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"The Secret" holy crap... it works!

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You guys are sort of cracking me up. Clearly Dima has the gnat mentality of Tom Cruise and is as such the ultimate acolyte for the Scientology media empire. They basically figured out who had the most star power and the weakest mind and when John Travolta didn't pan out totally they made Cruise the new messiah.

I actually wandered into that Scientology store I think yesterday on Yonge cause of some of the recent talk here. It's not at all like I remembered it, it's like Beyond Beds and Baths. I love all this shit about The Clear. Do you have to hear The Secret in order to get The Clear? It's a 'two person auditing process' also called shooting the shit (in the foot). Are you fucking kidding me?

Admittedly I do often have like 75 cents to my entire name and give twenty to one beggar and 5 to another. Lately if I have less than a dollar to my name I try not to give at the office, mainly cause I should buy some food for myself. This stuff does happen of course, I pick up a lot of stuff that I 'find' or that 'finds' me. The thing is it's called the Vedantic cultures and it predates Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Thetans. It's basically dressing up karma as some sort of late twentieth century franchise concept and selling people manuals of intellectual property that are available free at mosques, temples, synagogues and churches around the world.

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There was some good I got out of 'The Secret". Mostly to stay focused on the things I like or love and place most of my attention to those particular things without stepping on others toes...intentionally. Basically, do what you love and stay focused on it, it's your natural talent. Other than that, the movie and book is just another self help program designed to help those who have no idea how to live their lives and be and do what they wish...But if individuals are finding something that really benefits them on a deeper level and makes them more conscious of life, go for it, there's too many ignorant people, having more aware individuals seems to be a good direction to be moving in...

and that article is well written, but the movie or the book doesn't state that things will suddenly materialize because of wishful thinking. They do say over and over how your thoughts manifest into reality...with time, focus and effort. I don't expect to get that job because of 'heady vibes' though.

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I'll say, after reading this when it was first posted, i asked around.

A friend of mine had a copy, I think its a good concept. and it probably works for some people. I dont think its at all cultish, or anything.

I think its good to watch, and its give you good ideas.

but... to be honest i've been using it to fall asleep. if i pop that baby in, i'm out in 20 min.

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i havent watched it, or read it, or really heard that much about it, but it seems like the same basic principals they speak about in What the Bleep do we Know minus the quantum mechanics.

sure your thoughts can change the outcome of reality, look at Masuru Emoto scientist in japan who found that if you focus your thoughts on water, just a bottle of distilled water, that the water molecules change. http://www.masaru-emoto.net/english/eprofile.html pretty crazy when you think you are what, 70%?, 80%? water? so when you think you feel like shit, you feel like shit, you can make yourself sick. you create your own reality every minute. i dont know about this "technique" in the secret, but if you liked it, you should most definitly check out what the bleep, there are 2 out now, furthur down the rabbit hole is the 2nd, and its amazing.

bradm, theres one bit in there you would like, so would those prize money fools, there was a study done in DC in 2000? late 90s? they say DC is the murder capital of the USA, so all these buddhist monks, other very spiritual people gathered in dc for one whole summer, meditation for long hours at a time, and beforehand they had told the chief of police they could drop the fbi-defined violent crime rate by 25%, johnny law said itll take a foot of snow to do that, but in the end the rate did drop, and the cop published the works.

i think boogieknight is onto something, i find that too, that when i focus on something for longer, the odds are greater of it being there waiting for me.

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I'm not trying to be a dink but I really was into that whole idea, as much as I don't like the whole Celestine/Sophie's World/Da Vinci's/Bleep dumbitdown movement, but looked into it further and scientist friends of mine were like 'you're fucking kidding right- rainbow happy thought water drops'.

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bradm, theres one bit in there you would like, so would those prize money fools, there was a study done in DC in 2000? late 90s? they say DC is the murder capital of the USA, so all these buddhist monks, other very spiritual people gathered in dc for one whole summer, meditation for long hours at a time, and beforehand they had told the chief of police they could drop the fbi-defined violent crime rate by 25%, johnny law said itll take a foot of snow to do that, but in the end the rate did drop, and the cop published the works.


And there's absolutely no other possible reason in the entire world why the crime rate might have dropped, so therefore it *must* have been the presence of meditating Buddhists.

