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The Slip will be a wonderful time


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It was intentionally a mealy mouthed apology. I was more sincere in a private email but Shane's pretty pissed at a few people I gather so I haven't heard back. He's right to be pissed but I'd tend to agree with KitKat's assessment of things.

In the end it was a pretty petty beef and seems to have been resolved to everyone's satisfaction. Anyways it can't all be daisy chains around the sun.

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Me neither Bouche.

That is one aspect that I'm waiting on, in the hopes that our good-intentioned promoters will follow through on.

I'm trying to have faith, and assuming there is more to this story. My fingers are crossed that all will be resolved and there will once again be daisy-chains around that lovely sun.

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Wow, what a weak apology. Not that one was needed. Clearly the lines have been drawn, and this was a weak attempt to stir up some sh!t perhaps to entertain Willy and MarcO...

Love how Canned Beats gets called out as the only dissenting voice up until this point. Nice Orange Alert! and then fanning the flames two posts down. I've learned there's little point rationalizing, or conversating online when everybody is shitting on you, but one point really bugs me...

The Slip choose Shane as the Promoter... over your bid (Bouche and KitKat)... perhaps you could shovel a little bit of your disrespect towards the band you love so much too... cause they ultimately made a decision, and one which they thought would be in their benefit. The band you love choose Shane. And none of the disrespect, atleast online, seems to be directed towards them. Not that I want to disrespect them, or you, or anyone... but common... if you're calling us bad, then we weren't the only ones in on that decision.

As far as co-pro goes... I think at one point the door was wide open... at which point it was suggested by Team Ottawa that Team Ottawa go it alone... then the Slip comes back and decides to work with UF Productions, at which point the offer was again extended for the co-promotion and it seems is 'still up in the air'... since then, well things have got 'chilly'.

But here's how the game works: if you really really wanted to promote the show on your own... you know how you do it? You offer them more money, and more intangibles than Shane can and did offer. You wouldn't go online and throw mini-tantrums and start hate threads, or support them and air dirty laundry on your own public message board.

With the value added of working with an organization such as UF or NuFunk.ca the Slip believed they could get a better deal accross the board then just one promoter working one market. I think the historical relation between the Slip and UF played a major part as well. Once again, who's willing to criticize the Slip for their part in this relationship? Besides... what did you really hope to gain? Lots of money? (It wasn't going to happen, especially if you out bid us (plus you couldn't support the other Ontario Dates)), or was it just to be able to say you "did the show"? if so... why such a hard ass about the co-promotion offers?

Still all of this stinks of a flaming pile of doo... The slip really need an audience in Ontario to make things sustainable, and so that the promoters don't lose money on bringing them to town. All of this in fighting doesn't help them out... which is funny because I thought we would all want to help them out. Atleast we know that you don't like us... gotcha.

Edited by Guest
bou not boo!
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this was a weak attempt to stir up some sh!t perhaps to entertain Willy and MarcO....

and consider me entertained!!!!!!!! :P

more seriously, thank you to anyone and everyone who works hard and puts their reputation and money on the line to bring us great live music!

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–verb (used without object) 1. to differ in sentiment or opinion, esp. from the majority; withhold assent; disagree (often fol. by from): Two of the justices dissented from the majority decision.

2. to disagree with the methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government; take an opposing view.

3. to disagree with or reject the doctrines or authority of an established church.

–noun 4. difference of sentiment or opinion.

5. dissenting opinion.

6. disagreement with the philosophy, methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government.

7. separation from an established church, esp. the Church of England; nonconformity.

yeah...i don't have a lot of specifically constructive things to say all of the time - although some may see them as being worthwhile.

hence the orange alert happening (not necessarily the alert itself)

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Okay this is a fucking nightmare. Maybe I should deal with this in sequence.

A. Referring to 'battle lines being drawn' makes clear that this is not about collectively working together for the best possible scene. This is about attack, counter-attack, retaliate. I don't really regret posting my concerns here. If you think I've even begun to air out dirty laundry I think that's where you're mistaken. The fact of the matter is I really wasn't being kept in the loop, heard private dissenting opinions (from across the country no less) and added up that I at least didn't feel comfortable with the scenario. What do you do when you do not trust that you have all the information you need and you don't trust your source?

