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Everything posted by TheSloth

  1. If I had remotely suspected this would become the NFL 2010 thread I would have been a lot more combative and offensive, aaaaaaaah well.
  2. No they're not (unless for some bizarre reason Revis doesn't come back into the fold). Overconfident (and that might bite them in the ass), yes, overrated (by the vast majority), no. I fucking hate the Jets but I think they'll take the division, fingers crossed they don't. Sophmore jinx on Sanchez? Hopefully.
  3. Agreed, he was the co-driving force along with Steve Marriott in the Small Faces as well but none the less I'd probably go to the Faces show if it happened near by.
  4. That's pretty cool, no Rod Stewart? Aaaaaah well. I've always wanted The Small Faces to return and play....... but The Faces is still pretty great.
  5. I got a lot of enjoyment from the Vikings last year and thought they were a pretty fun team to watch, Im actually hoping he comes back. Like Ollie said it's more the media circus that stinks. Lebron James'd.
  6. Thank god the Sens locked down Bucky Leclaire before this deluge of low priced goaltenders hit the market. Phew!
  7. For a legal copy of a word processor download OpenOffice (it's close enough to Word). http://www.openoffice.org Otherwise download a torrent from the PirateBay.
  8. Awesome, thanks for the heads up.
  9. Good seeing you on Thursday Brad and thanks as always for the recording and quick upload. Note you've got a listing mistake for d1t13, it's The Stallion Pt.3.
  10. Sigh. Luke I really have no idea what you're going on about nor do I really care, I get you've got tons of mental and emotional problems and I guess I hope you get your problems sorted out but they're your problems, not mine, so leave me out of it. Here's a simple solution to any perceived problem you may have with me, leave me alone. Simple enough for you. One last piece of advice for you before I ignore you from this point forward, if you're going to talk epic bullshit about posting a setlist on your "site" and how awesome you are at least get the setlist correct you douchebag. They didn't play "Pork Roll Egg and Cheese" for the encore. The song "She Fucks Me" has a line in it referring to a pork roll egg and cheese but they sure as hell didn't play "Pork Roll Egg and Cheese". For someone that knows everything about music you seem to be a little lacking on a pretty big Ween song. After that give "Stallion Pt 3" a listen because you called it "Don't Squealch the Weasel.", after that give "Transdermal Celebration" a spin, it's missing entirely from your list.
  11. ...as an aside to this fascinating discussion. :offline: I think Captain Bringdown would be an awesome character to develop. Mind if I work on some sketches Phorbesie?
  12. Sorry to hear that Kev.
  13. I can't be bothered to re-post that pic again. Raps seem snake bitten.
  14. You're just excited Tottenham is playing in the Champions League this year and want to get this thread rolling early.
  15. Exactly, there was no patdown or shakedown going in, they'd casually go through your bag and that's about it. Unless you were actually breaking a law the security was on patrol but friendly and fair (as well as all the volunteers every where you went). And if you were breaking a law and were unlucky enough to get caught but were friendly and decent about it, they let you go with a warning.
  16. Best Show: Flaming Lips tied with Weezer (yeah that's right, Weezer and I'm willing to argue about it via PM) narrowly edging out Arcade Fire who narrowly edged out Further Biggest Bed Shitting: Missing Derek Trucks (still beating myself up over it but at least my ticket went to Freak by Night's brother) narrowly edging out chicken poutine Dinghy Biggest disappointment: Stars, I thought they straight up sucked and I'm a big fan. Worst Stars show I've ever seen. Biggest surprise: Roger Hodgson (and just how many Supertramp songs I know like the back of my hand) Best Food: I guess that single french fry I took from Asparagus just before Weezer as all I did was drink the entire time Best non-musical moment: NW on the big screen at Hold Steady, priceless, that was a whole lotta love NW
  17. Ooooooooooooooooooooh. That makes much more sense. Sorry, hungover, got bluesfest on my mind and it's Friday.
  18. Hold Steady is on Saturday. Are you offering a ticket for tonight or for tomorrow?
  19. Le Cunt (but I'll always love him) signs with New York
  20. TheSloth

    Puppy love

    I demand a fight to the death with Otis for cute black and white dog supremacy. Two dogs enter, one dog leaves. (cute pup, Congrats, please don't tell Mel you got a second dog when you see her next, I've been dodging that bullet)
  21. (not that there's anything wrong with that)
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