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Name a useless fact about yourself

Guest Low Roller

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I got hit in the face with a running chainsaw when I was a kid. Cut the tip off my nose and a slice through my cheek right by the edge of my mouth. Funny the story came up in O-town this weekend and i've been thinking of it ever since. Don't remember it at all, just some pictures of me in bed with my face in bandages and some relatively(I mean really a fucking chainsaw!) small scars...

oh yeah, and in related Helix news, I see Bruce Arnold, Helix's original drummer all the time...he's still drumming, and rents gear from me. Also met Brian Doerner a couple times at work...and Helix just played in Kitchener(at a very small bar) recently. No R's where given by me.

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The waistband of a pair of size 18 months Calvin Klein toddler jeans is the exact same circumference as my left boob(ya its not small, and its very round!)The aesthetic effect is a little jarring ( kind of like the Sneer noses from the Racoons-what the hell were they anyway?)

but still, the synchronicity of it all is sublime.

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I have nightmares about losing my purse.

Funny, I have nightmares about getting on a stage, say, with the Dead, and my guitar isn't plugged in. I'm sure it has something to do with the number of times I've been on stage for real and my gear screws up.

(To beat any Freudians to the punch, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar :P ).

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