B. Again this is not a battle. What would have been smart as concert promoters, this is just a thought, would be to just roll with the punches. It was as I mentioned one thread on one message board. It's a closed knit community but it really didn't have to go further. Hell in the case of my town I never let on shit to the local bar manager - he only got wind because of the way Shane was beefing on the phone. As I did on a number of occasions I assuaged his concerns at having not been contacted or kept in the loop. What you all don't seem to realize is that there was a low level of comfort on behalf of even the manager here. On a number of occasions I put my neck out and said that 'all was well' and 'just do this for me'. You seem to want to draw the battle lines and go it alone which is really motivated out of bruised egos than anything. First of all you can't go it alone, you need the audience, you need the coverage, you need the good will of the community.

I don't know what else I can say this is just idiotic. It is very clear that this is just about bruised egos and personal tension. Of course this was a half assed apology which is a good reflection of how the lines of communication got botched, how people wrangled around one another, how mistrust crept in. Half assed.

I am sorry but not for whatever you think I should be sorry for. I could have been more tactful but that still would have required going behind Shane and Jay's back to either the agent, management or band in turn bringing them into the loop of people's broader concerns. As it stands it was a small fiery closed argument in one little corner of the internets. If we all acted a touch more maturely this really wouldn't have been an issue.

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The Slip will be a wonderful time

As long as it's more interesting musically than their new album. I'm being serious here. You want people to discuss things honestly so how about this: I think the album is weak. It sounds like a sellout constructed to propel the band into the mainstream. I'd catorgize it as a watered down impersonation of a cross between the Flaming Lips, Zero7, and Radiohead. And please note that "watered down" couldn't be emphasized enough. I've been through the album, end to end, about 12 times now. I played it for people all weekend long. Many times I was asked to put something else on before the question of, "what was that anyway," even arose. I was probably the most positive out of the dozen or so people that I subjected to it.

I don't blame the band if this was specifically constructed for mass-listenability. We all need to make a living. Perhaps after a hit album or two they will return to writing interesting original sounding material. Until then I will attend their shows when given a chance, and marvel at their fantastic musicianship; hope for older songs or more interesting versions of new songs, and wait for the next album.

I would find it truly amazing if no one here shares this opinion. Some of you were here on the weekend. :P

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Many times I was asked to put something else on

I would love to hear which bands were requested.

While I dont agree that it is "watered down" I also dont think that it is "amazing", although I have only heard it once. What I did really enjoy were some of the studio interpretations of songs I have heard many times via seeing them or listening to live shows, specifically Paper Birds and Suffocation Keep.

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Yeah I'd rather discuss the music too. It seems like an apt enough assessment, I've done similar listening parties with random people although I did hype them on the band before so it wasn't exactly a double bind. One woman, I thought this was interesting, looked really sort of distressed during If One Of Us Should Fall- she could hear and understand the lyrics and it seemed to me that like me she associated thev song with suicide victims or lost soldiers along the road. She was sort of grasping at her throat like a phantom choak. I thought that was a compelling unprompted response at least.

I don't really buy the selling out bit though. I would say a good criticism would be is this a timely expression of music now or last March?

In terms of their growth they are obviously really obsessive with their new material. They are constantly trying new interpretations of the same song at soundchecks and night after night. I would say songs like Children, If One, Paper Birds and Suffocation Keep are all great examples of songs that have been workshopped over a long period of time. By extension If One Of Us Should Fall is akin in that way to say The Band's (or Marvin Gaye rathers) Don't Do It- they were a part of the live repertoire for a long time and then appeared on album late in their career.

To me I see that constant fidgeting and obsessive revisiting. Definitely other random listeners have picked up on a Flaming Lips Soft Bulletin feel. That's an astute comment and also by extension Soft Machine (more likely the William S. Burroughs reference than the psych band reference but both work) seems like an ode to smack in a lot of ways. McLuhan believed that what Burroughs was on about in Kid Nova, Naked Lunch and Soft Machine was how junk was needed to protect man from the modern and emerging electronic environments - to in effect turn one's own body into an environment. I gave that douche DJ Spooky my essay collection with that essay in it- I'm sure he never read it.

Anyways 'the more you give the soft machine' that's pretty clear. And Soft Bulletin is like Steve Drozd's ode to the horse so there's that as well. The Soft Bulletin Machine.

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I'm so glad this thread was salvaged and I'm so glad to finally see those beautiful words before my eyes.

Thank you all for making my lunch break end so incredibly well!

I look forward to listening to the album and hope to not get swayed by \/\/illy calling it weak.

or wait...are the ideas strong and full but have a lot of extra volume to fill a consumer's ever-growing glass?

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