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jambands.ca FUNdraiser show Sat. Jan. 28 Kitchener

mark tonin

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What a FUN night!

A wee zonky to post much right now.. getting up at 4:30 am to drive from KW to Chatham this morning was not fun! Getting to enjoy a SICK Jordan Knight show last night with my babe sure made it worth it though! :D

First of all, That is really too bad about the car problem, Alexis and NewRider. Felt really bad for you guys and I wish someone could have picked you guys up. You were missed.

The FUNdraiser was a smashing success! So many simply awesome folks gatthered in one spot!! Every band did such a great job and got everyone movin' and shakin'!! I'll be smiling for months with thoughts of the incredile moments of the blowout show that took place Satruday at the Lancaster!

Huge thanks to everyone that assisted in making the night a flawless celebration!

More to come...

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that was a great show, good job guys!!! i can't believe how many people were there! i really had a good time. sorry to anyone who was trying to talk to me when i was working the door, and found i kept getting interrupted. there were many conversations over the night i didn't get a chance to finish! i'm also sorry to anyone i didn't get a chance to say bye to when i left -- i had to get up early sunday morning so i couldn't stay for the whole thing. if i stayed to track everyone down i would have been the last one there. :) i had a great time though and it was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO great to see so many awesome people. and huge high fives to all the bands!

i must say, i am REALLY looking forward to camping this year. :) music festival season can get here any time now...... hey, there's like less than 4 months until 2-4. AWESOME! :D

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Holy whatever...that was a great time.

Felt like a mini festival in the place.

WE had a great time playing to the receptive crowd. I felt it was one of the best sets we'd ever played. I was really happy with the performance.

I enjoyed meeting a bunch of new people and reuniting with others.

The venue was perfect for the event and I hope we decide to do it again next year and in Ottawa before that.


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Oh what a night of dancing!!!!!!

thank you to all the bands...that was exactly what this body and soul needed!!!!

I can't wait to hear how much $$$ was raised...the place was PACKED beyond my expectations!!!

A few times over the night, when I remembered this was a fundraiser for jambands and remembered to ask unknown faces if they "were on jambands", I never got a "yes"....it seems like alotta people just heard good word of mouth buzz about the show and decided to check it out....so I think we might just be seeing an explosion of newbies checking out and joining this site!

Further kudos to Mark & Keri and everyone else who threw their efforts behind this project. It was good to see you two actually enjoying yourselves!!!

Finally, to let folks know who missed the event (or missed the 'merch table') our own lovely Large Marge made some spectacular buttons, some of which are still avail (soon to be in Bouche's possession). I'll see if she can post a picture of them...they're awesome....choice of 5:


~~"Vote for Lazlo"

~~Original Jambands logo (top left corner of this site)

~~Newer logo


$2 each or 3 for $5

as I said, they're all in Ottawa now, but we'll figure how to get them to people further flung.

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Wow, That was an awesome time. I didn't know which floor to stay on. The music was great on both. Big Thanks to Mark and Keri! Also Eric Warren for the sound work. Very cool. We need to do that again soon. The crowd was awesome. Great response from all of you guys!

As for you Lazlo, thanks for not showing up.

See everyone soon!


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Can you bring them to the WTTS show on March 10th in Ottawa @ Maverick's Deb?

I'd be into selling them for the site as well as getting some for myself.

If some could be brought to the Friday, Feb. 24 Vanderpark/Throwback/Inglewood Jack show at Mavericks in Ottawa, we'd be into selling/hyping (as a banefit to / promo of jambands.ca) them, too.



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You guys managed once again to completely blow me away. I hope we can entice you to Ottawa to play soon. I was also, and not surprisingly, fully amazed with Diesel Dog, WTSS (Deeps, your stage energy is infectious), High Plains Drifter (whom I hadn't seen since the Gypsy days, and who managed to get the room singing by the end of the set), Organic Groove (mm mm good!), and Superfly, who I knew would be great when they dovetailed so finely out of the drum circle.

Another round of kudos to Keri and Mark for bringing this together, and to the sound wizards Eric and Doug!

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indeed, deb, three cheers for margaret the button lady. and huge cheers to all the people that made this happen...tonin & keri, you throw the best parties i've ever been to.

the sound was aesome upstairs and down thanks to eric and diesel doug, and the crowd was jumping and going all night...

well done everyone!!

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hey everyone, how was the show? i lost track of time and woke up in the bathroom at schwa's, puking, and laughing....


hey guigs...any other memories come floating back to ya yet?

do you remember dave & I picking up the Scotties-squared 'round about 4:30 in the morning? we were trying to offer y'all a ride, then all 4 of us burst out laughing when we realized we had NO idea how to get you to an unknown-to-us address. Last image I have is of you SHOUTING "abort mission, ABORT!" and the two of you launching yourselves out of the backseat in a fit of giggles.

fack that wuz funny!

acid is fun!

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HAHAH! yeah, i've been lovin' that story - you know what happened? there was a cab coming right then that i figured we could get, so i was yelling and hailing - the fucker flew on past, then i turned around and you guys were gone again and we were back to square one. all in about 30 seconds. i took a picture of the intersection. and we laughed like idiots.

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Awesome evening in KW, thanks to Mark, Keri & all involved with putting this on, couldn't believe the people I was running into.

