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Freak By Night

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Everything posted by Freak By Night

  1. I don't know if that purple font was really necessary! Funny though. I'd rather see mumbly Bob tonight.
  2. It'll be easy to find fellow skanks at the bluesfest tonight... just look for the people not sititng in lawnchairs.
  3. I'd like to meet the person who invented clamato juice. Was it Mr. Mott? I can just imagine his inventive process: "Hmmmmm.... this tomato juice is tasty, but it seems to be missing a little something.... Hmmmm... what could it be? I know, the juice of clams!"
  4. Excellent! Congratulations and all the best.
  5. The was a guy on this board who did just that, but with cows and other farm animals. He's a vet. His nickname was "brownarmer".
  6. I thought "assistant crack whore" was the worst job ever.
  7. I can't believe she left it this late. You can't even rent a picture of a truck at the end of July.
  8. I think we'd all be better served if some of these people worked on their own music instead of criticizing the "classics". I don't know who Tjinder Singh of Cornershop is, but I'm willing to bet David Gilmour has more talent in his pinky finger than Tjinder has in his whole body.
  9. May your day be filled with lotsa cake and melba toast. Have a good one!
  10. Here are a few of my photos from the evening. I've been to a lot of weddings over the years, this one was the best hands down! Popo Weenie and headymamamyrna Dr. Evil Mouse and Calamity Jane The Sisters Euclid The Happy Couple!
  11. If the team owner shouldn't be meddling, then whose job is it to fire/hire GMs? Should Mlakar have done the deed without consulting the owner? Should Melnyk not have taken part in the press conference? Let's discuss with faces covered in BBQ sauce at the rib-fest later this week.
  12. The NASCAR fans I know (both of them) drink while driving and sell cocaine.
  13. You're comparing Melnyk to Harold Ballard? That's quite a stretch.
  14. Those pictures are cool. this is my favourite picture of Alex Lifeson.
  15. Balsillie viewed as a clown by some NHL owners.
  16. looks good... I don't think they've played "Entre Nous" and "Mission" in several tours. Rush would have to play an 8-hour concert to perform all the songs I wanna hear!
  17. My advice to Yashin: "Go back to Russia!"
  18. Lately I've been enjoying these Piller's Cheddar Turkey Sausages. They're tasty!
  19. Jesus H. Christ. Mark Gandler is living in a fantasy world.
  20. So jealous. To all that are going to 'roo, have fun. Wish I could join you but I'm too old and have a mortgate to pay. Besides, there are going plenty of festivites around here this weekend with the wedding of Bouche and Ms. Hux. We're going to meet popo weenie!
  21. I think we're more excited about meeting popo than we are about the actual wedding! A night of stars, indeed.
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