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Don't give a ride to Cheesehead


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I like to maintain peace and order. SO here's whats going to happen. I'm leaving, and not going to come back. Because the people on here are not friendly. some are, some aren't. as demonstrated here, there are many bullies in the jamband scene. It's easy to type and threaten, and It;s all printed out and documented guys. Thanks for the early warning.

I wont let the door hit my ass on the way out, but to alexis i say, look, if youre pissed i apologise. But you didnt accept the money that i offered. I am going to continue to see shows because i love the music, and if you want to fight me, then i guess you really shouldnt be at the shows in the first place.

I insulted alexis because she insulted me. And was not just in doing so.

But enough is enough, and I'm gone.

Hope there are no more incidents like this on the board.


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man im totally not digging this hostility . . .i'm totally not used to seeing this from anyone on this board and honestly you should just drop it.though i know neither of them, from what I have read i completely agree with alexis about all of these problems that cheese caused being ridiculous, and he doesnt deserve favours from people, but this is just getting ridiculous . . .

a few things


Unlike you, who openly admitted no one on here really knows you. You seem to be the one in need of some invisible friends and support.

ive met a grand total of three members off of this board. is there a problem with that?i came one here in hopes of meeting people so that i could make some friends that i would see at shows and shit . . . not for invisdible friends and support


All of you sketchy kids belong on Phish tour and should stay there. Too Bad for Mike Gordon is ruinning that for you, soon you will have no place left to go.

say what?????????


As for yourself and your little high school buddies . . .

i'm finishing highschool this year? is this a bad thing? is there an age limit on this scene?

(no offense jstsmkd1, I quoted you twice im just making a few points)

i love the jamband scene because of the feeling of love and peace that i alway get from other fans, but right now im just fucking confused. but truly, i dont know what happenned in this situation so I cant realy say anything. this is just my $0.02

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Well well well. Where do i start?

First off, i know jstsmkd1, have met secondtube and believe me mr. cheese, they are both cool people (in person) I grew up with jstsmkd1 and he has to be one of the nicest people you could meet and threats do not come lightly from him because i think it would take a lot to get him that far. Sure he is a friend of Jay and Alexis' and so can you blame him for sticking up for them just as you stick up for your friend Tal? If you had ever met me (which i truly hope never happens) you would know that i am no small sip of water myself and can throw them with the best of them (crow i could kick your ass [Wink] ) but in this case i choose not to toss about idle threats and name calling. I make fun of myself for being overweight all the time because i don't care. I've been this size all of my life and am still one of the more acrobatic people i can think of. That being said lets think of why this whole situation began shall we. About 2 months ago the Cheese man came on here and asked for a ride to Bonnaroo. It was a normal thing that happens all the time and in my experience (about 2 years on the board) i find that most of the time people get rides. BUT, most of the rides consist of inter-provincial travel from one city to the next. SO, no one jumped at the chance to give you a ride because, IMO, people plan well for a big trip like that and most if not all cars were full of people and supplies. And then there is Shainhouse. He was nice enough to give you a ride after you had resorted to about 4 or 5 sulky posts about how you were selling your ticket because no one would give you a ride. Granted it probably wasn't your intention, but dude you made it seem like it was the fault of the Skankies that you weren't going. IT WAS YOUR FAULT. You then proceeded to call me an asshole when i inquired about your complete lack of planning for that event. FF to the IT fest. Again you are groveling for a ride to a festival that is on the other side of the continent! Get a clue! I don't know, or want to know the circumstances behind that lack of transportation because i'm sure you will have an excuse, irresponsible people always do. BUT, Jay and Alexis, who i met in Chatham for the nero show and are wicked nice peeps, found it in their hearts to give you a 50 hour round trip ride to IT. This is quite the gesture knowing that you already had a reputation on the message board. Which brings us to the present situation. I admit that it may be out of line for people to physically threaten your well being here but its human nature bro. People defend their loved ones and albeit inappropriatly, sometimes its physical. I have met many many many super nice people here and have nothing but good things to say about them. I have recently moved to a new city and who was there to welcome me with open arms but a whole bunch of Skanks, some of which i had never met in person and now i call them good friends and hang out with them all throughout the week. That is the philosophy behind this board IMO, bridging gaps in the jam community and getting good people together for socialization in and outside of the music scene.

In regards to your education, and i'm kind of going against what i have previously typed, but who gives a fuck!?!?! I have a B.A. and an Engineering Diploma but it doesn't make me any better than anyone i have ever met. Some of the wisest people i have met have had their lessons taught to them by the world and life experience. These are lessons that can't be learned in a classroom at 10,000$ a year. Your immaturity in this situation speaks volumes for your character.

