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Extremely Bad News


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What a reality check!!

I am so sorry to hear that Christine has had to experience this. Car accidents are one of my biggest, deepest fears. I take some comfort in hearing that she is hanging in there.

I know that this must be a time of great anxiety for all that love her. Life is so precious. May we all take a moment to appreciate all that we have, and reflect on how quickly it can all be taken away.

I send my sincere best wishes, warmth and love. She is going to need all of the support that she can get as she struggles to put her life back together...

My thoughts are with you all...

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So very sorry to hear this news - my thoughts and prayers are with Christine and her family right now as well with you Will and Leanne and everyone else who knows and loves her! It truly is wonderful that she has such beautiful friends like you to give your love and support wholeheartedly at this time.

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This has been on my mind all day. Have you received any updates on Christine's condition?

Ditto ... this news is the very first thing that I read or heard after waking up this morning, and I still don't know if I've totally processed the seriousness of the accident.

Lots more love and healing vibes to Christine, to Willy and Leanne, to Christine's family and friends ...

Peace, Mark

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Thank you everybody on the kind words and well wishes.

I just wanted to give you guys a quick update. She had surgery on her pelvis/hips on friday and it went well. The doctors say she wont be able to put weight on her right leg for a month and her left leg for 3 months. She is breathing on her own now. She is talking but very little because she is still very sedated. She doesn't remember anything from the accident. She also is having really bad nightmares which they think might be from the large amount of pain killers she's had the last week. She seems to be disoriented. She was talking about not wanting to miss the bus to go on her Europe trip. She doesn't remember her Europe trip which was a month ago. They don't think she has had any head injuries but she is seeing double in one eye.

She is out of critical care but still in an area where they don't allow visitors which aren't family. So I still haven't been able to visit her or send anything. It seems she on her way to a long recovery.

I wanted to ask if anyone was any suggestions on books I can get for her. She loved The Da Vinci Code and was currently reading The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran. She loves to read and I think she's going to be doing alot of it stuck in bed for the next few months. Any ideas?

Willy and I will do our best to keep you updated on her progress. Thanks again everybody.


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When it comes to books for a long stay, I recommend a mix: a heavy/long novel, a book of short stories, something non-fiction (maybe a biography), something light-hearted, etc. That way, you can jump around as your mood changes, and things like the short stories give you an immediate pay-off as you alternate between the stories and the long novel; the non-fiction brings you back to reality, and the light stuff (humourous, if you can get it; a book of the scripts of Monty Python sketches would be good) can put a smile on her face.

If she likes puzzles, a puzzle book (either a mix of a bunch of different kinds, or one particular kind of you know what she likes) is also good if not essential.

As to specific books, I think highly of Stephen King. (He's not what you'd call a heavily accomplished author, but the guy is a seriously accomplished writer.) "Bag Of Bones" is good, as is "Different Seasons" (both the movies "Stand By Me" and "The Shawshank Redemption" were based on stories in DS), and neither are particularly gory. His short story collections are also good, but can get a bit gory, IIRC; I've got "Night Shift" and "Nightmares & Dreamscapes", and both are good.

A good non-fiction one is "The Great Shark Hunt: The Gonzo Papers Vol. I" by Hunter S. Thompson. It's a compilation of a lot of his work, so can be read in bite-size chunks and in random order.

If she dug "The Da Vinci Code", Dan Brown's other well-known novel, "Angels & Demons", which has the same main character, might be a good read. "Holy Blood Holy Grail" by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh (IIRC) would also be a good non-fiction one, as "The Da Vinci Code" is, IMO, a straight chase scene based on (or ripped off of) the ideas in HBHG.



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Great to hear that she is making some progress. I am sure that a strong person like her will make the best out of this terrible situation. Keep on Keepin' On!!!

I really loved Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser and Mr Nice by Howard Marks.

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