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Everything posted by edger

  1. Easy there Tiger! I think you're going to have your hands full as it is!
  2. I am looking to get rid of a pair of tickets for december 4th. I was recently able to score some GA floor seats, so I am looking to offload two tickets. Section 116 row 26. They were $75 each (plus service charge). I'm hopin to get rid of them for face (i.e. $150 for the pair)... Any takers?
  3. Yup! Great night for sure. Thanks to all the k-town folks and other wanderers that made me feel welcome. It was well worth making the dicey drive on my own. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect last night, but the band definitely delivered some so-called "Americana" goodness. Great harmonies, great energy, Prof. Louie had some sick moments on that hammond, and I was diggin' the accordian as well. Lots of great originals (I assumed...), and many great Band covers as well. Picked up a disc and I am lookin' forward to givin' it a listen. Opening diesel murphy crew was great too! Ricky you need to bust out that cowbell more often! Good stuff!
  4. Happy birthday! See you tonight!
  5. Yeah, I see what you mean too. It's difficult to maintain some semblance of stability within any decision-making process when you've got wingnuts throwing the planet off of its axis!! It's definitely the idealist (or the remaining of shreds of idealism) within me that's playing the devil's advocate here. What came to my mind when I was reading this, was an example from Norfolk County and the Long Point Biosphere Area. That area has experienced a lot of unrest in recent years due to the collapse of the tobacco industry and tensions over the direction that local government should promote community development. There's been ongoing rifts within the community between farmers, hunters/anglers, and the naturalist community (and there is sizeable representation from all of those groups). Anyways, in a nutshell through efforts to promote collaborative partnerships and through hosting a bunch of community-based info sessions, sustainability conferences, brainstorming exercises, etc. there has been some huge headway with respect to identifying common ground/objectives and enhancing collective capacity to do good things. Turns out some of these opposing personalities have some things in common. Take preserving habitat as one example... The farmers like it because it results in healthier streams and soil, hence better yields, the hunters like it because they have more to shoot at, and the naturalists like it for inherent reasons. Through relationship/trust building, etc. there has been increased acceptance that while their motivations and politics may be VERY different, they can still work together for some common end goals. I don't know too many people that don't want to enhance their individual/community well-being. The trick is finding ways to align the two... Obviously easier said than done. The wind turbine issue may be more complex. I really don't know anything about this particular case, or how far along the community consultation process has played out. Nothing wrong with having the big players there to support the cause when things get ugly...but a little restraint can go a long way (sometimes) for avoiding/minimizing the ugliness. I am just thinking of Joe Blow Taxpayer, who is genuinely interested in the well-being of his community, wants to preserve his own self-interest as much as possible, simply wants some additional information, and should be able to receive it within a respectful environment. Wingnuts on all ends of the spectrum indeed. Ahh...yes...idealism. Phishtaper...you and I should possibly chat some time too. I'm into the whole "knowledge translation/exchange" shtuff too... Interesting indeedy.
  6. All the best to you meggo! Happy trails!
  7. While I'm totally in support of any wind turbine initiative, I think the complaint below is likely a valid one. Sometimes a good ol' fashion dialogue can do much for persuasion and consensus. If that doesn't work, then by all means turn the heat up. Coming in with fists flyin' too early though can needlessly escalate things in a pretty unproductive direction.
  8. Ouch, that's totally stressful. Hopefully this doesn't create too much of a problem for you!
  9. Hey folks, Lots of things to mark down on the calender at this time of year, but I'm sure this night will be worth adding to the mix. I'm personally looking forward to a "full" night of Fat Cats as I haven't had the chance to take that in since 4-20!! Hope to see some of you pokin' around. Cheers.
  10. I've got Todd's folks lined up to babysit already! I can't wait! Hopefully no one mows over top of you guys this time round eh? Looking forward to seeing you when you come around for some rehearsin' too. It's been a while!
  11. Willy Nelson is definitely one of my favourites. Watching him has brought this suck to tears on more than one occasion... Estaban is a close second though.
  12. Although I can't be of much help to you (sorry)... I hope this event goes off well for you!! (vibes...) fwiw.
  13. Yeah I had given my sister the heads up about this show. She was there and said she had a good time. I myself have come down with a bad cold again, so i wasn't able to make it out. Hopefully you'll come back to the hammer again.
  14. While I can't give you a confirmation (and i'm not on facebook anyways), I am getting together with some ladies for dinner on saturday, and if they're into it I will do my best to talk them into checking out the show (as i'd like to)
  15. Had a GREAT night last night. Man, halloween is a lot of fun. Great energy. My first time seeing/hearing Garaj Mahal. During first set I was BLOWN away. Holy moly those boys have some mad skills. All of them are uber talented, but their drummer was just SICK. I couldn't believe the beats he was rollin' out. Second set was good too, but my only real complaint is that they're so talented/proficient that things got a little too "notey" for my liking at times. A little more space to breath here and there could have gone a long way. But all in all a great show, and you Ottawa folk are in for a treat. Thanks to everyone for showing me such a good time. It was soo good to get out. Oh, and Tigger thanks for the discs! Good memory my friend. Looking forward to giving them a listen. cheers.
  16. Fatties are to go on by ten on friday, and off stage by eleven. So arrive early if you can folks! That should leave us with plenty of time to get a good groove on to Garaj Mahal!! Really been looking forward to checking them out!
  17. Got my costume ready! I think...hope it's not too corny.
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