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Local tourist attraction


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Inspired by the 'post a little known fact' thread, how about posting a cool/weird/interesting/whatever attraction or local thing to do. For example:

Moncton is famous for it's Magnetic Hill. It's a dirt road that looks like it goes down but it really goes up. You drive your car down it and it coasts back up. If you're on your bike you'll coast up too. The water in the ditch runs uphill. When I was a kid it was the main road but now it's closed off and touristy, complete with it's own water park.

Interestingly, they once paved the road but it didn't work anymore, so they tore the pavement up.

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On those same lines, near the Bay of Fundy there used to be a river that when the tide came in it was like a wall of water moving up the river. I heard it's pretty much gone now due to a causeway (gotta love us humans for wrecking shit) but you can still see it a bit. It's been a very long time since I've been there so I don't know any other details than that but it was neat when I saw it.

Something a bit more local is the cat house at parliament here in Ottawa. I'm not sure if you guys know about it (though if you've been to parliament, you probably do) but to the left (while facing the front) of the main building is a cat house with several cats. I have no idea why it's there but I find it very comforting for some reason. I think it's mostly the idea that we're chill enough in Canada that we can have a little parliament for cats right on the main grounds (rather than high walls and guards with guns everywhere). Who knows but I like it.

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the cat house at parliament

I love that, too, and you're right, it is a nice thing to have as Canadians, where other states' buildings are all done up militaristically (I mean, just walk down the street and take a gander at the US embassy).

Last time we were there they even had a groundhog getting in on the cat food - and the cats were just fine with it. How's that for Canadian cool?

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In St. Thomas, Ontario, where my mom grew up, there is a life-size concrete statue of Jumbo the Elephant, a P.T. Barnum animal that was killed there in 1885 when it crossed in front of a freight train. The way my granddad tells it, there was a smaller elephant wandering into the path of the train, and Jumbo jumped in to shove it out of the way and was killed himself.

What do you do in 1885 when something crazy happens, like a massive elephant being hit by a steam locomotive? Why, you snap a picture, of course.


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On those same lines, near the Bay of Fundy there used to be a river that when the tide came in it was like a wall of water moving up the river. I heard it's pretty much gone now due to a causeway (gotta love us humans for wrecking shit) but you can still see it a bit. It's been a very long time since I've been there so I don't know any other details than that but it was neat when I saw it.

That would be the Tidal Bore, now known as the Total Bore. When I was a little kid I remember seeing the water rise about ten feet inside a half-hour at Bore Park in downtown Moncton. It still happens, but now the water only rises about a foot.

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Just outside of Owen Sound there is a truck...on a post. a 50 ft. post. And yes you can honk the horn and flash the headlights from inside the house....

My friend is dating the daughter of the man who lives in that house (King's Construction)

Really?!? Cool.

I mean, really cool!

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there's a camaro on top of what appears to be a telephone pole just outside of chatham.

oooh and chatham has the largest indoor amusement park in southwestern ontario.

oooh and uncle tom's cabin is in nearby dresden.

chatham really is a hotbed of tourist activity.

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heh! i wondered what birdy was going to say.

where is this camaro you speak of??

chatham actually does have an interesting history with regards to the underground railroad and one of the wars [myself not the expert].

my friend's place [the martins] was part of the underground RR, and the tunnels are still there [albeit mostly filled in]. we crawled around in them once, creepy!! :P

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down the street from my place on gilmour is the museum of dentistry...i always wonder what kinds of crazy things they must have in there!

[not to mention, who the hell goes to a museum of dentistry??]

Someone like this guy. I hate going to the dentist, yet I'm somewhat intrigued. Is is actually on Gilmour?

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