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Favorite Holiday Food Traditions


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I'm wondering what food and drinks are in your holiday ritual.


- After Eight Mints

- Terry's chocolate orange (there was one in my stocking every year as a kid).

- I make a crab and cream cheese mixture, put it in little pastry cups and top it with caviar. Without fail, I eat these until I could puke, every year.

- Good ol' turkey dinner.

- Captain Morgan's spiced rum with egg nog or mulled apple cider.

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  • Henkell Trokken and orange juice during the opening of the presents
  • my Mom's Christmas cookies (IIRC, they're just balls of ground-up Graham cracker crumbs and evaporated milk [chocolate chips are optional], not baked, just refrigerated; you can also roll them in icing sugar or coconut)
  • my Mom's Christmas cake (torn-up chunks of angel food cake, folded into a mixture of melted chocolate chips and whipped cream, then refrigerated over night)



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A related question: how do people serve/handle the food at Christmas dinner itself? For a bunch of years when I was younger, we had loads of relatives (my Mom's parents, my Dad's parents, etc.) come to our place for dinner, and my Mom, bless her practical heart, would simply lay out the platters on the kitchen table (we'd eat Christmas dinner in the dining room), and do everything buffet style. The first helping was held up until everyone, plates in hand, was gathered standing in the kitchen for grace to be said, and after that, you were pretty much on your own. No passing of food around the table (except for the wine), help yourself to more when you were done, and so on.



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- I make a crab and cream cheese mixture, put it in little pastry cups and top it with caviar. Without fail, I eat these until I could puke, every year.

Can you share the recipe?

My holiday gorge usually starts with a bacon and egg breakfast before heading off to my mom's for the all day buffet of cheese, crackers, la vache qui rit, frozen hor d'oeuvres from the oven, chips, nuts, little oranges, chocolate, cold cuts, bread.

Then comes the traditional turkey dinner with stuffing, roasted potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, broccoli, green beans, brussel sprouts, carrots and gravy. And Christmas crackers.

For desert I'll probably pick up a PC cheese cake of some sort.

Lubricate with beer, rum 'n' eggnog, wine and sparkling wine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

deepfried turkey has been in the mix for about 5 years now. the best part is the crispy skin, take a little piece of turkey with the skin and giver a shot of franks or whatever hot sauce you like. it tastes just like a turkey hotwing it is amazing.

i love stuffing too, but without the weird stuff. stuffing has to have bacon in it, it should be a pre-requisite

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