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This website should change it's name


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You know what really grinds my gears? This website. You people suck at entertaining me on a Friday afternoon and its been like that for quite some time. What happened to you? Where are the modern-day Paisley’s of this world or the MarcO’s? When did zero become so lame? Conan vs Leno? Holy shit people, isnt there anything else going on in this world that you can talk about without sounding like the little old ladies you have all become? I mean, first Paul McCartney started looking like Angela Lansbury and now this? Its about time this website changed its name to www.vanilla.ca because that’s all you fuckers are good for now. The only other talk was about Phish and anyone who knows anything knows they dialled it in in 2009. Nice tone Trey, you redheaded fuck-face. Thanks for nothing. Everyone’s become a pussy. And that’s what really grinds my gears.

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It is funny to study the post counts. 190 for me pointing out my free locally written and recorded music-the grandaddy of the jam band scene in Ottawa (I say that because I am technically a step grandfather-ha ha take that! Of course I did start the first local jam band back in the eighties but whatever)

300 posts for the massive human tragedy in Haiti while there is a screaming 1000 yes a freaking thousand posts over Conan and Leno!!!!!

I don't know what all of this means but it is funny.

Maybe we should call it theaftershow.com

Or tmzfortheslightlydisenfranchised.com

Or entertainmenttonightforthegangwhoistryingnottoadmitthey'rereallyjustyuppies.com

....or something.....

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