor.



Did you catch that? "...finding bread from..." That phrase, as written, is grammatically wrong, but if you replace "finding" with "looting", it makes sense. It almost seems as if it was submitted as "looting...from" and got changed to "finding...from" by an editor.

Or a sneaky photoshopper. Remember all the fake pictures that were spawned immediately after 9/11? I'm hoping this is the case here. But if it's not... I'd like to see someone like John Stewart run with this and expose it to a larger audience.


Me, I'm more than a little annoyed at the coverage of the looting. It's ludicrously self-righteous.

The only people that are left in New Orleans come from three groups.

1) The media. Fuck 'em. They're the ones that are filming the looting, wagging their fingers and then pleasently interviewing the looters. Plus, do you think they got permission to use all the car batteries they've been using to broadcast?

2) The stupid. A small group to be sure but they "loves their homes". I suspect a lot of these folks can't figure out why there cars won't work underwater (or with a missing car battery) so I doubt they're doing much looting. Most who could leave left...now that word "could" brings me to my next point...

3) The poor. Can you imagine spending your life feeling like everyone else has something you don't. Then being "ordered" out of your home with no real means to do it. On the night of the hurricane you're patted down by soldiers on the way into a hot stuffy non-ventilated stadium while all those that have the something that you never have had just left.

Then, the roof of the stadium leaks, hell comes to town in the form of a flood (made up of what is essentially sewage water) and you haven't heard from any official source in 3 days because there hasn't been power, cell service, or telephone lines. You're all alone, no food or dry clothes.

But there's a Wal-Mart.

What would you do?

I'm not naive enough to think that all the lootong is for essentials but if it feels like your life as you know it is over...what do you have to lose?

Stuff is insured. As long as the police and army keep peeople from hurting themselves and others we should shut up about the looting.

Hell I'm surprised that the police aren't helping people loot safely.



(nice to see ya around Jeff)

Some more hypocracy: Bush just spoke and the media was reporting he was going to call on all Americans to conserve energy/gas.

Seems to make sense?

He didn't. Not surprising.


Saw those pics on boing boing yesterday.

Heres another I read yesterday...

Some groups, the reporters wrote, "organized themselves into assembly lines to more efficiently cart off goods. Inside the store, one woman was stocking up on make-up. She said she took comfort in watching police load up their own carts. 'It must be legal,' she said. 'The police are here taking stuff, too.'"

Reports Looting by Cops and Firemen


I believe the majority of those who are looting are to stay alive.

If it looks like the majority on camera that are looting are black it is likely because they were too poor to get out of the huricanes path.

This thread makes me sick and I think it should be deleted.

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