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Another terror plot thwarted...


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"Because the plot involved taking liquid explosives aboard planes in carry-ons, passengers at all U.S. and British airports, and those boarding U.S.-bound flights at other international airports, are banned from taking any liquids onto planes."


Sir, I'm going to have to take this bottle of water away from you since it might be a liquid explosive, and I'm going to have to mix it with all of these other bottles of possibly liquid explosive, and I'm going to have to dump them all in this trash can... together. Nevermind that the plot specifically mentions mixing chemicals and/or nitroglycerin... which explodes if handled too roughly.

why is it that news people don't point this out?

(yes, that was a rhetorical question).

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Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.

Homer: Oh' date=' how does it work?

[b']Lisa: It doesn't work.

Homer: Uh-huh.

Lisa: It's just a stupid rock.

Homer: Uh-huh.

Lisa: But I don't see any tigers around, do you?

[Homer thinks of this, then pulls out some money]

Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.

corey, you are the best. i want to buy your rock.

No doubt you do.

My rock, in fact, is far superior to Lisa's. Hers only keeps away tigers, but mine keeps away terrorists. I can prove it, too. There hasn't been a single terrorist incident in Whistler, the whole time I've been here.

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My rock, in fact, is far superior to Lisa's. Hers only keeps away tigers, but mine keeps away terrorists. I can prove it, too. There hasn't been a single terrorist incident in Whistler, the whole time I've been here.

How do you explain the total lack of tiget attacks in Whistler while you've been there? And don't claim, "Oh, yeah, my rock keeps away terrorists and tigers!" because we all know that's total nonsense.



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Well that's it then. See people are like 80% liquid (water) or something like that, so does that mean we are all potential bombs.

I guess the next thing is banning people. Either that or we'll all have to dehidrate in Sauna's before plane rides and risk death in order to fly.

This is fuckin' crazy!

The terriorists have done more damage with this recent scare than if they did blow up a plane. The fact the can maniplulate the world with fear about innocuous items, proves they are in control and stripping our freedoms away everyday.

By issuing these crazy over the top bans we are actually playing into the terroists plans.

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I definately understand what you're saying about the damage done through the politics of fear but I disagree that more damage has been done than if thousands of people were blown to bits out of the sky!

I'd 'think' people are feeling a bit more assured that the powers that be are more competent than previously thought in uncovering and thwarting such attacks.

(((knock on wood - Dear Abbey)))

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The thing I don't like the most is that they immediately pin it on bin laden (newspaper headings saying it looks like it could be him which I know gets read as "bin laden did it"). It could have been him or not but it sure as hell strengthens the repubs position in the sates, woo hoo.

The other thing also has to do with headlines. In a paper here in ottawa one of the headlines goes something like:

''mass murder on an unimaginable scale,''

and the UK papers are saying that. I don't know. They say that 10 planes would be hit and if they're all 747's and completely full and short range (the SR model holds 550 passengers which is the most I think), the max number of passengers that could be killed is 5500 or so. Now, that's alot. Unimaginable, though?:

Armenian Genocide - 1915-1918 - 1,500,000 Deaths

Ukraine Famine (Stalin) - 1932-1933 - 7,000,000 Deaths

Nanking Massacre - 1937-1938 - 300,000 Deaths

History of the Holocaust - 1938-1945 - 6,000,000 Deaths

Pol Pot (in Cambodia) - 1975-1979 - 2,000,000 Deaths

Genocide in Rwanda - 1994 - 800,000 Deaths

Bosnia Genocide - 1992-1995 - 200,000 Deaths

Now that's murder on an unimaginable scale. What the headlines do is scare the crap out of people so that when the government says "hey, we want to take away a bunch of your freedoms and rights", people look at those headlines and say sure, unimaginable death sounds pretty bad, listen away to my phone calls and randomly arrest anyone not white solely on suspicion...

