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your favorite Pedal Steel tunes?


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Red House Painters "Song for a Blue Guitar" is quite possibly the most beautiful and haunting pedal steel playing i've ever heard....gives me goosebumps just thinking about it....

Gah, beat me to it! Guess I have to go with Lay Lady Lay by Bob Dylan (the late Pete Drake playing the steel)

Oh, and One By One by Wilco with Billy Bragg and Why Not Your Baby by Velvet Crush (cover of a Gene Clark song)

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:D !

I'm less surprised by the fact that we thought of the same tune at the same time than that I was able to hit "Add Post" before him :) .

I was delayed by looking up the exact spelling of the guy who played the solo. Dr_Evil_Mouse's post was entered first, but mine had more information. That's my story, and I'm stickin' to it. ;)



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You could make an entire mix of Neil Young tunes featuring Ben Keith on the steel and you'd be covering most of my favourite steel lines - Albuquerque, See the Sky About to Rain, etc. The Ryan Adams record Jacksonville City Nights is riddled with heart-wrenching steel and the song Hard Way to Fall boasts one of my absolute favourite steel lines ever recorded, even though it's so simple. It's the line under the lyric, "That she doesn't have to worry, and it'll be alright." Take it from a real-life steel player - it's a heavy tune.

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