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i find it weird how his wife always sits front row.. constantly doting on and admiring her husband... my inner feminist gets on the defensive over it.

i don't know if the guy is for real.. but sometimes when my friends are going through their dramas and i'm the advice giver, i feel as though i put that guy to shame.

don't change the channel.. shut it off.. call my brother and talk him out of whatever he's getting himself into. and tell him to return my call. he's brutal. sometimes ;)

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Actually, a lot of the time, I don't mind him. Yes, he sometimes does "lightweight" shows, but there are times (e.g., when parents that are splitting up do things that are hurtful towards their children) when he shoots straight, and isn't afraid to tell people when they're wrong and what the potentially disastrous consequences of their actions might be.

And, from


Dr. Phil has a B.S, M.A. and Ph.D. in clinical psychology from North Texas State University with a dual area of emphasis in clinical and behavioral medicine. He has been a board-certified and licensed clinical psychologist since 1978.



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come to think of it i did really get into one of his shows once.. i can't remember the name of the cult for the life of me right now.. children of ???.. hmmmm.. maybe not... but he was trying to help some young girls who were sexually abused in this cult.. i was enamored.

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I guess it just really bothers me that these people seeking his advice actually have to come to him, my guess is that they want to be on TV. Gotta love americans with the passion to be on tv.

I'm not sure if your brother is even alive, I haven't seen him for weeks.

I'm sure he's under a rock or in a ditch somewhere though, its impossible to get rid of the guy.

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Dr. Phil is now a caricature of himself but I thought he had a pretty fresh approach as a TV therapist when I first saw him. I liked how he gave sober advice for the most part. He reminded me of a less crass Dr. Laura, a guilty pleasure from my AM radio days.

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americans really do have a passion to be on tv.. i just asked an american coworker and she said yah.. but she draws the line at springer. she says only hillbillies after a tornado are that bad. lol.

remember jenny jones? ugh i used to despise her to the point where i actually wrote a letter to her once.. never sent it. but the people who went on her show.. WHAT WE'RE THEY THINKING? *shudder*

i'd go on oprah.. in hopes of starring in an "oprah's favourite things" episode. ;)

i don't know what's up with my bro either. i called him monday left him a message, then again tuesday message and no call back.. normally he'll call me right back or at least text. i know our buddy neil is out there right now so i'm thinking his attention is being monopolized. who knows.

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I expect it won't take long before Dr. Phil goes down in flames for some jackass thing he says, hepped up on his own fame and power and oblivious to the finer points of human interaction.

To me, it just says too much about the need for morality plays and gladiatorial confrontations (i.e., a more polite Jerry Springer).

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yeah i used to hate him on oprah, and then liked the show, thought what he was trying to do, whether accomplished or not, whether using the right format or not, was a good thing. now i think it's devolving into jerry more and more each day.

i don't look to dr phil for make over advice, or to tell me if i'm cursed or not. i look to dr phil to tell me about the next new thing with sex crazed pre tweens and which of my neighbours are having scandolous affairs. god damn it, give me some shameful topics that have a modicum of taste.

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[color:brown]Dr. Phil provides a calming and reassuring force in my twisted little extistance. But not for what you may think. It doesn't seem to matter what he says, it's just his tone and barratone southern drawl that seems to put me at ease. I just listen to the rhythm of his voice and my troubles seem to melt away for a while. It's kind of like taking way more liquid acid than you planned on. At first your kinda worried but then the massive body buzz comes on and you have no worries.... Wow! maybe I should dose to watch Dr.Phil.

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I was in the audience for the Jenny Jones show once..one of THE funniest things Ive ever experienced.

haha I saw a Jenny Jones taping in NYC once too. Unfortunately it was serious topic that show, because we were all set to cause a ruckus. And yes, we'd been drinking.

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I HATE PHIL (I won't even call him Dr.)!!!

I admit that at first I was intrigued by his show, and I have been known to get sucked into his bull, but as a counselor, I think Dr. is abusive, arrogant, blaming, judgmental, and some times ignorant.

I heard from a friend who is studying narrative therapy that in the world of psychiatry, other therapists have absolutely no respect for Phil, he's a joke.

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Actually, I find him infinitely better than Maury. It seems that whenever I have a day off, and watch morning TV, Maury is doing one of those "Who's the father of my baby?" shows where he arranges DNA tests of mothers/children/fathers. I saw one where he had a woman who had been on his show, trying to identify the father of one of her children, about four times; she had been through (IIRC) seven men, none of whom had been the father.

What bugs me is that at no point did he ever say, "You know when you got pregnant, within a week or two at worst. How many different men were you having unprotected sex with around that time?" (As well as, "How have you changed your stupidly irresponsible behaviour to make sure this doesn't happen again?") Instead, Maury just plays out the drama (and Springeresque conflict) of waiting for the test results. At least Dr. Phil will get angry with and judgemental of his guests when they do something stupid.

And don't even get me started about Montel Williams' infatuation with Sylvia Browne...



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