It could just be me, though. When I see something like this I see that it may be true but when I see anyone in government that stands to profit from things like this and use his/her powers to also increase profit, I get this kind of funny feeling that something is amiss.

I wonder what would happen if we gave up some luxury's and decided to stop oppressing all the really poor countries (conveniently the ones that harbor terrorists, hmmm), leave them alone perhaps or pay fair wages.

Also, it's perfectly legal in the states (not sure about canada) to completely make up the news which also makes it hard to believe some of the stuff.

I saw a guy with a neat t-shirt the other day that, at the top, said something like "Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction". Underneath this caption there was a map of the states with all the known missile silos and under that it said "Right next door". I liked that.

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Here is one of the media thingies that bothers me.
One official said the suicide attackers planned to use a peroxide- based solution that could ignite when sparked by a camera flash or another electronic device.

It bothers me, too, but not for the same reasons. This is completely made up. I'm not saying there wasn't a terrorist 'plot', but the details are phony.

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The thing I don't like the most is that they immediately pin it on bin laden (newspaper headings saying it looks like it could be him which I know gets read as "bin laden did it"). It could have been him or not but it sure as hell strengthens the repubs position in the sates, woo hoo.

The other thing also has to do with headlines. In a paper here in ottawa one of the headlines goes something like:

''mass murder on an unimaginable scale,''

and the UK papers are saying that. I don't know. They say that 10 planes would be hit and if they're all 747's and completely full and short range (the SR model holds 550 passengers which is the most I think), the max number of passengers that could be killed is 5500 or so. Now, that's alot. Unimaginable, though?:

Armenian Genocide - 1915-1918 - 1,500,000 Deaths

Ukraine Famine (Stalin) - 1932-1933 - 7,000,000 Deaths

Nanking Massacre - 1937-1938 - 300,000 Deaths

History of the Holocaust - 1938-1945 - 6,000,000 Deaths

Pol Pot (in Cambodia) - 1975-1979 - 2,000,000 Deaths

Genocide in Rwanda - 1994 - 800,000 Deaths

Bosnia Genocide - 1992-1995 - 200,000 Deaths

Now that's murder on an unimaginable scale. What the headlines do is scare the crap out of people so that when the government says "hey, we want to take away a bunch of your freedoms and rights", people look at those headlines and say sure, unimaginable death sounds pretty bad, listen away to my phone calls and randomly arrest anyone not white solely on suspicion...

It could just be me, though. When I see something like this I see that it may be true but when I see anyone in government that stands to profit from things like this and use his/her powers to also increase profit, I get this kind of funny feeling that something is amiss.

I wonder what would happen if we gave up some luxury's and decided to stop oppressing all the really poor countries (conveniently the ones that harbor terrorists, hmmm), leave them alone perhaps or pay fair wages.

Also, it's perfectly legal in the states (not sure about canada) to completely make up the news which also makes it hard to believe some of the stuff.

I saw a guy with a neat t-shirt the other day that, at the top, said something like "Where are the Weapons of Mass Destruction". Underneath this caption there was a map of the states with all the known missile silos and under that it said "Right next door". I liked that.


My sentiments exactly.

I am concerned that people could get hurt, but it's hard not to have a cynical reaction when I hear anything that comes from the Department of Homeland or their counterparts in the UK.

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well, you can't bring liquids on but aparently they're thinking about banning quite a bit more, like all the fun gadgets...


I wonder how this will affect the airline/international tourist industry. Without being alowed a carry on, a long flight is very, very boring. If it's not completely necessary folks will probably start thinking of other things, including not going at all. I bet some people will switch to other modes of transport as well. Who knows. I'll still travel given the money too.

One thing I want, really really bad, is for someone to ask the question "why". Why are the attacks going on (and please don't just say religious fanatics or something, that's the "who"). Many of the terrorists come from countries we exploit or belong to religions which are strong in countries we exploit. Why doesn't anyone realize this? Why don't we leave them alone and just live with some sacrifices (basically give up our cheap labour so that everyone can be happy). Why is money and profit so damned important to us and why is this considered in any way civilized? Hard core exploitation of lesser folks for personal gain.

