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On vacation, bored, broke and carless. Suggestions?


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So I booked this week off 6 months ago thinking it was a good idea to dedicate one last week to this fleeting summer. But now that its here I find myself bored as hell and its only day 1.

I got no plans and no money until Friday. Anyone have any suggestions on what I should do to entertain myself??????????????????

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- design and perfect an intricate dance routine to surprise your friends with

- whip up a gourmet dish, for your ladyfriend

- loiter outside strip clubs and see what happens

- dress like a werewolf and scare your neighbour, come nightfall

- write a short story, and share it with a friend

Hope that helped buddy!

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Trev? He's a regular Les Stroud. Guy, he just got his Gronell Lessinia Day Hiking Boots restrung. I once saw him deliver a stride so filled with confidence that it shattered the earth's crust.

Movies and the beach sound pretty awesome though. If you're still bored on Thursday I'll dust off my bike and we'll go on a date.

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I suggest buying a loaf of bread and hitchhiking to PEI. Bum enough money to buy a large gravy from KFC for dipping if the bread gets too dry. If you can make it here by the time I get off work tomorrow, I'll get you drunk for 3 days(on Old Sam and general PEI joie de vivre) and buy your flight back to Ottawa.

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I suggest buying a loaf of bread and hitchhiking to PEI. Bum enough money to buy a large gravy from KFC for dipping if the bread gets too dry.

I'll chip in enough for a serving of that neon-green goop KFC calls "cole slaw" if it'll help make this happen.



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I suggest buying a loaf of bread and hitchhiking to PEI. Bum enough money to buy a large gravy from KFC for dipping if the bread gets too dry.

I'll chip in enough for a serving of that neon-green goop KFC calls "cole slaw" if it'll help make this happen.

Aloha' date='


Or just make your own.


* 8 cups finely diced cabbage (about 1 head)

* 1/4 cup diced carrots (finely)

* 2 tablespoons minced onions

* Dressing:

* 1/3 cup granulated sugar

* 1/2 teaspoon salt

* 1/8 teaspoon pepper

* 1/4 cup milk

* 1/2 cup mayonnaise

* 1/4 cup buttermilk

* 1 1/2 tablespoons white vinegar

* 2 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice


1. Cabbage and carrots must be finely diced.

2. Pour cabbage and carrot mixture into large bowl and stir in minced onions.

3. Prepare the dressing, mix until smooth and creamy.

4. Pour over Slaw and mix thoroughly.

5. Cover bowl and refrigerate several hours or overnight before serving.

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