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CityTV outtakes


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Here's the email I just sent them...

To whom it may concern,

Re: Citytv Toronto issues the following statement in response to off-air footage that has recently and illegally been circulated on the Internet:

Unacceptable!! Gord Martineau is only sorry because he was caught. There is no question in my mind that Gord's off air personality strongly reflects what we saw in those tapes. His on air personality is a total sham and act and he should not be representing City TV. City TV should not be defending this asshole, and in fact he should be immediatly terminated if City TV wants to save face, do not stand behind him. His comments and actions are completely inappropriate and unprofessional, whether the video was intended to be aired or not isn't the issue. Anne (I think) who he belittles in one segment because she doesn't understand the term "pepsi" is clearly uncomfortable working with such an ass. And I would wager that she isn't the only staff member who feels that way.

Get rid of Gord!!

A loyal viewer, up until now...

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The thing is, after seeing Martineau's real personality, I see that guy as a complete sham. His on air personality is a total farce, and every second of air time that guy gets, CityTV looses credibility, in my opinion. The liveable city? More like the laughable city. I mean we all know the sports guy is an ass, but at least he doesn't hide it.

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Originally posted by MK:

Inspired by Cyberhippie, here's a message I sent Gord:

Go Gord go!! You should take your schtick to late-night and blow Bullard out of the water. Don't let the cluelessness of the humourless ruin your day!

Sorry you think I'm clueless and humourless... whatever...

So what's Gord's email address?

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Originally posted by CyberHippie:

The thing is, after seeing Martineau's real personality, I see that guy as a complete sham. His on air personality is a total farce, and every second of air time that guy gets, CityTV looses credibility, in my opinion. The liveable city? More like the laughable city. I mean we all know the sports guy is an ass, but at least he doesn't hide it.

seems a little harsh to condemn someone's "true" self over a clip they made many years ago when apparently showing up for work still drunk from the night before

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Sorry you think I'm clueless and humourless... whatever...

Cyber, I don't think you're clueless and humourless - your email is though. You're not the only one coming down on Gord for this. I do however think you are a tad shortsighted to think that he wakes up in anchor mode. I was really glad to see a personality slide through the teleprompter. Like it or not, when people are being funny, they act funny...Gord's intentions are purely comic. So what if he said homo (Dougy Gilmore said it too) and mocked Roch Voisine - tell me you haven't heard the same from a co-worker (especially 5 years ago). Too bad that his integrity is getting trashed because of his sense of humour. I thought I'd send a message to cancel yours out. The last thing I'd want is for the world to become more politically correct.


So what's Gord's email address?

On the city website, click on 'personalities,' go to Gord and on the right it says, 'Do you have any questions, comments and concerns for Gord Martineau? Let us know' - I don't have his email.

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I don't think people have a problem with Gordo cutting loose and having fun. It's the content of his remarks. It's not the end of the world, I'm not being PC, and I don't care if he's fired but... one of the things a newscaster likes to cultivate is credibility. Seeing him mock the stories his station is presenting kinda kills his and their's.

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I'm with MK I think you're taking this a little too seriously. Admittedly I look at him a bit differently when he does the news but I also like that he doesn't wake up in teleprompter mode. If I had to read a story about the first pancreas transplant I'd feel a bit Monty Pythonish too. Ween was invented to sodomize political correctness.

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Originally posted by CyberHippie:

The thing is, after seeing Martineau's real personality, I see that guy as a complete sham. His on air personality is a total farce, and every second of air time that guy gets, CityTV looses credibility, in my opinion. The liveable city? More like the laughable city. I mean we all know the sports guy is an ass, but at least he doesn't hide it.

I don't condone Martineau's comments, but honestly Cyber, you don't know Gord's real personality. How could you, unless you hang out with him at work and are one of his friends. I know he's a constant joker and is very sarcastic. That's not an excuse for his behaviour, but it doesn't surprise me at all.

One thing I like about Martineau is that he likes to hang out and drink with the Citytv tech crew at the Friar $ Firken across the street from Much. He certainly doesn't think he's too good for them. Believe me, most on-air personalities would never be seen in a local bar near where they work with their co-workers and " regular " customers.

I'd like to add that the station that broke the so-called story was unprofessional. A professional station, especially a competetor, should have contacted Martineau's boss ( David Hurlbut ) about his comments first. I know for a fact that all television stations have dirt on each other but professionalism " usually " prevails and the " dirt " rarely filters out to the public.

Just as an aside, I'm sure that you never hear offensive and insensitive comments in NFL/NFL/NHL/MLB/NBA dressing rooms.

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Ok... So yes maybe I am taking this a little too seriously. No I don't really know Gord. And no I'm not stuck on political correctness.

It wasn't so much his un-politicly correct remarks that really bothered me. It just added to it. I felt that he came off like an extremely beligerent asshole, especially when he was talking down to Anne and calling her a "fucking blint". I don't think he was being comical, I just think he was being an ass.

Either way it doesn't really effect my life a whole lot either way. I was just pretty shocked that someone's off air personality could be so radicly differnt from the one they portray on the air.

I'll stop harping about it now... On to tomorrow's issue... [smile]

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On-air personalities are similar to actors or musicians. Their professional lives versus their personalities are usually very different.

Look how many idiot assholes are movie stars.

Look how many rock stars are fucking jerks.

It's no different in the television world. Believe me: I know television and Citytv quite well.

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