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What I love/hate about my job (FFTA)...


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Let's bitch and brag about our jobs. I'll start.

What I love about my job: That I've already sat courtside twice this year to see the Raptors. That's $4K worth of bonus and they've only played 2 home games! :)

What I hate about my job: Tomorrow, I have to purchase Celine Dion tickets for a promo we're running. I'm not sure I'll be able to live with myself afterwards.

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I love teaching people how to weld. It's very satisfying to see people improve their skills and especially rewarding when my students find a great welding job after they have completed their training.

In the past week I had one graduate come in to see me and fill me in on how well he is doing since he left the program. He also brought me a bottle of scotch!!

I had another student invite me over this past Sunday for an incredible Chinese dinner. He got me drunk on wine and beer and served up a 7 course dinner that was out of this world!

I like being the boss.

I like being able to go on the skankuary while my students are welding away...

I don't like the stress that is often associated with being the head of a department :(

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Love: the fact that my job was created by me for me. Everything is my own system, and the knowledge i have no one else is interested in learning making me virtually unfirable (never say never though)

Hate: our promote from within policy has ensured that people stuck in the 80's and have absolutely no computer skills or people management skills are in charge of everything around here. ie-the production manager of this factory (in charge of about 200 peoples lives) had a broken right click button on his mouse the other day (i was trying to teach him cut and paste) and he didn't even know what it was for.

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I love: being proud of my job, working with amazing people and seeing a difference we make.

I hate: being so busy sometimes I forget to eat, the time, to sleep

-law students

-seeing what a mess the world really is in (most people know....but dealing with it all, it's overwhelming, big and small issues alike).

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Job 1

talking about cars and trucks all day.

Going for test drives in Roushs.

Having a demo with a stupid-big stereo in it.

Working in the town that I'm from.

Job 2

Talking to new people all the time.

Getting to know the town that I now live in.


Job 1

When it's slow I make no money as I'm on commission

When it's slow I'm bored.

Job 2


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