Also, I'm not 100% sure on who took the pic and/or framed it that I won on the 50/50 draw, but a big thanks, I can't wait to get my drywalling finished to get it up on my wall. And to whoever did the draw, pulling my name out, thanks!

Thanks Willy & Leanne for getting me to KW & for taking the picture with ya back to Hamilton, I really believe leaving it with you guys was my best choice, especially given the horde of freaks, drunkards & well wishers I was associating with all weekend.

Great seing all those folks I hardly get to cross paths with.

Good times.

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It is Tuesday morning, and I am finally starting to put my mind back together after having it blown apart at the event. I am still somewhat stunned that my hopes for the night materialized in such a big way. Here are some thoughts, in random order.

I love music, which is why I get involved in events such as this one. I love playing music, I love listening to it and dancing to it, and I love helping to support a community that appreciates live music. This show was a huge buzz for me on so many levels, as I got to be co-promoter, musician, and an appreciative dancing fan all in one night.

Diesel Dog stepped up to the plate in a big way to help out downstairs. It was their pa equipment, drum kit and bass rig, and they looked after the sound all night downstairs and did a great job. Thank you so much guys, it has always been a treat working with you, as not only do you play great music, but you also are so willing to do what it takes to make things happen.

The sound upstairs was superb. No, it was better than that. Thank you to Eric Warren and Sherwood Systems for the huge amount of professional sound equipment, and for Matt Knischewsky for making it sound so incredible. As Wi!!y said to me, it was unbelievable how loud and yet how clear and clean the sound was ... it felt like I was swimming in sound. I would love to have that sound system running at all of my shows, and would gladly make it happen if people are willing to pay the extra money for it. It was a like a dream come true when I looked out from the side of the stage into the audience while Fat Cats were letting it rip, and saw 200 people appreciating it in a huge way. One of my all-time favourite bands, sounding as good as any band I've ever heard, playing music that had 200 friends either mesmorized in awe or shaking their bones like there was no tomorrow.

To my Harvard Mouse band mates and extended mouse family ... thanks for being such an integral part of the dream come true. Nothing is more enjoyable than playing music with you, especially when we head off into uncharted musical territory while jamming, where time ceases to exist and we live in the now.

To What The Thunder Said, Superfly, High Plains Drifter, and Organic Groove, thank you so much for playing at the event. I enjoyed what I heard from each band, and I heard lots of positive comments from people about all of the music that was played throughout the night.

Once again Keri, it was a treat working with you on this show. You understand what needs to happen to put on a show, and you’re willing to work hard to make it happen.

Esau, the picture that you won was donated by Guigsy.

I am sure that I am going to miss some names, and I apologize in advance for that, but thanks to all of the volunteers who helped with promotion, ticket sales, running the door, room setup and teardown, donated merchandise, pre and post show gatherings, picture taking, recording, etc. … Iliana, Becky, Scott, Barry, Sean, Scot, Schwa, Margaret, Julie, Blair, Mud, Cargo, Swifty, Jen, Floyd, Chris, Cary, Wi!!y, Leanne, etc. etc. etc. No event like this happens without the help and support of a lot of people.

Thanks to The Lanc for providing such a relaxed environment for a show of this nature. I would love to do this again, either as a fundraiser or as a winter festival.

We are still finalizing the numbers from the night, and I will publish them soon, once the last bits of money have been collected and bills have been paid. We definitely raised some funds while having some fun, and the money raised will go back into this community to hopefully make it even more vibrant than it already is.

Time to sign off for now … more later.

Peace, Mark

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Esau, the picture that you won was donated by Guigsy.

Thanks Mark.

Guigsy, thanks, that picture is amazing buddy, I wish I had remembered that at the show so I could have set ya up with a few beers, next time we cross path my friend.


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I am still somewhat stunned that my hopes for the night materialized in such a big way. Here are some thoughts, in random order...

... even more vibrant than it already is.

That pretty much sum sit it up ...including everything you said in between!

I would also like to partiularily offer some big thanks to the folks that donated for the raffle:

Guigsy, the BNB photo you donated was AWESOME and very attractively framed. (btw, Esau, I pulled your name, buddy!)

Now, there was a very nice wooden bowl that was crafted out of a tree stump section. Very earthy and beautiful. I would like to thank whoever brought that in. I believe it was a Hamilton gal! Who can help me out with a name? Paan? Anyways, the bowl was won by Mud and was very much appreciated.

Mark Tonin, the big variety of discs you donated were a big hit too. Really filled out the raffle nicely.

If I'm forgetting anyone, please let me know.

Some people may have, I know not many as there were only one person who bought tickets for it, noticed that the 50/50 winner was not announced. This was not on purpose. Just forgot. I apologize and hope you can forgive me in cheating you out of winner half your money back! If you were the person who bought tickets, let me know and I'll buy you a beer! :D

Thanks to EVERYONE that was at the Lanc on Saturday! It would not have been the same if not for the PEOPLE!

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Now, there was a very nice wooden bowl that was crafted out of a tree stump section. Very earthy and beautiful. I would like to thank whoever brought that in. I believe it was a Hamilton gal! Who can help me out with a name? Paan? Anyways, the bowl was won by Mud and was very much appreciated.

That was Julie from Shady Grove in Hamilton.

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