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the Ontario Today Phone-In on CBC starting in a few minutes (or maybe at 12:30 or 1, I dunno) is about beer today. There will be some beer pro there answering questions.

We are all just well-intentioned amateurs :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I picked up a couple of bottles on your recommendation although the label said "Beer" instead of "Blond". Pretty sure it's the same thing. Anyway, I loved the burnt bitter taste. I really like that in a beer. I will be back for more.

Also picked up a 6-pack of Southern Tier IPA from New York. Excellent, excellent stuff!


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  • 2 weeks later...

So I pulled out the very first beer mug I got from the company that got bought by another company, who then merged with yet another company, who then zorched my group into nothingness, giving me a year of unworked pay...but, yeah, back to the mug. It's plain glass, with some text and graphics commemorating the first quarter in which the company (that got bought by another company, who then etc.) made $100,000,000.00 (one hundred million dollars).

The company gave out beer mugs when anything important happened (yearly results, stock offerings, etc.), and I ended up collecting about 10 or 12 different ones. They take up about half of the lower shelf of the fridge, standing at attention on their heads, with some crumbs and things helping them to blend in, almost like camouflage.

There are a bunch of other mugs in there, even a british-style dimpled rounded pint mug, with the logo of Queen's University Golden Words; there's a glass-bottomed pewter beer stein with my initials etched in script on it (mimicing one my Dad had, with his initials on it, not to be confused with the glass-bottom pewter beer stein that had "Ken / A Really Nice Guy" etched into it, an early-retirement gift from his colleagues to him); the stamped-out pewter mug, commemorating my and my buddies' 2nd place finish in the Queen's University beer-brewing competition; and another stamped-metal one, this one heartfully tacky and touristy: a mug with the island of Bermuda's logo on it, that my parents brought back from their second trip there, their first trip there having been their honemoon (they brought a pair, my brother has the other one). There was also the nice straight-sided tall glass one, with my name etched in it, almost so faintly that even the condensation that'd accumulate on the side of the glass would obscure it.

But the hundred-million-dollar-quarter one seemed appropriate.

But I needed something to put into it.

I'd had the "Headstrong" Pale Ale a couple of times, and liked it, so when I saw the "Headstrong" Munich Lager, I decided it was the one. It's pretty good, a little heavier and richer than most people think of lagers, but not overly hoppy (almost like a Creemore). It's a great beer to have with food; I had it with some veggie-ground-round/tomatoes roll sandwiches tonight, and it blended really well with them.

And it tasted great from the mug.



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If you like ST IPA or the hoppy US style Pale Ale...

It's my favourite style. Thanks for the tip!

Drinking a Dogfish 60 right now... delish!

Also picked up a sixer of Rogue Dead Guy Ale, first time I've seen it outside the tall bottle format.

At LCBO Rideau & King Edward. Ask for the Dogfish if you don't see it. I took the last six but they usually have more in the back.

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