Slave: one that is completely subservient to a dominating influence

Hmmm, like a 13 year old girl making a fraction of what it costs to feed her family.

Wait, we abolished slavery, or did we just send it to far off regions, out of sight, out of mind.

Ahhh, sorry, it just frustrates me so much.

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One thing I want, really really bad, is for someone to ask the question "why". Why are the attacks going on (and please don't just say religious fanatics or something, that's the "who"). Many of the terrorists come from countries we exploit or belong to religions which are strong in countries we exploit. Why doesn't anyone realize this?

I thought this fact was just obvious. I think everyone knows this; even those choosing to be wilfully blind.

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Have you ever seen it in a newspaper or on tv? Mostly they just leave it at religious fanatics.

I read in a Tom Clancy or some such novel about a character that lived in Russia. He was very rich and very powerful and through him Clancy (could have been Ludlum) managed to make a great point. He was in a conversation with someone talking about when he was really rich, he lived with this assumption that the poor just had lesser quality shit than him. Ripped couches, really crappy tv, really crappy mattresses. Then he became poor and it was much, much worse. no couches, no tvs, no beds, the streets and a box type thing. Until I visited a 3rd world country and got a little awakening I too pretty much thought that, though it's hard to admit, and I've always been somewhat on a tangent from the norm in my beliefs. I wonder what the majority thinks and if they assume this sort of thing as well. I have a strong feeling that that's the case.

Either way, if the questions I posted earlier came out into mainstream media, I think quite a few people might come to a little awakening themselves but then I might be underestimating human greed and the power of willfull ignorance as well. I just can't believe that if all westerners really knew the truth, saw pictures or what not, that things would go on the way they are.

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I thought that everyone is aware that the mainstream media is just a series of biased advertisements for the ruling class.

Maybe people are dumber (or at least more ignorant) than I thought.

my mom is a perfect example of a very average person, not dumb by any stretch, who defies your assumptions of the average persons media savvy.

ignorant? maybe.

duped? likely.

i think its unfair to put everyone up to your level, or rather, down below you because they may not be as skillful as you in sifting through the bullshit.

there are unfathomable amounts of people who are far too trusting and good natured to question why they would be misled.

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It is not a matter of being trusting, and I certainly didn't refer to any particular "level". I don't know what that means, but I am simply part of the masses like everyone else.

It's a matter of being critical and questioning what you are told. If it seems illogical, it's probably somewhat untrue.

Propaganda has been prevalent for as long as history has been recorded. It's well known.

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It is not a matter of being trusting
It's a matter of being critical and questioning what you are told

i think these things are directly related.

you either trust what you're told and have faith in the people telling you, thus not feeling a need to question or be critical... or... you dont have that trust and are critical and do have questions to ask.

you and i clearly fall into the latter. but there are hordes of people who fall into the former.

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Unbelievable that people are so intent on inflicting harm on innocent people because of their "religious" beliefs...and causing so much anguish on the rest of the world...have they got one hell of a shock when they reach the gates of their heaven as their collective asses will be shitkicked all the way down to the firey pits of hell where Mr. Satan himself will continue to kick their sorry asses...

Because of these ignorant fucks it will be a bitch for me to take my recording and editing gear with me when I fly to the Maritimes shortly...I've just purchased a sexy new MacBook equipped with my editing software and am hoping to be doing some location & ambience/atmosphere recording in various spots in and surrounding Halifax/Lunenburg...but because of these hell-bent morons it doesn't look like I'll be able to carry a piece of paper let alone a laptop...

Has anyone flown inside Canada since this has happened and what should I be expecting when I hit Pearson?...what a bunch of unnecessary bullshit to deal with...

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