One bad apple spoils the bunch my friend and your abscence will be cherished so i put it to the people, lets send this chump on his way and heed the words of the wise Homer Simpson, "Let us never speak of this again."

So long and as you say, safe journey, because i would not want to see harm come to you nor do i want to see you period,

~Jeff English

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If I were Cheesehead, I would seriously shut the fuck up. I was on that ride, and Josh and his buddy Tal totally lied about what the situation was. We were promised $120 from Tal and another "secret" $100 from Josh for the ticket. Josh claimed he would "get it off Tal later". Secondly, Alexis drives a lot. I don't have my license. We wanted to sell the ticket to someone who could share the driving. Finding out you failed you driving test 4 or 5 times, and that you really didn't drive a lot was another example of your lies. Even when you two found a glass piece and sold it cash, you didn't have the decency to ante up what was owed. You said you didn't have the mony, then pulled out an envelope full of cash at the end of the trip. You're a fucking liar. Simple. And we WORK for our money. We don't take handouts from Daddy. That's the issue here. It's all about money. Not that we are hard up, but when you agree to pay face, pay it. Simple. See now you really fucked up, because not only can you never show your face anywhere in the can-jam scene, you insulted my girlfriend, myself and several of my friends by calling us fat. What an "educated" response to what was obviously meant as a warning about you, not an attack on you. Look in the mirror Josh, you're obviously carrying extra weight, why sink to such a low common denominator. I hope you and your elitist UCC friends find humor in it. Just think what they call you when you're not around. Just disappear. Go away. You are not wanted. We know a lot of people on here, but I would never come down on someone who didn't. This scene IS supposed to be peaceful and kind, but it's the shady, sneaking, lying people who ruin it. People such as yourself. People like your buddy Tal. People who think that they are owed something. A lot of people owe you something after your recent posts, but it sure as hell won't be a ride, an extra or anything kind. Good luck buddy, you'll need it.

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Originally posted by cheesehead:

you call yourselves fans of the grateful dead and phish. And your answer to problems is violence. That is sad. I guess your whole peace and love facade are finally exposed for the true american bullies you are all acting like.

First off, lets get one thing straight. The Boys were not about peace and love. They were about doing there own thing, which didn't involve fighting sure. But I'll be Pig got into a couple. I mean, you don't get an honourary patch from Sonny for nothing do you?

Second off, leave dancin bear out of this, he doesn't know you any better then anyone else as far as I can tell, and he's a good dude.

Third, (in my best Nelson voice) HAHA

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University undergrads are virtually useless pieces of paper that they give out to anybody who puts out the cash and manages to show up for long enough. Certainly nothing to brag about, and nothing to feel bad about not getting. Just means you managed to put off your career for a few extra years.

Anybody that mouths off about their education other than to get a gig or pick up a chick is usually an idiot, or fresh out of college.

-velvet, B.A. Music, B. of Music, B.A. Religion

Ps Please stop fighting, you're ruining Christmas!

Ps I mention my degrees 'cuz I'm trying to pick up chicks.

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I don't know the Cheesehead was starting to win me over for a while there. I would imagine there is in all actuality more than two sides to this story. The idea of throwing a bunch of shiftless hippies who don't know one another into a cross continent excursion, that involves an international border, major drug use, drinking, jamming out with the jam kings etc. - recipe for disaster. Who doesn't know a story of some scenario along these lines where one person or another feels jipped or was jipped? Our scene is built on this kind of shit. And what is this shit about the Grateful Dead and Phish being all about peace and love. What's so lovey dovey about getting 'spun' on liquid forceably and beat down as a form of drug debt retribution. Or if you want to take the Cheese as an example poisining your crew with painkillers and booze at your hotel. I also hear that Hep C is all the rage on Cheese tour, but then again that's not the only tour where people like to jab their woeful arm and pass it around.

People need to own up to the fact that our scene doesn't really have all that many 'values' to cherish. It's pretty much good times, fraternity and uhm good times. That's to say it's glorified alcoholism/drug addiction to an admittedly raging soundtrack. I have always found lots one of the most engaging but at the same time sketchiest places on the planet. So many people have obviously just fried their brain, you know the real acid TV head looking dudes, been passed over, kicked down and forgotten. Anyways maybe this is off topic but so much of it is. I just get the sense there was alot of shiftless hippy shite going on in this particular car ride. I think I love this part of the scene more than anything else. I guess because it's kind of scandalous but also you see people when they're not contriving some slick image. Some people may despise me but I'm pretty much the same person in here as out there. I pride myself on trying to be an authentic person. In chaos people tend to show their true colours. When the shit does go down it's usually people snivelling and whining about how someone hasn't paid for their fair share of drugs or kicks or whatever. The whole thing is actually incredibly lame if you look at it unsympathetically and head on.