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yeah it sounds fluffy i know. i have a hard time remembering all the fine details so i will cut+paste:

John Hagelin, Ph.D. (www.hagelin.org) is a world-renowned quantum physicist, educator, author, and public policy expert. Dr. Hagelin has conducted pioneering research at CERN (the European Center for Particle Physics) and SLAC (the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center) and is responsible for the development of a highly successful grand unified field theory based on the Superstring. In his book, Manual for a Perfect Government, Dr. Hagelin shows how, through educational programs that develop human consciousness, and through policies and programs that effectively harness the laws of nature, it is possible to solve acute social problems and enhance governmental effectiveness.

In recognition of his outstanding achievements, Dr. Hagelin was named winner of the prestigious Kilby Award, which recognizes scientists who have made "major contributions to society through their applied research in the fields of science and technology." The award recognized Dr. Hagelin as "a scientist in the tradition of Einstein, Jeans, Bohr and Eddington."

Dr. Hagelin holds an A.B. summa cum laude from Dartmouth College and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University. He is currently Professor of Physics and Director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Public Policy at Maharishi University of Management, and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace. He was also the Natural Law Party presidential candidate in 2000.

In the movie, Hagelin talks about a study that was held in Washington, D.C. in 1993. Please see this page for more information on this study.

also look here for the best info on it


...The dependent variable in the research was weekly violent crime, as measured by the Uniform Crime Report program of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; violent crimes include homicide, rape, aggravated assault, and robbery. This data was obtained from the District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department for 1993 as well as for the preceding five years (1988-1992). Additional data used for control purposes included weather variables (temperature, precipitation, humidity), daylight hours, changes in police and community anti-crime activities, prior crime trends in the District of Columbia, and concurrent crime trends in neighboring cities. Average weekly temperature was significantly correlated with homicides, rapes and assaults (HRA crimes), as has also been found in previous research; therefore temperature was used as a control variable in the main analysis of HRA crimes. Using time series analysis, violent crimes were analyzed separately in terms of HRA crimes (crimes against the person) and robbery (monetary crimes), as well as together.

Analysis of 1993 data, controlling for temperature, revealed that there was a highly significant decrease in HRA crimes associated with increases in the size of the group during the Demonstration Project. The maximum decrease was 23.3% when the size of the group was largest during the final week of the project. The statistical probability that this result could reflect chance variation in crime levels was less than 2 in 1 billion (p < .000000002). When a longer baseline is used (1988-1993 data), the maximum decrease was 24.6% during this period (p < .00003). When analyzed as a separate variable, robberies did not decrease significantly, but a joint analysis of both HRA crimes and robberies indicated that violent crimes as a whole decreased significantly to a maximum amount of 15.6% during the final week of the project (p = .0008). Analysis of 1993 data, controlling for temperature, revealed that there was a highly significant decrease in HRA crimes associated with increases in the size of the group during the Demonstration Project.


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Don't get me wrong - true Non-Violence- here I mean actual not proposed non-violence is the only way to End Conflict. That is part of the reason likely that Falun Gong is outlawed in China- there is something profoundly dangerous about a bunch of people doing Tai Chi together. Trust me. It's dangerous. There's no industry in it.

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One amazing thread. It's during times like this I often ask myself... what would LAZLO have to say. I am working towards being more positive but not for any material gain just for the end in itself. 'In every field some rain must fall'... You get wet catch a cold, find out your wife has left you, you get fired from your job, your dog gets run over, etc. Sometimes life just s@cks-try to bury (deal with it) it or it will bury (literally) you . The rest of the time don't sweat the small stuff and you live longer if you laugh.

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'In every field some rain must fall'

That's what keeps bugging me about this thing. If you pray that rain should fall in your field, or that rain shouldn't be falling on your parade, or whatever, somebody else - a farmer, e.g. - is going to be put out by it should that come to pass. There are too many variables. Just do good, for everybody and for yourself.

Begs the question of what "good" is, but that seems to be a question for another thread.

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true, but don't over think it. Act with impulse of knowing right from wrong in the given situation. If it feels right on all levels, go for it, if it feels wrong at all, don't...

but catch the ball either way, whether you think about it or not who gives a shit...just catch it and move on. It's your path, you're the leader.

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