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Q of the Day of the Month


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Who is your singular favourite musician and why. It varies all the time for me so just give your favourite right now.

I think mine is Steve Kimock. It actually has been for a while and have been listening to him quite a bit in the past 2-3 weeks. Such sweet music and tones this man can make. Close your eyes and float music -

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Mine probably always will be Garcia.

The most fundamental reason is "Just Jerry" recordings. Jerry with an acoustic guitar, alone not needing anything else but him, his voice and a hunk of wood was my inspiration.

Then I just kept discovering more and more about him. Old and in the Way, So What, Legions of Mary...it never ends. Bluegrass, jazz, funk, soul.... damn.

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Yeah i'm with BradM on the Zappa. Other 'up there' folks would be Lou Reed, David Bowie, David Byrne, Robert Fripp, Stephen Malkmus, Idris Muhammad and Thelonius Monk.....Vladimir Horowitz gets an honourable mention for his incredible feeling and timing even though he only played other peoples music... Miles Davis gets a nomination only because he's a paradox in my mind - I love his music but sometimes I wish he'd just set the trumpet down...

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I'd say it would be impossible to pick just one. I'd love to put Les Claypool in the list for his pure originality and awesome style. Not to mention being a premier bass player. But overall, the nod may have to go to Charles Mingus. Bass-player, piano-player and compser, Mingus took no shit and put together the best small big-band to this date. His tunes were all classic and are still played as much as any of the other jazz masters. the tunes combines cool jazz with afro-rhythms and feels, and mixtures of ragtime, big band, and bop. His only problem was a viscious temper and quick fist, and a weird desire to write an auto-biography about his pimping, which rarely mentions music.

Notables in my books, Peter Gabriel, Paul Simon, Bob Dylan, Scratch Perry and well, there are way too many.

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gotta say it, Garcia. [Eek!][Eek!]

His playing was at such a high level and possessed such a delicate beauty. I love his tone, his voice, his taste.

I put him on the same level as more accepted giants such as Miles or Coltrane. I think he was that good.


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Joni Mitchell.

her lyrics are awesome - and the music she creates fits so well with the mood of the lyrics and the ideas and feelings behind them. she;s had the most impact on me. for sure. whenever i'm learning one of those hard life lessons, going through emotional shit or good stuff or whatever, i almost always find one of her songs describes it so well..... like -yeah, now i know what she's gettin at! damn - she's got it down! smart woman, that's for sure. [smile]

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In order:

1 - Pete Townshend - I love his innovation, songwriting and general ass-kicking guitaring

2 - Keith Moon - my favourite rock star of all time

3 - Duane Allman - inspired me to play lead for real

4 - Dickie Betts - his pentatonic scales are a part of me

5 - Jimi Hendrix - he scares me

6 - Jerry Garcia - the only junkie I ever felt sadness for when he died

7- John Coltrane - see Hendrix

8 - Frank Zappa - see #5, 6 & 7

9 - Neil Young

9 - Lenny Breau - see #5 - 8

10 - Muddy Waters

11 - Jack White ( White Stripes ) - just because he bothers Second Tube. Jack is keeping the blues and roots rock alive for a new generation

12 - Jeff Beck - the greatest living lead guitarist

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I was very close to putting Mike Gordon as well Stamos. he or Phil. Such innovative bass, it sucks you in and forces you to listen to the bass instead of the lead instruments...or rather it becomes a lead intrument quite unlike most bands out there. GOOD CHOICE.

I thought of putting something like Miles Davis. I'm a closet Miles fan but don't think that i know enough about him to justify him being my favourite.

As i typed this post this morning i was also wrestling with putting Lars Ulrich. Fuggin amazing drumz!

.....1 jaimoe, 1. How can you have 12 favourites? [Wink] Who is your favourite out of those 12?

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Hey Schwa,

My all-time favourite is musician is Peter Townshend

My favourite rock star of all time is Keith Moon.

I have trouble answering questions like the one posed because soooo many musicians have influenced me over the years. All are important and all have contributed to my passion towards everything music.

I could have listed another 30 without much of a thought. They would be almost as important as the bakers dozen already mentioned.

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ya i hear you J. It caused me to think for a while. I have about 10-15 that have influenced me in soooo many ways. Jerry is up there too. Even others like Trey, Roger Waters/Gilmore, Trent Reznor, Warren Haynes, Kyle Hollingsworth (ya heard me!) BoB Marley........ the list goes on and on and on.....

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Originally posted by MarcO:

gotta say it, Garcia.

His playing was at such a high level and possessed such a delicate beauty. I love his tone, his voice, his taste.

I put him on the same level as more accepted giants such as Miles or Coltrane. I think he was that good.


What he said. Without a doubt.

The Grateful Dead, Jerry (& Phil) particularly, taught me how to listen to music, rather than just hearing it. Discovering the Grateful Dead was like a revolution in my mind...

Of course, Miles, Coltrane, Mingus and Monk are all pretty high on my list - as are Dylan and Neil...

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Originally posted by Jaimoe:

5 - Jimi Hendrix - he scares me

6 - Jerry Garcia - the only junkie I ever felt sadness for when he died

7- John Coltrane - see Hendrix

8 - Frank Zappa - see #5, 6 & 7

Zappa wasn't a junkie, though - actually, he claims to have never touched (most) drugs during his entire life... or did you just mean that you were sad when he died?

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