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Breaking News from tonight's CSNY show...


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Went to the show with Bones tonight, and saw a bunch of friendly faces. Nice to meet tribalstar.

Anyhow, the second set ended with Rockin' in the Free World, and during a feedback jam at the end Stills decided to put his foot up on the monitor like Neil was doing. Well, he slipped and fell to the stage. He kept playing the feedback jam, and refused help to get up.

They ended the jam, took their bows, and left the stage. After what seemed like 5 minutes, while waiting for the encore, someone came on stage and said that Stills really hurt his hand, they couldn't continue, and the show was over. House lights up.

So, either he is okay, and this is hilarious, or he injured himself, putting some tour dates in jeopardy, and this is really sad.

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good times...Thanks to Large Marge and the Sierra club...nice to meet mr slippery, cully and livingstoned and you too Basher....

And hey Alabama Man...good to see you on my way out...sorry I couldn't chat but I had to get drunk ass Hal Johnson and his sidekick Will home.

Hopefully will see everyone in Dover

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Anyhow, the second set ended with Rockin' in the Free World, and during a feedback jam at the end Stills decided to put his foot up on the monitor like Neil was doing. Well, he slipped and fell to the stage. He kept playing the feedback jam, and refused help to get up.

Funny - that's *exactly* how my grandmother broke her hip a few years ago!

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It was a great show last night (albiet basically the same one as the night before, with a few minor differences). I hope Stephen is alright and just couldn't play last night as to not put the tour in jeapordy. That would be a big bummer.

As far as differences between the shows, last night they ended the first set with Deja Vu (I think) and there were a few switches of song order and all that. As well, there was no encore. Besides that it was the same show, but hey, I could think of worse shows that I could hear two nights in a row!

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i was in section 309.. last row in the place.. after he fell he grabbed a towel.. so may be he cut his playing hand.. because he was kinda wiping down the neck of the guitar...

i could have sworn in the same song neil was on his knees for a minute..

everybody was rocking way to hard last night..

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the globe and mail has a hilarious take on night 1 in toronto... i love the section on Stills


The white-haired walrus man referred to the U.S. President as a "chimpanzee." He was sweeter as a singer: strong on Wooden Ships, delicate on the serene Guinevere, where his vocals braided with Nash's. But gum-brained:

He asked, "Ya'll got corporate greed up here?" Young, aware that he stood in a commercially sponsored arena where tickets reached $250, replied, with arms outstretched, "Right here."


He has not aged well. On the bluesy Wounded World, with Young on harmonica, dishevelled Stills sang with the clarity and tone of a man dealing with a mouthful of charcoal. He sounded better on the rugged, acoustic Treetop Flyer, and his cutting electric-guitar play sliced through Young's fuzz. He resembles a burrito-eating cabbie who turns up the radio to hear an old hippie song like Teach Your Children.


He was hit and miss, offering a voice that was insufferable at times -- so high, Brit and pinched. Elsewhere, as on Chicago/We Can Change the World, he was fine. In general, the lauded harmonies of CSN were out of place on the Young grunge-folk, but better on the group's own material. Nash's pleasant Milky Way Tonight featured a nice acoustic solo from the man called Shakey.


The old guy clumped around quite a bit, hammering away at his black Les Paul as he went. He raised a fuss on The Restless Consumer, yelling in a "you-kids-get-off-of-my-lawn" voice about not needing a Madison Avenue war. At one point, a montage of photos of fallen U.S. soldiers was shown. Later, the old Rust Never Sleeps giant microphone stand was raised, complete with a yellow fluttering ribbon. Young physically taunted a towering metaphor that teetered, but failed to fall. As he walked off, he feigned infirmity, grabbing at his lower back. Big mike, big voice -- an old Sixties man makes his point.

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