This scene IS supposed to be peaceful and kind, but it's the shady, sneaking, lying people who ruin it.

This should read this scene is shady and sneaky and is supposed to be peaceful and kind which is a pretty way to dress it up major league sketch. It's middle class and upper middle class white kids with too much time, money and drugs on their hands. Period. OK maybe some transcendent life changing epochal stuff happens but usually not when you're sober.

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The only reason i mentioned dancing bear's name is because he is a great guy, and someone who might give credibility to my name. That's it.

This is the most ridiculous thread i have ever read. Del-Head, if you wanna speak about lies, look in the fucking mirror. Who the hell gives someone a ride, and then instead of dealing with the issues with the person, posts a message on a public message board where hundreds of people can read it?

And my dad hands me money buddy? Because I went to UCC of course. Oh i get it. Because im well educated, i must be spoiled. And because I go to shows, I must NOT work, correct? Oh your logic isn't flawed at all here Jay. We gave you ALL the money you asked for, and you turned it down. That's not my fucking fault. And don't tell me to shut up, come down here and tell me. Come to my front door. Just like that guy in Montreal you wanted to beat up. Or all those frogs as you called them in Montreal. And how the whole city is idiots. I have never met two people that have more anger and hostility than you and alexis. Tal and I caused no problems, and didn't bitch about anything. Your constant bickering caused the mood of the car to go downhill. Let's remember again. Your girlfriend kicked me out of the driver's seat, refused to take my money, and never said a word till she hid behind her computer and got all of these other idiots to back her up.

In the future, dont be a hiding baby and say things on the computer. Say it to my face and deal with the problems on your own you fucking pussy.

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And my extra weight is now gone.

Hockey season started. Sweet.

But yes, when we met, I was heavier, agreed.

Can't skate with a spare tire though. So you gotta work hard to get it off.

This is officially my last post here.

Peace. And I mean that.

And note to dancingbear, I didn't mean to get you involved man, I just hope you don't believe what these people are saying. I really respect you and think you and (wont mention her name) are the nicest people i've ever met.

Take care all. And believe what you want. The facts are skewed and visions are clouded. But ultimately, it really doesn't matter does it?


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No I think I like this kid. Obviously his taste in music is deplorable and lazy but otherwise. He's got the overeducated thing, the baiting hippy thing, the calling spade a spade thing, the taunting people for their feebleness thing.... I'm gushy.

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Putting in my 2 cents... if u go to UCC that does not mean ur educated. I know enough dumbasses to graduate from that school. Even if you have graduated from Harvard doesnt make u educated. Some of the most educated people I have ever met, never held a degree. As for the scene, like anything it has its good and bad moments, this is one of the bad. However, name calling is definately not called for, and making comments about someones weight is something we did in primary school. If you have picked up a bad reputation it is time to take a good look at urself, I agree that u shouldnt care what others say about you, but if it is consistent and across the board then there is a problem. If your unhappy with your treatment here, then please leave and I hope you find what ur looking for.

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How am I a liar because I come on here and say what's up? You're the fucking liar, promising face for a ticket, then paying $160. We told you $220, what's the problem? I stayed out of this until you insulted my girlfriend. After that, I made a point to back her up. Fuck you Josh, you're 1 year of post secondary really intimidates me. I have 3 years under my belt, I just realized that for me, leaving was a better option. I did what I wanted to do, not what Daddy told me to. My friend's girlfriend graduated with a B. Sci. and she's working at Chapters right now for minimum wage. Your so called education doesn't intimidate me. Talk to me in 4 or 5 years when you've grown up. Until then, keep your balls in your purse, and your lips tight on Daddy's teet (or wallet, in this case).

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Originally posted by cheesehead:

starting fights. You guys really embody the spirit of the jamband scene.

Hm. I'm not sure how hitting back makes things better in this case.

Resorting to personal insults doesn't advance your position a whit. If there are technical inaccuracies in the claims against you, then address them. Insults are merely gratuitous and make *you* look bad.

If I'm reading this correctly, the disagreement is over money and the sharing of responsibility during the trip, including the responsibility to make an effort get along with your tripmates. Keep it to that. Nobody's size or appearance is relevant to this issue. The matter of upbringing and occupation is only relevant to establishing hypocrisy, nothing more. The point was made; repeating it is simply harping.

You've stated your positions. We've read them. If there is nothing else relevant to add--and personal insults are not relevant--I suggest that those involved settle for glaring at each other at this point.

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