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Roll Call: Loves Dimafleck


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I'll only ever love a Man that can beat Jay Cleary at an arm wrestle... even then I hold the final say if/when that happens... and it also means I don't love myself... nor Jay, since he cannot beat himself at arm wrestling, even if there were clones involved... but I digress... Dima's cool, even though he stomps all over people's sensibilites via the interweb... in person he comes off as just a normal dude who really likes good music... and flossing in the shower... advice I actually took. Who knew? Dima that's who.

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I've been a Dima fan ever since I read a post (I believe on Phantasy Web, or some board I don't go to, but there was a link here) in which Dima defended Canada against some ignorant, mouthy southerners. Well done.

He may irritate at times, but then again so do I; so who's to judge?

Dima: "yay" or "nay"?

I think ... Yay.

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Personally, I can't stand myself. Girls don't like me either. I have a pitiful little penis I call Charlie and every Saturday I spread peanut butter all over it, stand naked in the park and pray that some , poor, starving animal will break down and against its better judgement provide me with some sort of phallic stimulation.

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I was reading the dictionary today(because I have no friends)and much to my surprise there was my picture, right beside the word retard. This excited me sexually so I found my trusty tweezers and went to town. After about 20 minutes of nothing but a whole lot of blood, I wiped myself off, covered it with a band aid, changed my pad and turned on the View. That Joy broad is smokin'.

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