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One Week Until New iPods?


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the vast majority of people in the world use mp3s, wav, aac, wma. not sure what the 'dark ages' thing is about.

you can drag and drop within itunes, but i guess if you use FLAC that's a non-starter.

so, no, i don't know any answers =)

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By drag and drop he means more functionality built into things like Windows explorer I think. At the moment you have to use your iPod as a hard drive to do this and that doesn't keep the same cataloging and sorting functions.

I find iTunes cumbersome as well but once you get used to it it's a useful program. One thing they REALLY OUGHT TO FIX is the ability to transfer from your Ipod to another ITunes on another computer. There does not appear to be an easy way to do this and iTunes only lets you do so with purchased songs.

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The beatles will likely be announced on iTunes as well and it's going to make big news.

Although, I don't see what the big deal is. I have all of the albums, bought most of the CD's, and I have their entire collection in hi-quality mp3's including many outtakes. Doesn't everybody?

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check the reported file sizes of all of the files on your ipod, or rather in iTunes. Something fucked up in sharon's library too, reported every file as 1.14 gigabytes (or something like that) so she couldn't add them to iPod Nano. I selected all of the files in iTunes and clicked on "Get Info" from the right-click context menu, and they were fixed.

That was the only issue I've seen with iTunes and I find it to be a fantastic music library program. The smart playlists feature is great if you use it right.

Some things seem horrible until you get the hang of them. It's not your standard 'windows' type program so it could be a pain for many windows users.

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I just had the same problem....reset my ipod about four or five times to factory settings....then downloaded the new version of itunes and it magically worked again! My ipod has been on it's last legs for about 6 months now, I dunno how it's still alive...but she still plays sweet, sweet music.

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i've had my 3rd gen ipod and itunes running perfectly in windows on two different computers with no problems since summer of 2003. it's gotta be one of the simplest programs and concepts ever. i can't understand how people have problems with it!

today at work i had a problem with a piece of software, or so i assumed. it was actually my hardware. perhaps that is the problem, if it's something other than preference?

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the vast majority of people in the world use mp3s, wav, aac, wma. not sure what the 'dark ages' thing is about.

you can drag and drop within itunes, but i guess if you use FLAC that's a non-starter.

so, no, i don't know any answers =)

Soon it will all be academic when memory becomes cheap enough that everything can be wav and all lossly format can be done with.

It is almost there.

I use flac as it is a zipped wav file.

I hate apples "lossless format" totally useless with anything but Itunes and Ipods.

I too hope a better player appears...

Right now I think when I have the dough I'll buy this... C owon

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By drag and drop he means more functionality built into things like Windows explorer I think. At the moment you have to use your iPod as a hard drive to do this and that doesn't keep the same cataloging and sorting functions.

I find iTunes cumbersome as well but once you get used to it it's a useful program. One thing they REALLY OUGHT TO FIX is the ability to transfer from your Ipod to another ITunes on another computer. There does not appear to be an easy way to do this and iTunes only lets you do so with purchased songs.

That is exactly what I am talking about. I think (if you choose) you should be able to (like every other player) to simply open your ipod by clicking on it when your computer recognizes it a masss storage device and then "drag & drop" and create your own folders like any other form of data.

Itunes is OK at times, but most times a time consuming pain in the ass.

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Although, I don't see what the big deal is. I have all of the albums, bought most of the CD's, and I have their entire collection in hi-quality mp3's including many outtakes. Doesn't everybody?

I know I do, I friggin love the beatles.

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The lack of "drag & drop" is a copy control method. Why Apple feel they need to be the ones to champion copy control I have no idea (well, actually I do but...). In any event, I wouldn't expect that to go away any time soon.

I'm not a huge fan of iTunes either. However, it gets used about one every 3 months when I feel the need to shuffle the 60GB of music on my iPod with the 120GB of MP3s that I have around. Other than that, I think the "flipping through CDs" is cool but I end up using Windows Media Player to play MP3s on my PC. It does what I need it to do and causes no grief.

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