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Best day ever


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The sun's shining, I'm drinking a cup of burnt coffee and looking out my office window onto the Hilton next door and what do I see?

An enormous naked man standing RIGHT in front of his hotel window combing his hair.

He had an almost non-existent wang, or his massive frame made it seem that way.

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Started my day off with a bowl (very rare for me before work) and then got to work only to find out there was some emergency meeting regarding this stupid project I'm working on and had to give this impromptu lecture on all of the inner workings of the machine and predictions on future downtime....BAKED }:(

Not pleasant.

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Started my day off with a bowl (very rare for me before work) and then got to work only to find out there was some emergency meeting regarding this stupid project I'm working on and had to give this impromptu lecture on all of the inner workings of the machine and predictions on future downtime....BAKED }:(

Not pleasant.

Dude! Never fails. That's why I quit the pre-work bowl some years ago.

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nice one, schwa.

when i was off work for a surgery i had, i got an over-the-phone promotion seconds after finishing a massive joint... i didnt negotiate the best salary, and i ended up recommending someone for a job that i really didnt like - ended up making my work life hell for a little while.

pre-work bowling only occurs for me now if i know for sure im gonna be mostly by myself for at least the first hour or 2... and to be honest, i tend to get more work done cuz i "dont want anyone to notice".

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Started my day off with a bowl (very rare for me before work) and then got to work only to find out there was some emergency meeting regarding this stupid project I'm working on and had to give this impromptu lecture on all of the inner workings of the machine and predictions on future downtime....BAKED }:(

Not pleasant.

eeeh. you've just described one of my recurring nightmares. why waste a perfectly good buzz on work?? (~);)

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Back in the godawful summer I played soldier at Ft. Henry, we used to go down to the reverse fire chambres to smoke joints before going to do sunset shows. It was one of the few things that got me through that summer with something like a smile on my face (though it made it the shows a little bit more grueling), but if I ever get back there, I'm sure I'll find myself looking for all the red eyes in the squad.

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