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QOTD: Etiquette when you bring people to a show


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Hey there. So I raved about Akron/Family to a few of my friends yesterday based on what I'd heard on this and another board, and a bunch of us went to what turned out to be a fairly mediocre show.

My question is: do any of you ever feel guilty when you sell someone on a show and it doesn't deliver?

I couldn't help but feel badly last night when my friends - all of whom had paid a $15.00 cover - just couldn't get into the show and retreated towards the back of the room. I ended up appologizing to them a couple of times, but then I was torn between feeling like I should hang out with them at the back versus staying towards the stage and trying to salvage the show for myself.


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Bin der dun dat. I think it's on them. I mean fuck I got people out to the Slip show one of whom, didn't pay mind you, gave it a 1/10 but the guy's obviously an idiot. I don't usually feel too bad, people are big boys and girls and besides the whole point of art and appreciating it is taking chances.

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I got people out to the Slip show one of whom, didn't pay mind you, gave it a 1/10 but the guy's obviously an idiot.

Wow, somebody doesn't have the same experience/enjoyment from a show as you, therefore they are "obviously an idiot"? Take a chance, but if you don't like it you're an idiot ... WTF?

Must be weird to be surrounded by a world of idiots (except those who like The Slip).


Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

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I sometimes have the dilemma of whether or not to bring people out to a show that are unfamiliar with the general "scene" or music. I only usually bother with those whom I am pretty confident that they will enjoy themselves, and that are the types which feel comfortable mingling on their own.

I love to dance at most shows, and after being around for many years also love to socialize with all you fine skanks who are usually mulling about. Sometimes I think this can be a bit overwhelming for someone who is unfamiliar with all that goes along with that (yet still potentially enjoyable, and everyone needs a good rattling once in a while)... But yeah, I hate that "guilty" feeling that suggests that I should be a better friend and introduce them to everyone and everything, and make sure that they are comfortable at all times, not dancing all night if they're not into it...yada, yada, yada.

Sometimes it's easier to keep those parallel universes parallel, yet distinct...

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i used to feel bad about it, but now i just ease up on the sell job up front.

for example i've raved and raved about bands in the past and people would come based on that, not agree and then be mildly pissed and i'd feel bad. for tomorrow night with the band that shall remain nameless, i simply told people that i enjoy them and they might too. lo and behold i'm taking 10 friends to the show, 9 newbies, and if they don't like it i haven't done anything to pull them one way or another.

mind you there are times where friends have done this to me (not played it up) and i've said no to shows that i find out later would blow my mind (arcade fire at zaphods in 2002 and arcade fire at blacksheep in 2003 are prime examples)

tough question, don't know if i came close to answering it. but it happens all the time, you're right.

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that sucks...yeah...i've felt guilty before...so we bailed and got super drunk instead.

i convinced 2 friends from oregon to drive all the way up to whistler for this 'festival' happening at the boot...new deal, garaj, de la soul, karl denson...50$ a head. we went, new deal and karl didn't show up, and there were about 50 people there...it was soooo lame. as i said, we focused on chugging beers. maybe try that next time


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giving em CDs beforehand to listen to can help gauge whether or not theyre going to like the music

Oh, I'm always pretty careful to make sure the person knows what they're getting into musically, and being able to send someone a MySpace link really helps in that regard. I think the thing was that last night was an off-night for the band. The girls (I was a damned stud last night) didn't have a bad time - they all thanked me for bringing them along - it's just that they ended up paying fifteen bucks to basically just sit and hang out.

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You cannot be blamed for having different taste than other people. You cannot be blamed if a band puts on a bad show compared to their usual show.

When you go out for entertainment, even if invited by someone else, there is no contract that says "you shall be entertained and have your mind blown by this show" such that someone can later blame another person for their failure to be entertained or have their mind blown.

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Little sensitive about the Slip there Kev or just taste tyrants like myself?

1/10 is an idiotic thing to say. I mean on sheer chops alone the Slip deserve a 5 even if they just imitated Coltrane or Built To Spill all night. Even in a less than charitable mood I wouldn't give What The Thunder Said less than a 6/10. The guy was an older head who'd seen them years ago ('when they were big') and was convinced that was 'the day'. He also compared them to the Cure, Echo and the Bunnymen and whatnot which seemed like the reference point for a greying head with little taste.

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I always feel terrible when I take people out to shows and they don't seem to have as much fun as me. Although this is usually impossible for people to do, I have begun to accept the fact that people are old enough to make their own decisions, and if someone didn't want to go to the show then they wouldn't have come.

Oh and Jaimoe, moe. is a FANTASTIC band

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Oh and Jaimoe' date=' moe. is a FANTASTIC band[/quote']

I've seen them three times and own two of their albums. They do nothing for me, and I've tried. Al ruins the band for me, along with their techno love affair.

not too sure what you mean by their techno love affair but your not the first person to tell me that Al has ruined the band for them...although he is underrated.

Listen to the songs Akimbo, Plane Crash, and Rebubula and tell me you still don't like em...and if you already know those songs and don't like em, well then they just aren't for you.

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not too sure what you mean by their techno love affair but your not the first person to tell me that Al has ruined the band for them...although he is underrated.

Every time I saw them live, there was always a section that had some serious looping and trancy shit, usually when Al switched to the keyboard/synth. Boring crap. Al shreds way too much. To put it a less subtle way: Al blows his wad far too prematurely to keep my attention for a 2 hour-plus concert.

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i'm one of those "come on come on come on you'll love it" people to my non show friends. most of them don't like it when they go...i don't feel guilty about them not liking it....but i do feel guilty for hating the fact that i feel like i have to then entertain them myself. i hate that babysitter feeling.

i've just learned to let my various worlds exist seperately and actually enjoy that seperation now.

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